Ani's DB Analysis Blogs: The battle-hungry gladiator of planet Hellstorm, Pyron.

 Just a few things before we start...

First of all, I would simply like to say that I'm so happy to finally dive into one of my all time favorite franchises, Darkstalkers, this has definitely come out a bit bigger than I anticipated and I'm happy about that. Before we dive in however, there are a few things I would like to adress.

For starters it is important to say that, surprisingly, Darkstalkers has a lot of media to go through, the games and guides are the primary sources and as such the main ones we will be looking at, however, for the sake of completion I've taken the liberty to go through other material. However this doesn't mean I literally went through everything. Here's a list of things I did check out, and how I will be referring to them throughout the course of this blog:

Main sources: Videogames and official guides/books.

Secondary sources: UDON Comics (Specifically both the main DS comic and The Night Warriors, but not SFvsDS as it interferes a lot with the main source), and the anime OVA and Manga (tho the latter doesn't add a whole lot tbh). 
This means that I will be skipping the cartoon, much to my sadness, and other things like crossovers and what not because even though the sources I'm using do differ from the main canon, these latter ones simply stray too far from it to be used effectively. With nothing else to really add, let's dive in!


Our story starts in a place billions upon billions of light years away from our little pale blue dot, in a harsh and violent planet only known as Hellstorm. The inhabitants of this planet were powerful and proud warriors that lived by the "Strong consume the weak" style of life, and as such were a culture dedicated solely on combat. Amongst them was Pyron, one of the strongest, as he kept fighting and winning, defeating and humiliating his opponents something...happened, his body, evolved, Pyron became something more than a warrior as somehow his countless battles and immense power transformed him from a simple gladiator to the demi-god he was always meant to be.

 A being of pure energy now, Pyron destroyed his home planet, absorbing its energy in the process and with that kick started his quest of finding planets worth adding to his collection and seeking warriors across the cosmos to quench his lust for combat. This would eventually lead him to earth (either he lets it survive to come back later or simply just... arrives it depends on the source). There he would eventually do battle with the Earth's strongest line of defense, the demonic entities known as "Darkstalkers" in a battle to decide the fate of our planet. Spoilers he fucking dies but we don't speak of that.





Huitzil | Wiki Darkstalkerspedia | Fandom

The Huitzils are a line of semi-sentient automatons created by Pyron when he arrives on earth, they serve the purpose of updating him with information about the current status of the planet, eliminating lesser life forms, and overall being very chunky lads. Now, amma be real here for a moment, Huitzils guarantee a whole blog to themselves, as they do have quite a bit of stuff to them, so for now I'll simply do a quick list of things they can do:

And to top it all off, there is a giant mech version of Huitzil, exclusive to the OVA, it's as big as an Aztec pyramid and possess pretty much the same abilities as normal Huitizls, but amped up to be even stronger, it can create explosions as big as this one.

However, despite their tremendous power they are not invincible and can be easily destroyed, and in some versions (as in the Anime) they have even rebelled against Pyron himself, regardless they serve as a great first line of attack.       



Seen in the OVA, these suns are created by Pyron as fragments of his own power, and they serve several purposes. For starters, they work as conduits of Pyron's strength, and inside of them reside a fraction of Pyron himself that can act and fight on its own. They can generate enough light to be confused as the sun, and can create earthquakes that span entire cities just by existing, and also shoot gigantic fire beams just for good measure. And finally, if Pyron needs it, he can fuse with these suns to attain his normal form.


Hellstormian physiology.

Officially, Pyron is said to be a "Shapeless spiritual identity" which is a pretty good way to describe him. As a demi-god made of pure energy. He has access to several abilities that can aid him in and out of combat, these include.

Flight: Naturally, Pyron has the ability to fly extremely long distances in even more extremely short periods of time, covering huge amounts of space pretty quickly. Either in his humanoid or energy based forms.

Invisibility: Kind of? what this means is that his normal body cannot be seen by the normal human eye.

Size/Body Manipulation: probably one of Pyron's most used abilities, due to his nature he can virtually change his body in any way he desires, his only limit really is his imagination. For example, he is usually the size of around a galaxy, but thanks to this ability he can make himself as large as a planet to either destroy it or stand on it, become a small humanoid, a huge ball of flame with a face or simply a column of fire.
Shape-Shifting: As mentioned above, his status as a formless-esk entity is only bound by his creativity, and because of this Pyron can manipulate his body in various ways extending his limbs, phasing through attacks (effectively becoming intangible), absorbing inorganic material into his body mass, shooting out sharp tendril-like appendages from his arm, running around like a fire-beyblade, becoming a giant tentacle you name it sister.


Energy Manipulation


During his long path of destruction Pyron has honed his abilities, being able to to manipulate energy in various ways. Usually in the form of small pillars of flame, short range energy blasts, explosions etc, but when he really wants to crank it up a notch he has several unique techniques he has developed which include:

Shields: Pyron can easily create shields to protect himself or encapsulate opponents.

Energy Absorption: He has been shown capable of absorbing energy-based attacks.

Sol Smasher: A huge fireball that Pyron shoots from its hands.

Zodiac Fire: Pyron channels the inner Sonic the Hedgehog and becomes a flaming wheel of death.

Orbital Blaze: Pyron SPEENS in the air with his legs hitting the opponent.

Planet Burning: Pyron engulfs the opponent inside of a shield and slams them into the ground.

Cosmo Disruption: Pyron extends his hand and sets a series of small spheres shaped like the Big Dipper constellation, these later explode shortly after in a huge chain reaction. (here is the anime version cus is sick).


Pyron has some other abilities that don't seem to fit anywhere else, these are just a few.

Cosmic Awareness: he does seem to have some limited form of cosmic awareness, like scanning the vastness of space for planets to consume or detect latent potential in planets he considers worthy. In a similar way he can also sense the fighting spirits of other people.

Teleportation/Galaxy Trip: Pyron can easily teleport around either him or others across the battlefield, allowing for more movement options.

Heat: As you can tell, Pyron is pretty hot (in the literal and physical way) in fact he is so hot that him just being near planet Earth was enough to cause a Greenhouse-like effect in it.

Telepathy: Pyron seems to have some limited form of telepathy, being able to communicate mentaly with the Huitzil across the vastness of space.

Gravitational Pull: Due to his sheer size and strength, Pyron has shown the ability to pull other celestial bodies out of their orbit and add them to its own, effectively making these planets and stars orbit around him. It's stated that his orbital path is about 400,000 lightyears in diameter, meaning that its effectively 3 or 4 times larger than our Milky Way galaxy.




Displacing a large amount of the ocean just by arriving on Earth. (Game)

Shrinking planet Earth and several other planets and making them orbit his fingers. (Game)

Claiming that he can crush stars. (Game)

This is supported by the Anime OVA, as the mention that every start that Pyron has crossed over has "lost its light" implying they were destroyed (Anime).

His gravitational pull is powerful enough to draw planets and suns out of their orbit to join his. (his orbit is said to be 400,000 light years in scope (for reference that's 4 times that of the Milky Way). [Guide]

Destroying planet Hellstorm (comic).

Making a large kaboom as he arrives on Earth (comic).

One shots Morrigan and Demitri with a single Sol Smasher (comic).

Kicks Demitri into his castle, bringing it down (anime.)

Engulfs all of the planet's surface with his energy and heats it up (anime).


Traveled arround all ofthe universe consuming planets and moons along the way (games).

Flying from earth into deep space in the span of one panel (comic).

Making a bunch of his energy spheres circle the earth several times in a few seconds (anime).

One of his avatars outrunning missiles from the Huitzil (anime).

Travels as a beam from orbit to ground level in a few seconds (anime).

Stated to casually travlen between planets at the speed of light (guide).


Survives being frozen by Sasquach (Anime).

Can take hits from Demitri (Anime).

No-Selling Demitri's attack (Comic).

Surviving an attack from Anita (Comic). 


Pyron is a strange case in Darkstalkers, because he is actually the one character that does most of the heavy lifting when it comes to feats, most of the time it's the rest of the cast that end up scaling to him than vice-versa. That doesn't mean the rest are pushovers tho, and so here are some of the feats Pyron scales too from characters that are around his level and or below him: (not all of them ofc cus that would take me a long time).

Demitri covers the whole earth in a layer of clouds so thick no light can pass through, here we see the planet in its entirety. (anime)

Donovan Freezing all of Demitri's castle and Anita flinging the frozen castle and surrounding area into space in the span of one panel (comic).

And thats it... Thats all I can think of Pyron could scale too, no fucking joke...There are other feats with Jedah creating the Majigen which is large enough to house constelations but aside form that thats pretty much it lmao.



Jokes aside, while Pyron is ridiculously powerful he does have one mayor weakness... you see the fact that he is 100% made of energy means that a person that is strong enough to absorb him will simply... absorb him (just like Demitri did and Morrigan in one of her endings). Not only that, despite being a pretty decent telepath he can be overtaken by stronger ones, like Jedah Dohma. This also means his own energy can be turned against him or simply overcomed by sheer raw power, like how Anita did in the comics and Donovan in the OVA. And finally, He just suffers from a severe superiority issue, constantly underestimating his opponents and actively handicaping himself as a form of entretainment. And also, he's canonicaly dead, like his franchise *cough*.

 Before we go...

Before this blog ends I would like to extend my thanks to a few people, because even if they don't realize it they have directly/indirectly helped these blogs to happen. I would like to thank TheBlackShulk, a great friend of mine, who serves as help with feats and guidance and allowing me to use his blogs as help (btw check them out) I would like to thank Kingsly as well for his help with some of the feats and just giving insight. Meddiadus, Asterisk, Munch, Joshki, etc and so many others for helping me with their support. And finally, you, the reader, for taking your time to read and see these, they would not be possible without your support and I cannot thank you that enough.

From other sources I used this Reddit respect thread as support and also to double check my findings, so credit were credit is due.




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