Ani's VS: V1 (Ultrakill) vs Neon White (Neon White) Feat. MaxxieDaDonDiva & GrimCammy

(By Animator3003)

(By GrimCammy)

(By MaxxieDaDonDiva)

Pew Pew
-Spooky from Jellystone Circa 2021

Just a few things before we start…

Hey there! Hope everyone is having a grand time, this time I bring to thee a special blog, another one I wanted to do for a while, and this time I thankfully wasn’t alone, I have brought some people who are way smarter than me at these series and that have decided to grace me with their talents to make this blog a reality, however I will extend my gratitude later, right now its time to cook.

As of the time of this blog being posted, Ultrakill is now in the “Complete Arsenal” update, which means that V1’s weapons have been possibly fully realized and as such will be included, as well as Layer 7. Neon White is p’much a finished game so it's easy enough to research and Ultrakill is mostly finished so it's easy as well.

Please, for the love of everything that is beautiful, if this blog seems interesting to you in any capacity I would greatly advice giving either of these games a proper shot, they are incredible works of fiction that play amazing and have very incredible stories and gameplay and I simply cannot give them enough recommendations, go play them. Neon White is in several consoles and Ultrakill is on Steam, both at very affordable prices.

ALSO! Before the really begin just word of advice, if you really do wanna play these games this blog does contain spoilers for both! So watch at your own risk. Without further ado, have fun and join us as we see who would win a fight between V1 or Neon White.

Background (V1)

(Ultrakill OST - “The Fire Is Gone”)

War, the greatest of ills and realities of human nature, the concept of violence, of death, conflict without motive, war without victors and worlds without life or purpose. Such was humanity at some point; stuck in endless war, a fight that didn’t seem to have an end in sight, so long had it gone that people didn’t even seem to remember why it had even begun…technologies racing to outdo each other, resources running low, countless lives lost. This was the conflict called “The Final War”

As humanity advanced in the midst of conflict, slugging through the war to end all wars, enemies had to resort to develop and adapt or die, machines where made, blood replaced common fuels, and men were turned into grotesque mockeries of their former selves, and as machines became more advanced so did their destruction, the culmination? Automatons so large they carried cities on their backs, machinations so vile that they could only be called Earthmovers… They raised the very earth to ashes, so cruel and horrid their warpath that they single handedly forced humanity to rethink their mistakes and finally make peace.

And as the Final Peace came forth, humanity and the earth slowly began to heal, but due to events (that we sadly don’t know much about) Humanity went extinct after they made a little expedition to this place called… Hell, machines having overtaken humanity, and filled with a desire to survive with blood they ventured into hell and its rings by themselves, among them our protagonist, V1, a lone automaton with the desire to venture into the vowels of pandemonium, for what? Why? I'm not sure even they know, but what we do know are 3 things…

Humanity is Dead…

Blood is Fuel…

And Hell… is full.


Background (Neon)

(Neon White OST - “Virtual Paradise”)

Heaven. A paradise for all angels and believers who’ve met unfortunate ends. Being the end all be all destination for all, there’s just two questions to ask. What if someone was such a badass in their life, that you’ve missed out on your chance of getting past the pearly gates? And what if demons started infesting Heaven like bugs. Well, you get the 10 Days of Judgement, a competition held where assassins in hell are brought up to heaven to slaughter as many demons as they can in the hopes of staying in Heaven for a year. And among all the Neons fighting for their spot, there’s only one rookie as tenacious and capable enough to fire his way up the rankings and save Heaven. They call him White. Neon White

In life, White had belonged to a group of color-coded assassins; tutored, and even raised by their leader, Green.. But, they FAR were more than just bloodthirsty killers. They were as close as family, despite their proclivities for violence. Sure, the gang had to deal with their dodgy boss’s brutality, but when you’re hanging with your best bro, a babe, and a bunny, life’s good! …Until it isn’t. For one final hoorah against Green’s old backstabbing bud, they raided his mansion, where one by one, each of them fell, with White only being able to regret convincing everyone to come along before dying, just as the rest of his family had in that mission.

In the afterlife, White ended up losing most of his memories. Every single bit of it, except for his dogshit taste in media, and expertise in killing, of course. For 10 days straight, White fought his way throughout Heaven, mercilessly slaughtering whatever demonic monstrosity wandered its way with various soul cards. However, he just couldn’t shake off his past in those 10 days of demon murder. Because among the Neons in Heaven, were all of his old friends! We got em all, we got Red, Violet, Yellow, and who could forget, his boss, Green! However, no matter who stands by him, whether it be ol friends, or even ex-lovers. Only one can stay in heaven.

Equipment (V1)

(Ultrakill OST - “Castle Vein”)


A variety of tools of death and destruction that the Son of Man has picked in his crusade through the various layers of hell, of which there are a great many variety all things considered, due to boomer shooter powers, V1 van seemingly carry all their weapons and change between them at any given time and not only that, each weapon has within then special variations that change the properties and alt-fires of said base weapons which V1 can access at any given point as well

With a great amalgamation of tools at their disposal, it is no wonder hell fears them, the following are all the weapons and variations currently available to V1:


High-precision even if relatively weak firearms, they are specialized tools that make use of a special electrical technology that has gained them the name “electric gun” technology that allowed them to replace regular bullets with microscopic scraps or flakes of metal. Think of it like a miniature Railgun (Rina Moment) that can deliver the same wallop as a regular gun but with a much higher capacity of ammunition, although in gameplay the gun might seem like it possesses infinite ammo, we know thanks to descriptions that it actually doesn’t, the thing is that it can carry so much of it that it would take several weeks of non-stop firing to make it run out. And even if it did it can easily be recharged with scraps or leftover flakes of metal. The Revolver possess 3 variations which are the following:


As regular as regular gets, a simple but effective firearm with high accuracy and a decent punch, its alternate fire is a powerful beam of electricity that pierces enemies and does high damage, however it consumes a lot of energy, forcing V1 to wait for it to recharge before firing again.


By itself, puny, its shoots? Useless, weak but its alt-fire ohohoh, ARE Y’ALL READY TO WITNESS THE POWERS OF THE COIN??? Coins can bounce any “hitscan” shots (That is, Revolvers and Railcanons) into the nearest enemy within the coin’s “line of sight”, and if the enemy has a weak point, the projectile is aimed directly for it. If multiple coins are in the air at once, the shot will bounce off each one before deciding on a target. This is also important as each coin bounce increases the damage of the shot, meaning a projectile bounced multiple times deals significantly more damage than if it was just launched on its own.

And if that wasn’t crazy enough, with the right timing, V1 can pull of a “Splitshot”. When the coins glow, which is briefly after they are thrown and then indefinitely after enough airtime, and they are hit with a Revolver, the shot will split into two separate shots. Each shot has the original damage and the coin bonus, so there’s no power fall off either. With the right set up, V1 can get this to happen with all 4 thrown coins, creating 5 individual shots. With all of this power and tech, there are some drawbacks. Notably, the coins have a cooldown timer, and only 4 can be stored at once. If all of them are thrown, it takes a while for them to come back.


A firearm with moderate power and good grip, its beauty however revolves (heh) around its ability to be charged to fire special projectiles that can bounce off walls to cause massive damage in special occasions and if used properly, it can even bounce back certain projectiles. As a fun fact, while spinning the gun actually provides a smidge of upwards lift. While it’s seen in game, if you stack a bunch of Dual Wield power-ups in Sandbox mode and spin ‘er up, you will take off into the sky.


Specialized firearms. Instead of using the standard “electric gun” technology, these ones use a specialized heat engine to fire projectiles of pure raw heat, however this also means that they need to be allowed to cool between each shot. Their volatile and strict nature made them go out of style, however those that put the time to learn them will be greatly rewarded, unlike other weapons, the shotgun, due to not requiring a separate projectile, does truly have infinite ammunition. One particularly hype part of all shotguns is that if V1 is fast enough, they can parry their own shots just as they are ejected, being propelled so hard that when they strike the opponent they just explode.

Core Eject

A 4 barreled super boomstick that is perfect for close quarters combat, it's simple design and nature allow it to be a powerful close-range tool and perfect against large targets, its alt fire is a chargeable projectile that goes boom upon contact with an enemy or surface, strong enough to blow up large piles of rubble.

Pump Charge

A specialized weapon only for the bold and daring, a technical piece of machinery that has a peculiarity compared to its previous version, it can store charges up to a total of 4. For each charge the shot gets less accurate but infinitely more powerful. However there is a catch, when it gets to 4 charges it overloads, and shooting it results in a massive explosion that damages V1 as well, V1 is strong enough to survive a couple of these blasts, but misuse of the weapon will result in self-exploding syndrome.


This shotgun variation takes it to the next level: strapping a motherfucking chainsaw to the underside of the barrel. With this attachment, V1 can rev up to tear through nearby enemies, shredding weaker foes and deal significant damage to tougher ones. If that wasn’t enough, while revving the saw blade, V1 can shoot it forwards, tearing through foes at a distance. The blade remains connected to the main gun via a tether, and will retract back to V1 quickly. From there, V1 can punch it with Feedbacker to send it out again quickly, or use the Knuckleblaster to disconnect it entirely. While disconnected, it can be pulled into Nailgun magnets, orbiting them like Sawblades (see below). Once fired off, it needs time to recharge before the saw can be used again.


Primitive technologies adapted to better be used as weapon tools, using special mechanisms it creates its own ammunition, however it can only fire it in short bursts before needing to create more nails to fire, because of its relatively “old” design it is also prone to overheating, however, it is the perfect rapid-fire tool to take down weak hordes of enemies quickly or to deliver effective DPS to more static enemies.


The classic variant of the Nailgun, the Attractor’s main feature (alongside the barrage of little metal spikes) are the Magnet Spikes it can launch. These can be embedded in any surface, be it metal, dirt, concrete or the body of an enemy. Once placed, they pull any nearby nails towards them, causing the nails to repeatedly damage anything caught in the cloud of daggers. Multiple magnets can be placed at once, allowing V1 to create multiple damaging patches, or alternatively, put two close enough together that the nails orbit both magnets, making an entire area dangerous.


This variant takes the overheating properties of the Nailgun and switches it from a bug to a feature. While it can shoot as normal, it can be immediately Overheated at the press of a button, causing it to temporarily fire much faster, while also making the nails fired deal more damage and set things on fire. These nails can also get caught in Magnets.


The Jumpstart brings the power of Nikola Tesla to V1’s arsenal, as not only can this fire nails as normal, it can also attach a cable to enemies and pump electricity into them, causing an electrical blast that can wipe out hordes of smaller enemies with ease. Additionally, this blast does more damage the more Nails are stuck in a target, and can be carried further by chaining between magnets, or when submerged in water.


An ancient form of technology used to charge up machinery during war-time, adapted and modified to become an extremely efficient weapon of Ultra….Killing. Due to its immense power and killing capabilities, the railcanon is one of the most powerful weapons at V1’s disposal, capable of piercing even the strongest of demonic hides and taking down the most powerful demons, however due to this immense power it requires a prolonged time to recharge another shot, so V1 has to make everyone of these count.


A powerful blast of electricity projected as a beam of energy, capable of piercing and hitting enemies multiple times and is just, so fucking satisfying to land. The beam is extremely powerful and can one shot basic enemies with just one shot, amazingly enough it can even be bounced from the Marksman’s coins if shot with enough precision and speed. If shot at water, it will electrify it, killing weaker enemies and dealing massive damage to tougher ones.


A specialized projectile in the form of a drill that is shot with so much power that it gets itself stuck in the skin of its unfortunate target, drilling into their flesh and spewing lots and lots of that tasty scarlet ale. Amazingly, the drill that is shot can be parried into another enemy, resetting its spinning time and doing damage, perfect for large targets!


Essentially just a portable mini-megaton bomb, a powerful blast that unleashes a very wide explosion that covers an area and demolishes anything in its path. Perfect for crowd control!

Rocket Launcher

Manufactured machines that shoot small rockets that make powerful blasts, although powerful however, the rockets need to be landed perfectly on the enemy for them to explode and have any effect, as any rockets that strike a wall or floor will simply push enemies aside or send them flying into the air, however as weird as this may seem it can be used to shoot enemies in the air that makes the resulting explosion larger for some reason? (Ultrakill moment) Amazingly. This means that V1 can use their own rockets as a form of advanced moment, being able to rocket jump through the arena and even riding their own rockets! Something advanced robots do in the world of Ultrakill apparently so it's 100% canon holy shit.


This variant has a most curious ability. When activated, all of V1’s rockets freeze in place, paused in time itself. This can lead into traps, set ups for multiple explosions and general wackiness, aided by the fact that they can be hit with the Revolver to make them explode immediately while suspended. But, most prominently, this allows for easy mounting, making rocket riding a breeze.

S.R.S Cannon

This variant comes loaded with massive metal balls. These cannonballs are not only larger than the barrel of the launcher (don’t worry about it), they can be charged to fire at multiple velocities, and deal massive damage on hit. Once they bounce off their target, V1 can use Whiplash to pull it back, and punch it ith Feedbacker to send it flying once more, using a railcanon the cannonball can even be detonated; dealing even further damage. And, as seen above, if they hit a surface, they send anything nearby flying.


Instead of metal balls, this variant packs a highly potent stream of Gasoline. With this, V1 can render any enemy highly flammable, even those normally immune to fire, and ignite them with any explosive, causing them to burn for much longer. Additionally, the gasoline is highly slippery, meaning V1 can skate along it at high speeds.


Specialized mechanical arms that V1 has attained through various encounters with his robotic counterpart V2, each of these arms have special abilities and intricacies that allows them to do special actions depending on how they’re used, V1 can even change between them quickly in the middle of combat to better adapt to the situation that present itself.


V1’s basic regular ol’ arm, perfect for giving people a little bit of the punching and draining them of that yummi yummi blood. However its unique property resides in its name, there is a reason why it is called “Feedbacker” and that's because it feeds enemy projectiles back to their owners, by precisely timing a punch V1 can “parry” specific projectiles and send them flying back to their owner with an explosion.


A more advanced and more powerful arm from the machine V2, a stronger albeit slower arm that allows for a much more deadly and strong blow that is later followed by a shell-propelled air blast that is powerful enough to send enemies flying and even destroy the armored shields of larger enemies! However, this comes at the cost of not being able to parry projectiles back (unless well timed with the after-blast)


At the current time V1’s last usable arm, a mechanized self-made contraption made by V2 and later taken by V1 for themselves, a technical wonder honestly, it is essentially a grappling hook that has an obscenely absurd range and immense utility in and out of the battlefield, on its own the hook is strong enough to pull weaker enemies or useful objects towards V1 so they can be up close, larger enemies will instead force V1 to get closer, however it is more of a “you’re stuck in here with me” situation, as the whiplash is a wonderful tool that allows V1 to use their own enemies against themselves, it is very fun.

Alternate Weapons

At the moment through special means, V1 can unlock a couple of special weapons that change the properties of the weapon they are equipped in, adding another layer of synergies and strategies to be applied depending on the weapon they are equipped in, on their own they mostly tend to change the base fire rather than the alternate one, and currently there are 3.

Alternate Revolver (Slab Revolver)

Essentially a super revolver handgun, though it can only shoot one bullet at a time before it needs to recharge making it slower, it does infinitely more damage than the regular handguns, as in…. A LOT more damage, this thing is silly sometimes.

An Example of the Alternate Revolver with the Piercer:
An Example of the Alternate Revolver with the Sharpshooter:
An Example of the Alternate Revolver with the Marksman:

Alternate Nailgun (Sawblade Launcher)

Found after solving the puzzle of the room with cat and HAMPTER and entering the resting place of king sisyphus, the sawlauncher is a special alternate to the regular nailgun, its a bit slower and has less shots before having to refuel but my god it shoots fucking SAWS its RAW, these babies can bounce around the room, be directed with the nailguns magnet and do severe damage that comes close to them, they are perfect for crown control and having enemies bleed out while you run circles around them, its so peak.

An Example of the Alternate Nailgun with the Attractor:
An Example of the Alternate Nailgun with the Overheat:
An Example of the Alternate Nailgun with the JumpStart:

Alternate Shotgun (Jackhammer)

Found after some wicked cool speed challenges in the layer of Violence and taken from the corpse of a machine, this jackhammer-like weapon is a tool of mass destruction. After a brief charge time, the weapon can smack into anything at melee range, dealing some damage. However, the damage goes up based on how fast V1 is moving when landing the hit, seen on the speedometer on the side of the weapon. Moving normally sits in the lowest bar, green, dashing and sliding tend to sit in Yellow, with Red requiring specific movement or falling from a great enough height to let gravity do the work. At maximum power, this thing can even take out some common boss demons like the Malicious Face in a single strike. However, not only do strong hits have significant recoil, a Red hit forces the hammer into Cooldown, unable to be used again for a time. As an additional bonus, the impact can also be used on Cores or Rockets to send them flying at tremendous speeds.

An Example of the Alternate Shotgun with the Core Eject:
An Example of the Alternate Shotgun with the Pump Charge:
An Example of the Alternate Shotgun with the Sawed-on-Shotgun:

Power Ups

Occasionally in Hell, V1 can encounter Power Up orbs that provide great benefits.

Dual Wield

This special yellow orb gives V1 a second gun to wield for a limited time. And not just that, it seemingly lets V1 temporarily gain an additional arm to fire it with, as this does not take up their punching hand. While they aren’t always available in large numbers, each additional orb increases the number of arms, and guns, by one more.

Blood Orbs

These orbs are so packed full of Blood that they not only fully heal V1, they temporarily double V1’s health 200 health. However, this bonus health is not recoverable, so any damage taken will reduce this “max” until V1 returns to 100 health again.


Equipment (Neon White)

(Neon White OST - “Glass Ocean”)

Neon Mask

An ivory white mask crafted by the carcasses of Angels that every single Neon has attached to their face. These masks are rigged to explode with power of the Holy Flame when Neons are disobedient or try to remove it with the Book of Death, almost instantly killing them. Interestingly enough, these masks are able to be damaged, but will not cause the mask to explode.

Soul Cards

During the course of a mission, White can utilize numerous short use demonic weaponry known as Soul Cards. Each soul card mimics a different weapon (primarily guns), and have varying different abilities. Almost every weapon can be discarded to give White use of a special ability. White can hold multiple cards and multiples of each one. He can get more with them being dropped by defeated enemies, vending machines, treasure chests, or just simply being on the ground. While White holds multiple of a card, each card adds onto its total ammo count, with no upper limit.


Each Neon is given a Soul Card at the start that represents their ideal weapon and fits in with their past life. And in White’s case, that just happened to be…a totally sick samurai sword! The Katana is a melee weapon with 30 uses that can be used to deflect enemy fire right back at the enemy and is one of the few weapons that cannot be discarded. Additionally, whenever White deflects a bullet, or hits one of his own, he gains a quick burst of speed, letting him move around even faster.


Purify is a machine gun with 35 shots, however, it can be discarded to function as an explosive that sticks to enemies and surfaces to both destroy enemies and propel White into the air. When White shoots the explosive before it detonates he’s given a massive boost to his speed.


A handgun (possibly a 9mm) with 9 shots in it. When discarded, it grants White a double jump to ascend to new heights.


A semi-automatic rifle with 4 shots. However, when discarded it launches White forward, charging into enemies and breakable objects that stand in his way.


A lil Uzi with 30 shots in it. White can discard it to perform a ground pound, damaging enemies and objects caught underneath him, and sending out a damaging shockwave. Very useful for getting him grounded quickly and for clearing out groups of enemies.


A powerful sawed-off shotgun with 3 shots that fires out 12 pellets in a pretty large spread. When used at point blank range, this deals the most direct damage of any of White’s weapons. When White discards it, he can perform an airdash in any direction, although it goes furthest when aimed within 45 degrees up or down. This airdash also damages any enemies in White’s way, and destroys Red Walls.


A classic rocket launcher with 4 shots. With it, he can also rocket jump (with no damage to himself, mind you) by hitting any surface or enemy at close range, propelling him into the air. Discarding Dominion fires a grappling hook, which can hook onto any enemy or surface to pull White anywhere quickly.


When all else fails and all of his soul cards are exhausted White can also bust out…THE HANDS…which aren’t very effective, and has only 10 uses until he instantly dies.


Exactly what it says on the tin. In a pinch, White can pick one of these bad boys up to restore his health. Wouldn’t doubt if it tastes like tap water.


Another self explanatory soul card. Picking it up increases the ammo count of White’s current weapon by one “clip”, being the default amount that card comes with by default. For example, Fireball comes with 3 shots, so each ammo card gives 3 additional shots, as seen above.

The Book of Life

Among Heaven lies a powerful artifact used by God himself. A book, where He will write the names of sinners who have truly learned their lesson and are to be forgiven. In White’s capable hands, he can use it to freely teleport and almost instantly teleport into others, barging into them

Abilities (V1)

(Ultrakill OST - “The World Looks Red”)

Robot Body

The model of V1 robots were specialized machines meant for war, it is heavily theorized that the V1 (through various hints/descriptions and safe assumptions) was built and designed to fight the ferocious Earthmovers and it's not quite farfetched. Despite its fragility compared to other machines, the V1 models where conceived as highly mobile and agile humanoids capable of fighting for prolonged periods of time and speed through the battlefield with a variety of movement options to take down any sort of enemy, perfect for infiltrating complex machinery or striking enemies before they even know what hit them.

And when I say movement options, I mean MOVEMENT, V1 moves like butter on an oiled frozen metal floor it’s insane, on their own they have various movement abilities that allow them to quickly zip and zoom across the battlefield with the greatest of ease which can be linked one into the other, some of these include:

  • Wall jumps
  • Slides
  • Dashes
  • Dash Jumps
  • Ground Pounds
  • Ground jumps.
It should be noted however that V1 has only 3 dashes available, and needs to recharge once they are spent.

For a detailed description on how these work this video is very useful.

Blood Fuel

V1’s particular model is special among the other robotic machinations found through hell, it carries the very unique and special property of absorbing blood through contact with its chassis, effectively making it (in theory at least) capable of functioning forever as long as a steady supply of the substance comes in contact with them, in-game this is how you heal, by making enemies explode near you or punching them you absorb their blood and heal, so we can assume that is how V1 does it as well, by coming in contact with it, their robotic body absorbs it.

Abilities (Neon)

(Neon White OST - “Rumors”)

Expert Marksman/Swordsman

Being a trained assassin, White was personally trained by Green in the art of killing. White is adept with swords and comfortable with a wide variety of firearms, be it pistols or even rocket launchers. He’s also no slouch without a weapon as well, given that he has some unarmed training under his belt...Well, many belts in his case.

Superhuman Physicality

As a Neon, White and others are blatantly superhuman, with him and others have absolutely ABSURD jumping abilities. The other Neons are shown making massive jumps both horizontally and even vertically, with them being able to jump around 2-3 times their own height.

Feats (V1)

(Ultrakill OST - “The Cyber Grind”)


  • Seemingly wiped out all life on the upper layers of Hell.
  • Defeated V2, a model of robot built to be a better V1.
  • Defeated the angel Gabriel, the Judge of Hell, in two duels.
  • Defeated the cancerous rat (strongest being in all of fiction)


  • V1 can easily break through wooden planks and vent covers with Feedbacker.
  • V1’s explosives can break large chunks of rock.
  • Able to parry King Minos’ corpse’s fist with his own (as shown above).
  • Can completely pulverize the shields of the Gutteranks with the Knuckle Blaster.


  • Punches fast enough to hit it’s own cannonball and shotgun shots as it fires them (Mach 5 and Mach 27) (Supersonic + and High Hypersonic).
    • Given these weapons use differing ammo and firing methods to current technology, these are arguably not usable but dammit they’re too cool to leave out.
  • Modern Railguns can fire projectiles at over Mach 8.8, and V1’s weapons should be comparable, if not faster.
  • Can also move out of the way of its own rocket Explosions with it’s Dash (Mach 33) Hypersonic.
  • Can evade natural lightning from the Ferryman boss (Debatable).
  • Can fight angels like Virtues, which attack with beams of light which V1 can evade (Debatable).


  • V1 can survive Lightning, Flamethrowers, blasts of Holy Light, and much more.
  • Survives a blast that destroys a hallway.
  • Can survive under the bottom of the Ocean Styx, so deep that light from the surface can’t reach.


Feats (White)

(Neon White OST - “The Wicked Heart”)


  • Defeated his former mentor and leader, Neon Green.
  • Recovered the pages of the Book of Life twice over.
  • Helped God return and restore Heaven to its former glory.
  • (Life Ending) After writing Green into the Book of Life, he and his friends got to stay in Heaven due to God’s grace.
  • (Death Ending) After writing Green into the Book of Death, he had cast Green into Hell.


  • Able to contend with, and even physically overpower Neon Green.
  • Godspeed’s charge and Stomp’s…stomp is able to smash through wooden planks that are larger than White himself.
  • Can shatter stone walls with his Discard abilities (67.8 Megajoules) (Small Building Level).
  • Stronger soul cards should be comparable, if not stronger than Red’s sniper, which is able to destroy part of a bridge in one shot.


  • Generally very quick on his feet and has multiple ways to increase his run speed, such as running on water, deflecting bullets and shooting Purity’s bomb.
  • Can deflect enemy fire with his Katana. It can be argued that demon’s attacks can be similar to gunfire. Soul cards are made from demons and mimic actual firearms, so there’s reason to believe that attacks from demons should be similar.
  • Godspeed is able to outpace explosions from explosive barrels.
  • Manages to avoid one of Violet’s tripwire traps after setting it off.
  • With Godspeed White can move much faster than an explosion (Mach 100) (Massively Hypersonic).


  • Survived being stabbed repeatedly by Neon Violet.
  • Able to tank Purify’s explosives and Dominion’s rockets without any damage done to himself.
  • Can withstand the power of explosive barrels point blank (Just a single one is able to blow a hole in a stone wall and make the ceiling collapse) without any damage.
  • Can survive charged shots from Neon Green. Said shots are strong enough to fragment walls of solidified blood.
  • Was caught in the explosion Violet had set off and had gotten out relatively unscathed.
  • White can survive a blast that blew a hole in the Firmament and leveled a Coliseum (3.86 - 54 Kilotons of TNT) (Small Town to Town Level).

Scaling (V1)

(Ultrakill OST - “Death Odyssey”)


V1 has fought a number of bosses and beaten a number of bosses in Hell, from strong demons like the Malicious Face, fellow machines like V2 and even the Judge of Hell, the angel Gabriel. Given V1 has fought them, beaten them and even often matched them in physical strength when parrying their attacks, V1 should scale to all of their feats.

Earthmover (Debatable)

V1 defeated an Earthmover, and was likely designed to battle the massive machines before being discontinued. However, V1’s method for doing so doesn’t match it up against the main weaponry that makes them powerful. These feats are here mainly for posterity.

  • Earthmovers are stated to be able to “Destroy cities” in it’s Terminal Entry.
  • By sheer size, Earthmovers could be packing up to 56 Megatons of TNT (City Level).
  • The large laser-like weapons of the Earthmovers potentially move at 3.91% SoL (Relativistic).

Prime Souls (Debatable)

V1 has also fought the Prime Souls of both Minos and Sisyphus. Prime Souls are formed when beings with extreme willpower die, and their souls form a new body. Additionally, Gabriel is also the being who originally killed both Minos and Sispyhus in the first place, so V1 has numerous ways to scale to these feats. However, while V1 can scale to these beings, the feats themselves are largely questionable, but are listed here for posterity.

  • Both Prime Souls can move much faster than V1’s Rockets (Mach 62.45 - 85.88) (Massively Hypersonic).
  • The Corpse of King Minos can create a “Black Hole”, which would require 6.14 Yottatons of TNT (Large Planet).
  • Sisyphus can unleash a “warcry so fierce it shook the very foundations of Hell”. Taking this at face value, and using various interpretations from the size of hell gets a few different results:

Scaling (White)

(Neon White OST - “Solitary Grace”)

Other Neons

White should easily scale to the other Neons with him stated to be the only one who can contend with Green, who is straight THE strongest one. This is also backed up with White kicking his ass at the end of the game. So any feats that Neons other than White are able to do should be counted with no issue. Such as…

Inkhorn+Book of Life and Death (Debatable)

A pretty big elephant in the room for the Neon White verse is the discussion in regards to the Inkhorn and the Books of Life and Death..In combination with the Inkhorn, the Books of Death, Neon Green was planning on destroying the universe, completely annihilating it. However, that’s only with the Inkhorn being used. While White has used the Inkwell at the end of the game, it’s not a piece of equipment he regularly carries around with him.



(you’re gonna learn to hate this screen)

By itself, it would appear that V1 doesn’t have any noticeable weaknesses, it is a fairly sturdy machine (relatively) with weapons that have virtually infinite ammo and possesses great ways to keep the keepaway while forcing opponents to approach. However, they are far from perfect, for V1 to function it needs a steady supply of blood, if they were ever to run out then they stop working, and its body despite being robotic is not indestructible and can be defeated with enough damage. And while repairing itself with blood is a huge benefit it means that V1 needs to perform a delicate dance of shooting from afar while having to get close to replenish its blood, even if tools like the grapple make it easier, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t pose an inherent risk. Also they are so messy in canon that they were once forced to clean up their own mess Powerwash simulator style.

Neon White

Despite White’s impressive arsenal, all but one of his weapons are on a limited supply of ammo. As for the Book of Life, while it does have unlimited uses, he cannot draw out its full power due to the Inkhorn not being standard equipment for him. But at a fundamental level, A lot of the secondary effects of the soul cards are more geared towards movement, rather than direct combat. Yeah, they’re still viable for combat, but at the end of the day, air dashes, double jumps, teleporting, and grappling hooks are still primarily movement options. He also canonically has a flat ass and can’t handle ANY spicy food.




To start off most simply, stats. Both V1 and Neon White are pretty comparable here, but it generally leans towards White. Both are Town Level, but V1 scaling to the Corpse of King Minos’ punches generally falls behind the Coliseum blast White survived. At most, V1 parrying those punches gets to 14 Kilotons, vs White at 54 Kilotons, putting white at over 3 times stronger and tougher. It can be argued V1 would be upscaling this somewhat, but it’s unlikely this would close the gap. Speed is a similar case, although interestingly they both have similar feats of outrunning explosions. V1 dashing out of its own Pump Charge explosion hits Mach 33, whereas Neon White dashing past Purify grenades gets to Mach 100, making White about 3 times faster as well. While V1 can avoid both Lightning and Light in gameplay, given both attacks are afflicted with the classic 1-Frame curse, as well as being highly telegraphed, V1 likely cannot scale to them. Similarly, while V1 fights both Minos and Sisyphus Prime, their speed feats are explicitly beyond V1’s capabilities, as they move so fast that they appear to disappear from V1’s sight, and their actual attacks are visibly much slower. Still, this does imply that V1 could, overtime, start to predict White’s moves and keep up that way, but White would still be faster overall.

For a brief aside, both have potential high ends that are both highly questionable. Minos’ “Black Hole” is the easiest to debunk, despite the name the attack displays none of the properties of one. While V1 is able to take down the Earthmover, it does so by taking it out from the inside, attacking the more vulnerable “heart”, and never faces it in a way that would let V1 scale to its weaponry. And finally, Sisyphus and his warcry, which can net results in the Solar System to Galaxy range. While it sounds impressive, there is no real reason to take the wording as literal, especially when it is a commonly used idiom. In comparison, White’s high ends would be downscaling from Universal, as he wields the Book of Life, which when combined with the Book of Death and the Inkhorn, can be used to “annihilate” Sheol (Heaven), which is described as a Universe. In both cases, these levels of power are well beyond their actual feats, which makes them hard to justify, but when put against each other they massively favour White, switching the stats from “pretty close” to “ridiculously lopsided”.

Moving on from stats, naturally both sides have very powerful and notable arsenals and abilities. Comparing them directly, V1 clearly takes arsenal in both quantity and quality, with multiple variations of each weapon type, and even entire alternate weapons with new usages, many of which are, frankly, batshit insane. This would make V1’s arsenal pretty hard to keep up with in comparison. Not to mention V1’s arsenal is made up of weapons with nigh-infinite ammo, if not literally infinite, vs White whose arsenal is generally limited. But, where V1 takes arsenal, White takes abilities. While V1 has superior healing with its blood absorption and quick repairs, White generally has better versions of all their shared abilities. Dashes, ground slams, grappling hooks, all of which are generally deadlier versions of anything V1 has. But most notably, White has access to the Book of Life. This gives him a free teleport button, giving him numerous ways to control the pace of the battle, avoid attacks and launch his own offensive, including with the Book itself given he can use it to telefrag opponents. Additionally, since it has infinite uses, White is never going to run out of it, unlike his other weaponry.

Finally, let's talk about skill and experience. Frankly, both have a lot to pull from, and are largely similar in this category. White’s experiences and training in life and death vs V1’s combat data and experiences in Hell. They’re even pretty comparable in terms of being able to parry each other’s ranged and melee attacks. V1 does have more experience against similar foes than White does with battles against V2 and Gabriel, but in comparison White’s experiences in his afterlife give him some pseudo-counters to V1’s arsenal. Given the amount of instant death traps he's worked around in Heaven, alongside his speed advantage, he’d be able to work around V1’s crazier arsenal much easier than others might be able to. So they both take edges in this category.

Overall, this is a very close battle. V1 has a better arsenal, infinite ammo and superior healing, where White has better abilities, greater stats and infinite teleportation. In my opinion, I think Neon White’s advantages are just a bit better. His greater strength and speed means he’s going to be dealing more significant damage to V1 than the reverse, his teleportation gives him an essentially unblockable and highly spammable attack, and that alongside his experiences with instant death traps makes V1’s arsenal advantage less significant. In short, Neon White will be putting V1 out of commission. Not bad for a dead guy, eh?

Big thanks to Maxxie and Ani for having me on this one! I really love both of these games and characters, so it was an honour to be invited on this blog.



Yuh yuh, so basically with this verdict I kinda just wanna simplify everything to be easily digestible. Big paragraphs scare me to both write and read because I have 2 brain cells, so this one goes out to all the other people with shitty attention spans (you just like me fr).

In terms of stats, the two are in the same ballpark of strength and durability with them resting in the kiloton range, but as stated before, White edges out by a slight margin for both. The same goes for speed as well with their explosion dodging. By the numbers, White still has the advantage (both are by 3x, which…kinda funny how that worked out lol). Now, there are cases of V1 dodging both lightning and light, however trying to calculate those feats would be a bitch to get an actual good metric for due to it happening in 1 frame (calculating frame 1 speed feats could end up inflating the number of calcs and end up being inaccurate). So just to play it safe, V1’s calculable feats are capping out at the explosion reacting.

Although, for their arsenals, V1 should have a pretty good advantage. Most of their base arsenals have a lot of options that compare to each other, but V1 not only has more weapons up his sleeve, but their weapons are generally geared more towards combat, while White’s abilities with his weapons are geared towards movement.Not only that, but V1’s weapons are generally going to be far more varied in use with all the bullshit he can do. And just to hammer in the advantage in V1’s favor, ammunition is going to be a lot less of an important factor for him than it will be for White, considering that V1’s ammunition is damn near bottomless, while ammo is generally going to be a concern for White’s weaponry. However, that being said, The Book of Life is a massive benefit in White’s favor due to it's uses also being infinite, but he’ll be able to attack V1 damn near instantly. This however, will come at the cost of being in range of getting shot at or punched by V1 after the hit, putting White in harm’s way, or letting V1 heal by using his blood. (Also we can point out that V1 also has better close-range options, but shhhhhhh…shut up)

In short, V1’s arsenal and better sustain, just can’t reliably overcome the hurdle that is White’s superior stats. Even though it's by a slight margin, White’s superior AP means that V1’s gonna get harder, his durability means it's gonna take a lot more effort and time to be put down, and White’s speed means that V1’s going to be hitting less shots. For a gunfight, those disadvantages are brutal. And for that reason, I think Neon White takes this fight with some difficulty.


Well, what can I say that hasn’t been said before, now, for starters I would like to state that this fight is not that one-sided as one might seem, the two of them are actually pretty close in terms of stats and they have some advantages that make it a fun and interesting fight to discuss, having so many movement options and weapons at their disposals this fight feels like an intricate ballet of bullets.

Of course is no surprise that V1 has a very sizable advantage in weaponry, those are a lot of weapons with a bunch of synergies that could potentially get the jump on White if need be, and Neon despite his own variety is limited by uses and ammo, something V1 ought not to worry about. However, I think the point has been made that despite the closeness in stats, there is still a substantial gap, White is outright faster, and with a spammable teleport V1’s ability to pin him down becomes less of an option and more of an ordeal having to essentially use everything to try and get a hit in, which could work and honestly I can see it working often enough.

But the thing is that White can heal, sure is not as effective as V1’s but it’s still healing, add onto that teleportation and he can play a much safer game. V1 would actively need to get close and that puts them at risk either way however, White doesn’t have it easy, each realistically need one good hit.

“how about the high-ends” well funny enough, this is one of those situations where going from low to high ends doesn’t really change anything? The same still applies, White is still faster with more spammable teleportation and V1 still has variety and weaponry but the difference is that they now can do that AdamApoc meme a reality due to the scale of the feats.

In the end its pretty close, honestly I can see a situation where V1 takes it, but for that they would need a surprise attack or stray bullet that White is not going to make easy, and it helps the latter has an advantage in the stat trinity that helps both from far-away and H2H combat.

It is close, but clear cut; in the end Neon White just has those small advantages, and they add up to the point where V1 is probably going to get overwhelmed. So my vote goes to John Neon White. 

The Winner is…

Before we go…

Words cannot suffice what I feel at this moment, writing this paragraph at 2am fucked up on soda and editing/struggling with blogger to format this blog, however, I will try. This small project, started a while ago, I finished playing Ultrakill (and started Neon White by the time is is published!) and I said to myself “wow I would love to make this blog, to use this medium to present people to these games and give them a fun time” and when that idea came to me I remembered Maxxine, a good friend of mine and she accepted to help with this, and as time went on and we got most of the blog done (I should remark just how fast Maxxine finished White’s side of the blog she is INSANE) and we were thinking about the matchup and Kiwi came up because she is also a huge fan of both series. We decided to ask formally if she wanted to join and help and well, it was smooth sailing from there.

I cannot begin to thank them both enough, Kiwi’s (GrimCammy) previous research and Maxxine’s knowledge were what made this blog happen to begin with, they carried this entire thing, I simply provided the visuals honestly. They have such an intricate knowledge of both games and they poured their souls into this blog, and for them I have nothing but love and gratitude and I owe them greatly, if it was within my power to give them the world, I would. 

I would like to thank them, for everything, for helping me with this blog and giving me support when I needed it most, they mean the world to me and I wish we can make more collabs in the future. I wish to thanks my friends overall online and outside of it that helped me gain the motivation to continue this blog and give it my all. Writing this I can’t help but feel emotional, this blog was a proof that I can finish a project, and it brings me great joy to be able to finally release this to the general public.

And finally, as always, I thank you, the reader! I hope you had fun and please, let me know if you did, I’m always happy to listen and hear. I hope to meet you all again soon! I do have ideas in mind but ofc they do take time, but I will do my best to have them ready at a steady flow. Thanks everyone for your support, this blog means something because of y’all and I could never be able to repay you for it.

Be good to each other, drink water, stay strong and see you next time!

Ani, out.

oh yea here's a stupidly cryptic hint for the next blog, have fun


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