Ani's Year of TN's: The Third Part


Just a few things before we start…

Hello there! I hope that you, the fine reader is good in this blessed day, i never would of thought in all of my years in this hobby that I would get this far in such a project, it is… insane to say the least and I cannot really even begin to thank everyone that has helped me emotionally or with ideas or support to keep going, we are almost at the end, the final 3 months before the final stretch which is rather crazy to say.

I don’t know if I can even say much aside from all the things I have said, I just need to keep going, the path is before me and I must embrace it, the final push! Let's go! As always, all TN’s here are free to use and share if you want to, grab some snacks and a soda, enjoy yourself for this is part 3 of Ani’s Daily TN. Without much further ado, let's go into the meat and potatoes. 


This month was weird, it was the month were we finally got news of Death Battle... surprise, they were back, and with a Kickstarter! same Kickstarter that got absolutely demolished in like 20 minutes and got up to like 700k in a week, absolute fucking insanity, I couldn't of been happier, I was losing my shit, and that got me more motivated than ever to get more TN's done. I felt rejuvenated and ready to tackle anything going my way, I was happy.

week’s theme was “characters that appeared first in movies” . It went from Frank vs Ash to Dodgers vs Buzz Lightyear. 

1-Norman Osborn (Marvel) vs David Xanatos (Gargoyles)

I wanted to start the month with a bang, and with a bang I did, if Gargoyles is to come back, regardless of if they win or lose I want this to be it, it just sounds awesome and honestly I just really like Xanatos as a character. I had lots of fun doing the TN too, putting like all their suits and machines in the back was a grand old time and was definitely something I spent more time than I probably should have on. Regardless, I feel the idea is pretty sound and I would love to see it realized in an actual episode if possible, it just sounds cool. 

2-Black Hat (Villanos) vs Alastor (Hazbin Hotel)

It is so weird as a spanish-speaking individual to see Spanish things in DB, a show that is mostly centered on things that are popular on english-speaking countries. So seeing Black Hat being thrown around so often is definitely a weird thing that, cannot lie, gives me a bit of whiplash. But I don’t mind, Villanos is a cool show lol, I would be happy to see Black Hat in an episode at some point or another. I know nothing about Hazbin so forgive me lol. 

From what I’ve seen this matchup is fun, and people seem to like it, honestly that's good enough for me, and making the TN itself was a great deal of fun, with all the effects and colors it was an interesting challenge to tackle.  

3-Peashooter (Plants v Zombies) vs Red (Angry Birds)

I absolutely adore Plants vs Zombies, it is a series that I hold dear and near to my heart because, similar to say, minecraft, the amount of man-hours I’ve dedicated to it cannot compare, I know the game basically by heart and would be more than happy to see anything from it being in an episode, it is a silly series but in the funny way, this one seemed to appear a lot, and honestly? Sounds like a lot of fun. 

4-Spider-Man (Marvel) vs Ted Kord (DC)

I really wanted to do a matchup for Spidey this year, he is probably one of the more popular characters to get a runback, all manner of characters have been thrown his way, of all of them I was between Ted and Donatello from the TMNT, in the end I thought I had one a lot of TMNT and wanted to try something new so I went with Ted. Despite the simplicity of it I feel it works nicely and better than other matches. The TN was also a lot of fun to do, I 100% knew I wanted to put Spidey looking upside-down, just classic and with the spidey sense it just was very fun, Ted was also interesting to figure out, all in all I really like this one, idk, fun times. 

5-Captain Planet vs The Magic School Bus 

This matchup is just funny, in the right ways too I feel. It has that particular kind of energy where its most definitely silly but you also wanna see it just to see how it would go down. Both are these goofy series with educational themes to it and honestly that's all I need, now I know that people might have preferred matches for either of these and I can’t blame them, but also this one just sounds like the most peak, so I wanted to do it lol. In the end you just need something goofy and cool, this fulfills that quota. 

6-Robin Hood vs Ishikawa Goemon

I Remember PinneapleCarmine asking to do this one as a simple idea, like a folklore type of deal, the “steal from the rich” type of thing. It sounds fun from an outsider perspective, I admit to liking history just not having done research with these two in particular, however it sounds like a fun idea at least. Making the TN was a fun time, it was rather difficult to find any sort of “official” art but using it was also a fun and interesting challenge so, I can’t complain. 

7-Sophitia (Soul Calibur) vs Nakoruru (Samurai Shodown)

(the Smash remix of Banquet of Nature goes hard as hell bro)

I admit that this TN came about my desire to see a Sophitia matchup, SoulCal is cool as hell so I just wanted to have a match where she appeared, she is one of the big character and would be fun to see. I ran ideas in my head till Nakoruru seemed to kinda fit and I liked it, the idea of these messengers of the gods in a way, not really wanting to fight yet doing so against like, huge evils, it sounds fun and I like the concept so I wanted to make it a tn.

Doing the render for Sophitia was a bit of a nightmare but I managed to pull through and, despite it not being such a big deal I do find some strange pride in it, Im happy with my work here, its simple but nice, it is admittedly a pretty niche matchup but I would like to see it happen, even if just for the novelty (Mitsurugi vs Haohmaru works too it's p’epic). 


8-Shadowheart (Baldur’s Gate 3) vs Melione (Hades)

This one was an idea from my friend MeyJax, he really likes these games and he seems to really like this matchup, I often ask friends for matches they like and he proposed this one and it seemed fun so, I wanted to give it a go, iirc this was also around the time where Hades 2 was essentially just shadow dropped as an early access and it was super duper popular, from the little I can gather the matchup is actually pretty cool sounds fun and oddly thematic. In the end, I cannot really bring much to this one aside from that t sounds fun, and it was fun to do the TN itself. 

9-Kiritsugu Emiya (Fate) vs Toji (JJK)

From what I can gather from my friend maxxine (bless her heart), this is like the assassins of their respective worlds and dogshit dads. The mage killer vs the sorcerer killer, sounds fun and the TN was a lot of fun to do too, kinda killed with the backgrounds honestly, specially on Toji, I cooked. 

Not much else to say, I just think its neat and wanted to do something for a friend. 

10-Brachydios (Monster Hunter) vs Bakugo (MHA)

Dudes punch hard and make explosions the matchup, you don’t need more than that, its peak I’m afraid, welcome to my Ted Talk. 

11-Postal Dude (Postal) vs Coker (Conker’s Bad Furday)

As of writing this, the DB crew have done conker vs shrek as an official Cast and yeh, I admit that it is pretty peak… tho (I still prefer this one slightly tho). 

There is just something so unhinged about this matchup in particular, clearly in part due to the unhinged nature of the characters in the matchup itself, I feel that despite being so different Postal and Conker are so out there that you can easily excuse it as the Postal dude thinking he is in some sort of acid trip lol. Regardless, the fight just sounds grungy, stupid and hype all the same, I feel it really taps into that parody aspect of both series and brings it all into display, making use of their full arsenals and idk, I feel it would be very fun, also I just had to reference the conker box art in some capacity, this was an incredibly fun TN to do. 

Ik that this matchup is essentially dead, since Shrek is the one that they are prolly gonna go with (and again I admit that it is peak too) I just have a fondness for this one in particular, sounds fun. 


12-Tanjiro (Demon Slayer) vs Chihiro (Kagurabachi)


I saw this match a fair bit, it is the reason I decided to do it as a TN, also because of the memes ngl. After a friend told me about Kagurabachi tho, and just how batshit insane it is story-wise I can’t help but be kind of interested in reading it. It sounds legitimately fun. The match itself also sounds cool, and the TN was an interesting challenge on its own that in a way, just made me even more interested into the idea and the series involved, idk, it sounds fun, I like. Not much else to add aside from that. 

13-Rena Ryuugu (Higurashi) vs Yuno Gasai (Mirai Nikki) I 

(Go check out this blog on the matchup)

I admit that my attention got brought up to this matchup thanks to a blog done by Strunt and his gang (one I’ve linked below the TN its gr8 go check it out) and despite my knowledge on Higurashi being 0 and of Mirai Nikki being from a teenager me that doesn’t remember half of it I can say that, at the very least, it sounds fun, it is basically like, super god yandere going at it which sounds funny, but in the right ways. 

I like it, I enjoy it for what it is and sounds fun, so I would be more than happy to see it become an episode if the chance arises, sounds fun, not much else to say other than that. 

14-Thrawn (Star Wars) vs Picard (Star Trek)


Of the Star Trek vs Star Wars matches this one is probably one of the most unique, I admit that the idea of the characters having a fleet rather than just themselves is incredibly interesting, a deeper look at things like tactics, intelligence and clever use of available resources are things that sometimes are hard to explore in a show like DB because of its nature, but I feel that a more cerebral and tactical type of matchup is always interesting, I would like to see this one honestly, sounds mad fun and would be more than happy to see the show give it a go, people seem to enjoy it greatly and honestly I can see why, it just sounds fun.  

15-Opa-Opa (Fantasy Zone) vs Twinbee (TwinBee)

(please ignore the obvious error of Opa’s wing overlapping to the other side 😔 i'm a fraud an deserve death)

It would be another month with me not putting some sort of weird and oddly niche series in there wouldn’t it? I admit, I like Fantasy Zone, fun games, I would love to see Opa in an episode as unlikely as it is, cus I just think the lil fella is cute and has lots of stuff to work with. Thing was that I didn’t really know who it could be, I had ideas in mind, one of them was Pac-Man of all things. But then I remembered TwinBee and was like “yea that just… makes sense lol” and here we are.

For those not in the known the general gist is like, these sentient cartoony ships from cute shoot ‘em ups that kinda protect their wacky worlds form a variety of threats, its simple but fun I think, also both games are a mix of adorable and challenging, highly recommended, all in all, yea, it has become one of my favorites, Im simple a tad biased towards arcade classics like these and this one just sounds fun. 

16-Genji (Overwatch) vs Yoshimitsu (Tekken)

This matchup is cool, I remember I did it one day I wasn't feeling good in general, and was fairly disappointed by the end result. I admit to still being disappointed, just not as much, it looks fine but idk, it feels too saturated and perhaps I could have done better. 

Regardless, the match by itself sounds fun honestly, the cyber robo samurai/ninja fellas of famous renowned clans that have become more machine than man but still do good,  they are  rather cool. I can’t say I can add much, but I like this matchup a fair bit. 

17-Bass.EXE (Megaman Battle Network) vs Beelzemon (Digimon)

This one I had in the cards for a loooooooooooooong time, and I do mean a very long time, it is one of those matches that despite not being super amazingly huge with like a trillion fans behind it it still has a very strong and dedicated group that just thinks the matchup is p’neat, and yea Im with them, the matchup is pretty darn neat.

It's like the super edgy digital creatures that are angst and evil but not really but also very edgy, fun times all around and I like the concept of a match that takes place entirely within a digital world of sorts, it sounds fun.  Also Digimon and Battle Network just vibe together immensely, it's a very cool pairing.

Making this tn was a lot of fun, I allowed myself to have fun with a smoke brush I had downloaded and just kind went crazy in the BG’s, good times, all around fun, pretty cool and epic, I give it a “goku” out of “17 trillion pepperoni pizzas” 

18-Vivian (Paper Mario) vs Amity (The Owl House)

I remember when I did this one, the Paper Mario TTYD remake got released and it was popular, peps where throwing matches left and one and one of them was Vivian, She is cool, so it makes sense people where looking for matches, this one came about often and people seemed to like it so I saw it as a good excuse to do something with Paper Mario honestly, I’ve always liked the aesthetic of the games and this was no different.

Because of it, working on this TN was actually pretty fun, it was a nice time to figure out how I wanted to like, portray it without it being cluttered and I think I did a decent job, not much else I can say, it just sounds like a fun match. 

19-Turnips vs Radishes

I love both of ‘em don’t make me choose 😔 (they go great in pozole)

20-Kaido (One Piece) vs Acnologia (Fairy Tail)

One Piece vs Fairy Tail will never stop, it is an eternal cycle of which we will never escape, jokes aside it makes sense why the series are so paired up, they have that same vibe and it helps that the 2 mangakas where master and apprentice at some point so clearly there is gonna be some idea and tonal overlap that just makes it easy to connect them. 

THis match in particular got brought up a lot because of said pairing, and yea I like it, these big unga mean dragon fellas,  it's simple but it works, I like it. I would like to see Kaido in an episode even if it clearly would be hell of the animators at work. Still, it sounds fun maybe it happens idk, villain fights are always neat. 

21-Frank West (Dead Rising) vs Ash Williams (Evil Dead)

I couldn’t do a “movie” themed week without throwing this one in there, it feels like one of those matches where it makes sense why they haven’t done it but also it feels very weird they haven’t done it? Williams feels like a natural for the show and would be fun to see him in, Frank West has always been like, the big request for the fella and yea I can see why, it has a strong energy to it that can hardly be matched. 

With the remake of the first Dead Rising on the horizon, who knows, perhaps it is more likely than ever, one can only hope, it sounds like an awesome match so I would be pretty excited if the team decided to tackle it at some point. 

22-Maleficent (Sleeping Beauty) vs Wicked Witch of the West (Wizard of Oz)

I love this matchup, yes I know that Jafar is the most requested but amma be real, I don’t hate it, I just don’t like it as much as I do this one. Here you have 2 spite-driven witches that love being evil just cause its fun! Depending on the expanded material you can even go with the very dramatic and tragic angle of Wicked and the LA Maleficent movies, where they were forced into positions of evil. It is such an interesting match that works on a surprising amount of levels, also the concept of a witch fight is just cool, throw in the lil piglin goons and the flying monkeys and u got a potential banger in your hands. 

I’ve said it before in some inner chats and circles but like, amma make this a blog, idk when or how but amma do it, its guaranteed baby this match deserves it, I really, really like it. 

23-Marcus Phoenix (Gears of War) vs John Connor (Terminator)

First of all I wanna preface this that yes, I know, from a VS standpoint it is hard to put in John Connor cuz he has so many variations and timeline shenanigans going on, do I care? Honestly not really lol, I just like the match. 

I’ll try to explain myself, I like Gears, played it a fair bit with my friends (horde mode is amazing) and I like terminator, I was thinking for ideas for Marcus cus he is just a very cool character, would love to see him get brought up in an episode someday but I just couldn’t really think of a good matchup. 

Then idk why or how but my brain went to Terminator and John Connor just kinda clicked. They are these larger than life army-men, that have led humanity against impossible odds and monsters in their own right. Monsters that were brought onto the world because of man (the emulsion and Skynet) and idk, I think the tone and tech between gears and Terminator is oddly fitting and with time I really came to like it.

Ik the match has some issues in terms of how you would need to go about it, specially Connor, but as it is I feel the match stands strongly I rather like it. 

24-Mark (Invincible) vs Rodimus Prime (Transformers


The quest for a matchup where Mark doesn’t get immediately turned into a fine red-mist continues, however of the matches I’ve seen this one seems to vibe nicely, they are the flag bearers of great heroes. And the tone despite at first not being super in-line, trust me, it makes sense, Transformers can get quite “this is definitely gore but we gotta make it PG-13 gore” so its not too tonally clashing.

Aside from that however, I just think the match is very fun and good! There is something about it that I feel would be interesting to explore and would lend itself nicely  to something that was fully animated, idk, I feel that it's a fun match, is it Mark’s most requested? Probably not, but I do feel that out of his options it is the most even and fun. 

25-Critters vs Gremlins

(this song is stuck in my head and now it will be in yours) 

This one got brought up once by my buddy Josh and goddam it's just, idk how to explain it it's one of those matches that once you get told about it its like “wtf how I didn’t think of this before” because it's just so perfect. Originally this TN was gonna be Stripe vs Audrey Jr. (from Little Shop of Horrors) but once I heard this particular idea I simple couldn’t resist and had to put every single creative muscle into high-gear to make the most batshit insane TN I’ve ever made and I think i succeeded, I fucking cooked with this TN. 

The sheer insanity and cool factor of this match cannot be understated, both series have a decent amount to pull from and would make for an incredibly funny and silly episode with some brutality and cartoon violence thrown in there, in short I really like it, it's also like, in a weird way, a very cool way to have an Alien vs Monster type matchup. 

In short, I really like this one, also I made my best effort to make the BG’s on each side look like their official posters. 

26- Herbert West (Re-Animatorl) vs SCP-049 (SCP Foundation)

(The art used for this TN belongs to Alisson Espinoza and can be found here… and here is the original SCP page on 049)

I will say, if any of the present here have not seen Re-Animator and wish to see it after this, just be warned, you need to have a strong stomach and/or don’t watch it before or after eating, you will regret it immensely, aside from that its a fun movie and concept. Herbert is one of those horror movie characters that is known but not like, super known its hard to explain, but the dude is cool and also just a cool concept in general, in VS the guy does get around a bit, of all the matches tho this one seemed the most fun, if anything its just incredibly unique. 

These doctors being able to rise-up the dead sounds super fun as a concept for a fight and just in general honestly, the plague doctor is probably one of the most recognizable SCP’s and I wouldn’t mind it being analyzed. In short, I just think it's a very fun idea and would love to see it. It just sounds like a fun match, and sometimes that's all ya need.   

27-Duck Dodgers (Duck Dodgers) vs Buzz Lightyear (Buzz Lightyear of Star Command)

This one came about because I was like, thinking of Lightyear ideas and I remembered the Duck Dodgers cartoon and said “huh, yea that vibes” and that was about it really, focusing on the “real” Buzz and Duck Dodgers sounds honestly pretty darn fun, its a silly but funny idea and one of those instances where looking at a specific version of a character might create something unique. On its own I don’t know If I could say much, it just sounds like a funny idea for an episode. 

28-Mazinger Z vs Getter Robo

Big classic Go Nagai mecha robots, what is there else to say? Grandfathers of the genre, iconic in their own right, gives me a perfect excuse to talk about Mazinger Z it's all p’epic ngl. 

It's really just as simple as that, just 2 big robots throwing hands violently to see who is the greatest of the bunch. I had a lot of fun making the TN as well, getting the pilots all set up as if they’re jumping out of the TN itself, the backgrounds were directly inspired by the Manga covers, all around I had a blast, it's a very fun matchup that I would like to see at some point idk. 

29-Meta Knight (Kirby) vs Schezo Wegey (Puyo Puyo)

Meta Knight has many matches… Riku, Digimon, other fellas who I cannot remember right now, of all of them this one seemed the most fun, that's honestly my logic here, it just sounds like the most fun so that's about it.

Puyo Puyo is fun, Kirby is fun, swordsmen fellas, I'm down, so yea, that's about it really lmao I don’t got anything else help. 

30-Bardock (Dragon Ball) vs Omni-Man(Invincible)



31-Sonic (Sonic the Hedgehog) vs Goku (Dragon Ball)

This match specifically, it's hard to explain, but I really like it… I feel that it just has that nice energy and vibes of both that are rather nice, if you stick to just anime/manga Goku and game Sonic I feel you have something insane cooking. 

I like fights where, even if it does sadly have to end in a Death, the fight feels more like a cool and chill sparring session and I feel this one has that energy to it. Idk, I know that people might have preferred for the two of them, and that's 100% fine, I just prefer this match, it sounds fun and it was a lot of fun to do and think about while doing, so yea, idk, I suppose it has a special place in my brain. 


This month was me going through matches that I had wanted to do for a while, mixing in some oddball matches in there and just counting the days for the Kickstarter, all around an incredible time, I on't have much to say, it waas just a great time. This week’s theme was “aliens/extrateresstials/out-of-this-world” . It went from Garrus vs Arbiter to Papa Smurf vs Olimar. 

1-Char (Mobile Suit Gundam) vs Lelouch (Code Geass)

This one is peculiar cus, I have seen Code Geass and have seen the OG Gundam, I get the general gist, the royal man that wants the best and is kinda mean and filled with vengeance but actually cares, between the two I just think Char is the vastly more interesting character tho Lelouch is cool too.

Code Geass is weird in a fight cus like, the mechs are impressive but perhaps not as strong as one might believe them to be, and the Geass are cool but they work kind on the side of the mechs and not so much alongside them apart from a few. However I would be happy to see both of these characters in an episode, I would love to see a Zaku just to vary it from the usual Gundam, would be awesome. I love how the Zaku units look. 

In short, I think it's neat, I like it, perfect? Eh, depends on who you ask but I think it's p’fun. 

2.Cody (Final Fight) vs Axel (Streets of Rage)

This one is so good bro, it's just classic beat ‘em up goodness, regardless of who wins or loses or whatever I just wanna see it because it would go so hard, something grungy, arcadey and just overall with that old school fighting vibe, the fight would be like a cool mix of martial arts and funky video game logic that makes it perfect, it's just a fun idea and concept. 

Also Axel is a detective and coming in to interrogate reformed-criminal Cody sounds fun as a set-up for a fight, the TN was a fun time, I wanted the big brick walls with the logos of the games as if graffiti, just overall a fun time. I like this matchup a lot. 

3-Sym-Bionic Titan vs Megas XLR

Its been a loooooooooong while since I’ve seen Megas, last time I did I was younger, however Sym-Biotic Titan I saw semi-recently thanks to HBO, as I never got the chance to see it on my own and I admit, I missed out big time on a cool as hell show. Genndy just can’t miss when making a show. Either way, yea this is just a cool mech fight, big robot fellas punching each other in the face, what is there not to love, would be happy if it happened. It's simple but it works, and honestly, like I have said many times, simple is sometimes all ya need. 

4-Tidus (Final Fantasy X) vs Klonoa (Klonoa)

(here, free serotonin)

I’ve recently played Klonoa, it is, actually kind of amazing lol, it is a very fun game, short but sweet and super cute and just incredibly good, Klonoa himself is a character that gets thrown around, most commonly people use Rayman for Klonoa, and yea, I suppose I get it, the dream warriors in dream worlds and the sort, it works, but I also would be lying if I said I loved it, I feel that Rayman can get better (what exactly tho idk, it's just  a personal feel) Tidus I feel has a bit of those similar themes of Klonoa, of being like, strangers in stranger land, the idea of jumping into worlds and that strange existentialism. It's weird I just prefer it slightly better also I just like the vibe better. 

Is it perfect? Nah, but I wanted to make a Klonoa tn and this was just my personal preference, also WAHOO. 

5-Azula (Avatar: TLAB) vs Shego (Kim Possible)

Azula is very popular. with time she has gathered a great deal of ideas and potential matchups, so why then this one? Honestly because it was sort of the original one to a degree, you don’t hear about it often nowadays since others took more steam, such as Cinder from RWBY. This one just seemed to appear more often all the way back and honestly it just seems like a fun way to bring in Kim Impossible and Shego is cool so I don’t mind. All in all is just a simple match, simple connections, and that's what gives it charm.  Also making this TN was super fun, lots of fire. 

6-Nathan “RAD” Spencer (Bionic Commando) vs Sam Gideon (Vanquish)

I think I saw this one on the Discord death battle server and I liked the idea, like the sort of “machine and man” type of thing, grungy fighting wars and the sort. It's simple but it's fun. I've always wanted to do a blog on Bionic Commando, they are fun games, and I need to try vanquish for myself but I’ve heard it's a fun time.

In short, idk, it seemed like a neat idea and so I did it, sounds like a fun way to bring in these 2 series into the show. 

7-Felicia (Darkstalkers) vs Alice (Bloody Roar)

I love Darkstalkers

I specially love Felicia from Darkstalkers

I will not allow my goonery to deviate us much from this matchup (I am doing my best)

I also really like Bloody Roar, they are very fun games and despite not being as big as they were back in the arcade games they hold a special place in my heart, I would love to see Yugo in an episode or blog one of these days, but specifically for this matchup I like this. The orphaned children, shunned by society and persecuted but still remaining positive, helping others, it's simple but works. 

It's nothing super special but I feel it would be fun, simplicity is whats makes it work for me, also again, I just like Felicia sorry 😔 (she’s my wife). 

8-Clu 2.0 (Tron) vs Agent Smith (The Matrix)

I love Tron, I like the Matrix, I was between this and Kevin Flynn vs Neo because I legitimately love both, I just wanted to try my luck with Clu I like the idea of the rouge programs wanting to create the perfect system, disillusioned with their own creators and wanting to like, make something they considerw “perfect” also the idea of how the GRID and the Matrix clash aesthetically would be awesome to see.

Smith prolly clears but its still like, a very cun idea I think, its simple but it works and has quite a lot of pull behind it, I just, really enjoy it, super fun matchup imo.  

9-The Bull Shark (Maneater) vs Ecco the Dolphin (Ecco the Dolphin)

(Welcome to Sea World bitch)

First of all, I would love to make an Ecco Blog at some point, if its on its own or  against someone, for a long while a bunch of friends and I where looking into Ecco and the lore and just how silly and funny it is and we all collectively decided that at some point we wanted to do something with Ecco. Of the matches presented there was Jaws and Manhunter shark, both are honestly peak. 

I admit I chose this one cus 1st, gotta give the game some love and 2, I couldn’t find a Jaws render that worked for Ecco, it's silly, it's cool, it's a seaworld fight not much to say. I just like it lol. 

10-Adam Warlock (Marvel) vs Orion (DC Comics)

I feel this is as Marvel vs DC as one can get lol, it's just like “space guy go brrrrrrr” also it's just funny that Adam’s name was just HIM. On its own I think its a cool match, funny enough between the two I find Orion much more interesting, he is a very cool and intriguing character that I would love to see in a DB, he just has this very interesting set of powers with the astro force and his inner struggles are very interesting, despite how silly his fit is. 

In short though I just like it, it's simple comic book goodness and I would be happy if they did it. 

11-Garrus (Mass Effect) vs The Arbiter (Halo)

I like Arbiter, when it comes to halo he is probably like the next big fella next to the Master Chief, it would be awesome to see the guy in an episode and have all of the alien technology take the spotlight and more of the combat style of the sangheili. I don’t know much about Garrus, from what I can gather the matchup is centered around the idea of these alien fellas trying to regain their honor. It makes sense, the Arbiter is like this title that was once great and commanded great respect and then became a title of shame, it's neat, Halo is cool and would love a match with the Arbiter lol he kewl. 

I wish I knew that I knew a bit more about Garrus, I did always wanted to make a Mass Effect matchup and there were many options, this one seemed the most fun and a friend proposed it so I was like “yeh sure” and did it, it was a fun time to do and idk, after hearing a bit about it I like the sound of it. 

12-Zim (Invader Zim) vs Crypto (Destroy all Humans)

This one has slowly become THE Zim matchup, people just love this one, they have wrong fond of it and yea, makes sense, the alien fellas being sent by empires to conquer earth, simple, it works both have wacky weaponry and the sort, I can’t say that I can say more than what has been said. 

It's fun, you can do some interesting stuff with it and a fight would be interesting to see, I can’t really bring much to the discussion (admittedly it's because I lack much of the personal connections to either, tho I really wanna play Destroy all Humans) but from what I know an seen, it's a fun time, that's enough for me, also I cooked with Zim’s background honestly. 

13-Underdog vs Krypto the Superdog

No need to fear! Underdog is here!

I like Underdog, fond of watching it on TV alongside things like the Atomic Ant and the sort when I was younger, I suppose there was a time where anthropomorphic superhero animals were very common huh?  It makes sense, it just appealing to kids, and this match also makes a lot of sense, I admit that you would probably have to keep it to the Krypto show to keep it even (DC comic scaling go wehe) but that doesn’t make the match any less fun, it's just incredibly fun and thats all that ya need. 

2d/sprite animation on this would go hard as hell. Also this TN was just so much fun to do, loved putting the city backdrop and all the lights, giving it that charming cartoon vibe that it deserves. 

14-Thrall (World of Warcraft) vs Ghazghkull (Warhammer 40K)

I don’t even remember why I did this one, I remember when it was posted around a LOT in the official discord and then it mellowed out but still see it from time to time, I don’t hold much knowledge for both but from the little I was told, it sounds interesting. Also the idea of WoW and Warhammer sounds fun, that's all I need to be convinced on the idea tbh. 

15- Ultraman vs Zone Fighter

A long while ago I admit that I have wanted to get into like the classic Ultraman, it sounds fun and since you see it being thrown around a lot in these circles it just seemed fair to check it out. Also I wanted to try out a match for classic Ultraman, its such an important series to just the general field of fiction as we know it would be cool to see it in. And, liking Goji and the sort (and seeing it on the a server I don’t remember which one) I saw Zone Fighter and went “y’know peak” and did it, I wanted to give the TN that old TV vive, with the titles on the back and those vibrant colors, it was a fun time all around. This match sounds fun, the good kinda classic, would be down to see it at some point. 

16-BT-7274 (Titanfall) vs Bumblebee (Bayverse Transformers)

So funny story about this one, the official DB server has this chat called “what's cooking” and it's basically this very cool dynamic where every day its a  character and people are incentivized to find out-of-the-box matches for them, and one of those days was Bumblebee. So Kingsly (my goat hi if u see this) mentioned this matchup and I thought it was cool and then I did it! 

That's really just it, I thought it would be cool, a fun way to bring in Titanfall and Bayverse TF and just sounds like a fun fight, so yea, that's really just it honestly. Not much else to say. 

17-Papa Smurf (The Smurfs) vs Olimar (Pikmin)

(accurate representation of this matchup)

Olimar and the Pikmin are technically alien so it counts for the week's theme shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. 

Aside from that, this one is just funny, not to mention interesting, I would assume it would be like, the Smurf Village as a whole fighting Olimar, it sounds funny, Pikmin is neat, Idk know what else to say, it's just a neat idea for a match. 

18-Max Payne (Max payne) vs John McClane (Die Hard)

Police officers being thrown in situations where they don’t wanna be but just get tangled into them because they just have terrible luck but manage to be badass and prevail despite it using their skill and smarts? Sign me the fuck in.

Look, Max Payne? Peak games, Die Hard? Peak movies (most of ‘em) and you combine ‘em both and you get some serious peak cooking. It is a rather interesting and simple fight. A good old fashioned gun-fight where skill and smarts come into play, I cannot really say much aside from that, I just really like it and feel it would be cool to see, also I just cooked with the TN ngl, I made sure to make each background look like their official game and movie posters, it was incredibly fun for what I think is a very fun matchup, I highly recommend playing Max Payne and watch DIe Hard if you haven’t fun times. 

19-May (Guilty Gear) vs Tron Bonne(Mega Man Legends)

(have fun)

Pirates, they do piracy, women, they can also be simps, this one sounds fun all around, def a bit of a stomp but honestly idm, it is just a very cool match with the lovestruck silly pirates with their gangs.  It's simple and fun, that is all. 

20-Altair (Assassin's Creed) vs The Prince (The Prince of Persia)

The reason as to why I choose Altair and not Ezio is because the first AC was meant to be Prince of Persia, and I find that cooler than just Ezio, even if the latter is more recognizable. Regardless, the idea of a parkour filled match where the two are running through the streets of Damascus in that great arabian sky. It just sounds majestic and if done right absolutely incredible. Both have a wide variety of weapons and some supernatural stuff with the sands of time and apple of Eden, it just sounds fun, and it has a bit of a legacy behind it. Idk, I just feel that it would be very fun as an episode.  

21-Jack Sparrow (Pirates of the Caribbean) vs Guybrush Threepwood (Monkey Island)

Indiana Jones also gets thrown a lot for Sparrow, its… alright I suppose but it doesn’t have that swashbuckling feeling to it. I feel that, even if definitely a bit on the “boomerish” side as Monkey Island is not as famous and prolific as it used to be, I feel that it still holds a decently enough grip on videogame history that the idea of these 2 duking it out makes a whole lot more sense. The classic quippy pirates going on adventures with cursed afterfacts, supernatural beings and many more other things, it just sounds fun honestly. 

I love the idea of the fight being a bit like in Monkey Island where you just constantly insulting each other with super petty things util one wins, sounds funny, also c’mon Pirates of the Caribbean is a (mostly) cool as hell series of movies, I like ‘em a lot, grew up with them and hold them close to my heart, I would love to see a good ol’ fashioned pirate fight. 

22-Shanoa (Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia) vs Miriam (Bloodstained)

(not from OoE but my favorite CV song ever probably)

Bloodstained is a game that I just got as of writing this and as such I cannot mention it deeply but I do know it is very popular, so I am very excited to play it once I get to it. CV is also very fun, cool games overall even though I'm more of a “classic CV” kinda guy, y’know 1,2,3 Rondo of Blood and the sort . Regardless, this match was proposed to me by a friend and even tho from what I can gather it is a very bad stomp the match still holds up greatly, it is very cool and honestly stomps have stopped matches before so I’m down, I would like to see other CV characters that aren’t the belmonts, Maria Renard also comes to mind, just someone that leans more into the magic side of the series that has always been rather interesting to me. 

23-Homelander (The Boys) vs Mr. Frog (Smiling Friends)

This is peak, I won’t elaborate further, it just is. 

24-Ziggs (League of Legends) vs Trigger Happy (Skylanders)

These are just 2 gremlins going gremlin-mode that love seeing stuff go boom, it's honestly peak as hell. I don't see it a lot, but I just feel it's a fun and simple idea that can lend itself for a very fun episode despite the simplicity, it's just neat. 

Also making this TN was super fun, could go crazy on the effects and the sort, a fun time all around, I just think this matchup is a lot of fun. I would love to make a blog on Ziggs specifically at some point, sounds fun.  

25-Hajime Hinata (Danganronpa) vs Izuku Midoriya (MHA)

I only remember that before Deku got thrown at Asta in DB, this one was a match that was discussed, not a lot mind you but still enough where I remembered it exists so, that's impressive. From what I can gather they are supposed to be the symbols of hope having earned lots of powers along the way. It sounds fun, and definitely interesting. Not much else I can say as I’m not really familiar with either.  

The backgrounds were fun as hell to do, especially for Hinata, it was an incredible time just making it as chock-full of personality as I could, I really wanted each side to look as if straight from an official poster or artwork. All in all, it sounds like a fun idea. 

26-Dr.Doofenshmirtz (Phineas & Ferb) vs Denzel Crocker (Fairly OddParents)

Scientists, they do be doing the science, sometimes for the evillllll, or just cus they are obsessed with having the last word. 

This one is just like, fun in concept and I feel the fight would be interesting, I can’t say that I have much else to say, I just think its pretty neat lol, it was a fun tn to do as well, simple but a fun time. 

27-Misogi Kumagawa (Medaka Box) vs Andy (Undead Unluck)

I know nothing about this, I was told it was awesome, I wanted to please my homies, that is all, it sounded fun, I did it, was cool, not much else to say I just think its neat! 

28-Daredevil (Marvel) vs Takayuki Yagami (Lost Judgment)

I remember this one came to my attention because, like in the BT vs Bumblebee TN that there was this thing called “What’s-Cooking” chat in the discord and Daredevil was one of the matches. And this one came into the mix and yea, sounds fun, the law-vigilante type guys, sounds fun and interesting and Yakuza martial arts would prolly mix with Daredevil and general comic martial arts, its not amazing, but for me it is very interesting. 

Also the TN was also very fun to do, based Yagami’s side on the game’s cover and tried to mimic it as best I could, sounded fun and was fun to do. In short, I like it. 

29-Jenny (My Life as a Teenage Robot) vs Robotboy (Robotboy)

I admit that I was more of a Robotboy kid, and even then I don’t remember much of it, however this match has been going strong for a while now, the idea of the friendly robit fellas that save the world is fun and simple and it makes sense, I wish I could say more, I know people adore Jenny and yeh, she sounds fun. 

All in all, it just sounds pretty fun. 

30-Sailor Mercury (Sailor Moon) vs Cure Beauty (Pretty Cure)


This one is just like, classic magical girl goddess, it's simple, it's fun, and honestly that's all ya need, 2 funny wamen going “water go brrr” and that's all ya need, the blog blow the TN I feel is a good read and y’all should give it a go, it does a better job explaining this match, better than I ever could at least. 

Also drink water dammit. 

31-Akuma (Street Fighter) vs Raoh (Fist of the North Star)

An Akuma runback would be fun, after having thrown hands with 2 MK characters tho I feel the guy can fight someone different, before Shao Khan was a thing, and even nowadays tho perhaps to a lesser degree, Raoh was like, the BIG Akuma idea, the dudes mastered an ancient martial art and killing the master, seeking strength etc etc. Sounds fun honestly as a fight.

SF and FotNS just have a strange vibe that work together, the fight itself sounds rather awesome as both have done very classic feats of strength, with Akuma making an island go Boom and Raoh punching a hole all the way to heaven, the comparison comes together nicely I mean. 

In short, it just sounds like a very cool fight in general and it makes sense to put it here at the end, something big and bold. Also the TN was super fun to do, I’m very happy with how it came out. 


This month was my Bday alongside some friends, I wanted to make it special. some cool matches here and there and throw in some for the homies. Not much I can add, it was just a lot of fun. so lets get to it baybeeeeeeeeeeeee

This week's theme was "monster catchers/partners" type deal, it went from Aiba vs YU to Ryuji vs Joey

1-Ty (Ty the Tasmanian Tiger) vs Crash (Crash Bandicoot)

September was a fun opportunity to ask around some servers I’m in because for some reason September is just the month where everyone shares a BDay, so it was nice to go to a few peps and ask them what TN’s they wanted for their BDay. This one is from a good friend of mine, I've mentioned him through the course of these blogs but its MeyJax, he’s always on the lookout for a Crash matchup and he proposed this one, and it sounds rather fun, Crash has a pretty interesting matchup pool and I would love to see the fella get a runback if possible. I admit to having never played the Ty games, I know them for sure but never got to ‘em, I should honestly, heard they are very fun. 


2-Meruem (HxH) vs Kars (Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure)

This match has become rather popular, from what I can gather from having watch Jojo I assume the idea is of these super-evolutionary beings and the sort, it sounds fun and Meruem is one of those HxH characters people really wanna see, and this seems like a mach people enjoy so, I wouldn’t mind if it happened. I tried to make the TN as close to the manga cover as possible in Meruem’s side, it came out alright, but I need to practice further, however I like the final result. It sounds fun, it would be nice to see it.  

3-Aloy (Horizon Zero Dawn) vs Jack Sully (Avatar)

Horizon is a very fun game, I haven’t played the sequel but I have played the OG, super fun game I really like it, Aloy would be super fun cus she all all these cool tools and abilities and idk she would be epic, it would also be very cool to see a Na’Vi, now I just didn’t throw em together cus they vibe together (tho yes that's part of it) but I love the concept of the people thrown in strange worlds, joining and rallying their cities and people and the sort, also funny archer fellas. 

Simple? Yeh, not perfect that's for certain, but I think that the fight is rather interesting and both series blend each other very well, also Jack has way more material than one would expect, and Avatar despite what might some people believe it has had huge cultural significance, so it would be fun to see it on an episode at some point. 

4-Jago Fett (Star Wars) vs Big Boss (Metal Gear)

This one sounds fun, the legendary warriors that got later cloned to high-hell. Its simple.SW and Metal Gear vibe together surprisingly well and at the very least sounds interesting as a discussion.

Not much else to add on my end honestly, sounds fun, plays nicely I feel and would be interesting if you wanna have the Boss solo instead of getting jumped on by S.H.I.E.L.D and the Avengers by proxy, so yea, sign me up for this.  

5-Deadpool (Marvel) vs Gintoki (Gintama)

Deadpool is a character that people wanna see more of, but are also afraid to see back because of the show’s… “peculiar?” relationship with the character, but that hasn’t stopped the community to find a fitting matchup that plays to his strengths and where he can truly shine. I’ve seen a lot, in fact this was one just coin-toss away from it being Blitzo from Helluva Boss, but in the end I settled with Gintoki cus honestly? It sounded funny, the self-aware comic and manga characters going at it, while still being love letters to their medium just sounds fun. Just because you’re a parody doesn’t mean you have to be negative about what you’re parodying, and this proves it! 

It just sounds interesting and fun, not much else to say aside from just sounds interesting and funny if done right it could hit all the right notes people wanna see from Deadpool and hopefully Gintoki. 

6-Braum (League of Legends) vs Reinhardt (Overwatch)

I think the only explanation I need for this matchup is the quote “be their shield” . I think that alone gives out everything you need to know about the match itself.

These larger than life- warriors, legend-like in the way people talk about them, strong and gallant, I feel that its just a match made in heaven honestly. Granted Rein doesn’t have as much material to work with as Braum, but I feel he carries through sheer charisma and hype-man energy, there is something about this match, a strange beauty in its simplicity. I really like it. The Tn could've come out better tho lol, I’ll admit to that. 

7-Levi (Attack on Tita) vs Roy Mustang (Full Metal Alchemist)

This match is so goddam peak, it's just so goddamn good bro I cannot stress the raw “HIM” energy that emanates from this match cannot be understated, here we have prolly some of the most badass military men in anime throwing hands with monsters and shit with funky parkour gear and fire magic what is there not to love? Listen, I like Zuko, but I couldn’t care less about Zuko vs Roy, it's Ed vs Aang but less thematic. THIS is where is at (imo ofc) this is just some good ol’ fashioned fighting I would love to see this match and how Alchemy and general AoT shenanigans meshes, would be so fucking coo. I wanna see this happen plz john DB if you’re reading this. 

8-Mr.Freeze (DC Comics) vs Amelia Hughes (Intinity Train)

I need to see Infinity Train. I've been told it's amazing, I don’t doubt it, I’ve also been told this match is very fun and cool, but my lack of knowledge doesn’t allow me to really have a true opinion on it, but it does sound rather interesting. 

It sounds like one of those matches that have a lot of “what if’s” going on for it and that is interesting enough for me, I really, really need to watch Infinity Train tho, can’t say I know much of it and because of it this description suffers lol… TN was super fun to do tho! 

9-Reg (Made in Abyss) vs Quote (Cave Story)

Cave Story is such a great game, very fun time, definitely recommended, I would love to see Quote in a DB at some point, Voltnutt I really like from a match standpoint, but I have seen this one a lot lately and, yea, I really like it to, the machine-kids in hostile worlds hiding many secrets and stuff, sounds awesome and interesting. I admit that I have seen a bit of Made in Abyss, I stopped because honestly, some scenes and general tone made me horribly uncomfortable lol, but the first seasons are honestly not bad at all, it's a fun concept and yea it falls under that “it looks cute but it's actually super duper dark” trope which can be hit or miss. But its interesting, and at the very least I respect the show. 

The fight itself sounds very interesting and fun, I'm doing everything within my power to not spoil anything about Cave Story lol. It just sounds interesting, would be fun to see as a blog and perhaps an episode. 

10- Kunio & Riki (River City Ransom) vs Lee Brothers (Double Dragon)

Classic beat ‘em up dynamic duos, its peak, I'm afraid, there really isn’t much of a secret to it, they are classic arcade/NES beat ‘em up protagonists, a 2V2 would be very fun, its classic video-gamey stuff and even tho, yea, most nowadays wouldn’t prolly know either of these series it still sounds fun and interesting to see, it's just fun. 

11- Arlecchino (Genshin Impact) vs Cinder (RWBY)

This matchup I remember just kind of exploded when Genshin Impact got an update and this character got revealed and like, literally 3 seconds later there was discussion about this match and how it was like, super cool and stuff, from the little I know I can tell that it sounds very fun. And a lot of friends liked it so I said “screw it” and made it! In the end I did it to please my homies and cus it sounded fun, that is all really. 

12-The Spot (Into the Spiderverse) vs Angstrom Levi (Invincible)

Universe hopping scientists with funky powers and lots of spite? Yeh sounds fun for me, simple, effective, lots of potential, that sounds awesome regardless of what angle you look at it from, I do think perhaps that the movie version of Spot might work better than the comic one? (from what I know anyway) but on its own I think there is lots of beauty in its simplicity, also its a unique angle on Invincible rather than the usual flying brick. So I think it would be fun to see it as an episode, even if demand or priority, let's be honest, isn’t very high for it. 

13-Niko Bellic (GTA 4) vs Vito Scaletta (Mafia)

I want a GTA episode at some point, I think the series is big enough where you can make a fun and interesting fight out of it. Out of all the GTA characters CJ and the gang from 5 tend to get thrown around the most, it makes sense they are very popular, for me tho I can’t help it, I really like 4 and Niko, it was the first GTA I played, it has a special place in my heart. It was hard for me to think of a matchup for Niko, I wanted someone that would play nicely of him but also matched some of that inherit silliness that GTA games have by virtue of being GTA games. I gave it some thought and Mafia came into my head, and Vito appeared and I was like “yea… actually I kinda like that”.

The migrants coming from wars, joining into the life of crime to pay a debt, one does it out of necessity and one out of desire, the ideas of the romanticized criminal life crashing down around them. Mafia and GTA 4 have this very interesting theme of like, how sometimes sadly we can’t get out of things we wish we weren’t part of, it's interesting, I feel something that would be fun to explore in a blog or match of some kind.

Either way, I just think this matchup in particular hits all the right notes for me, is it perfect? Prolly now, but out of all Ideas I’ve had and seen, I like this one the most by a long-shot. 

14-Austin Powers vs Shrek 

It just sounds fun honestly, not much else to say, the big parody movies of their respective genre, you can probably get some haha’s out of it, is neat, not much else to say, very happy with how this TN came out (specially Austin’s side) so yea, idk what else to say its just interesting I suppose. 

15-Aiba (Digimon Cyber:Sleuth) vs Yu (Persona 4)

This week marked que beginning of the “partners/monster catchers” something something week, admittedly I wanted to do something like this for a while, just so happened that it had to be in this month cus I couldn’t come up with enough matches to fill out a week, but after asking friends and the sort I was capable of doing so, it was a fun time doing this week too. This one in particular was funny cus Aiba’s side was pretty easy, Yu’s was a nightmare to do, lots of effects, I wanted to capture the energy and tone of Persona 4 which is very unique with that funky almost 80’s psychedelic aesthetic but not quite. Is fun.

As far as the match goes I’ve been told it's very fun, the investigator type of deals, I have played Cyber Sleuth a fair bit (haven’t finished it yet) and slo digimon is just cool in general so idm. I can’t say that or bring up much to the table, it sounds mad fun tho. 

16-Lucy (Fairy Tail) vs Alear (Fire Emblem)

I’ve seen people like this match, I trust their taste and I needed a matchup with the theme of this week so I went with it, it was very time-consuming, but definitely very fun to do I admit. There is a certain beauty to the simplicity I guess, in general tho, it just sounds fun, not much I can really add, it sounds interesting enough. 


17-The Warrior (SMT: Strange Journey) vs Doomslayer (DOOM)

I did not want to do 3 persona matches in the same week so I had to settle with this one cus it's SMT. 

I’ve seen this one a few times, especially cuz people want something that I guess taps into the more “cosmic” feats for Doomslayer, and the idea of just gunning down Hell sounds fun. Also the idea of Doomslayer killing funky SMT monsters just by sheer brickatude sounds funny as hell. 

Rip and tear until its done. 

18-Zatch & Kiyomaro (Zatch Bell) vs Metabee & Ikki (Medabots)

Good I want Medabots in the show so bad lol, realistically we only really getting Metabee but that's enough for me, fella is goated, would be so much fun to see it, Zatch Bell? Also peak, combine them both? Sounds fun as hell, magic vs technology, the living automatons duking it out. Sounds fun and interesting, lots of material to pull from both and I feel like it has lots of potential. 

Is it amazing? Nah, but I really like it, super fun. Also it was super fun to make this TN. 

19-V (Devil May Cry) vs Chaos (UNiST)

I know nothing about these 2, but when I asked for a matchup that fit the theme this one got brought up and I was like “bet” and did it and it was a lot of fun to do, from what I can gather they have books of magic sorts and summon funky creatures, sounds fun, sounds simple not much else to say, I’m down. 

20-Terry (Dragon Quest Monsters) vs Nate (Yokai Watch)

This one goes to my good friend munch, he a real one and this was a super fun TN to make, it sounds like a funn idea and like an interesting angle to take DQ too, cus its like the monster catcher angle and I like that, it also brings in Yokai Watch which is a fun time. It sounds like a simple but fun time, monster catcher battles are always fun. This one gets a big thumbs up, also the TN was a fun experiment and very cool to do, I wanted to give it that “sticker book” vibe to it.  

21-Ryuji (Persona 5) vs Joey (YuGiOh)

This one just sounds like a lot of fun, was fun to start it out with Persona and end it with Persona, this was brought to my attention recently and just honestly sounds fun, a nice contrast of personality and just sounds hype as hell, you can even circumvent Joey not being able to summon his monsters like Yugi or Kaiba by just setting the world in the Metaverse and going from there, this TN was also just very fun to do, lots of style and a chance for me to do pretty effects all over. 

In short, I like this! Even if perhaps not a fully fledged episode, a blog would be very interesting (time wizard my beloved). 

22-Layton (Professor Layton) vs Tintin (The Adventures of Tintin)

 Sherlock Holmes was also very close to get in this one instead of Tintin, but I find Tintin a character that I do not want to bash their head whenever they speak (I love sherlock holmes ik he’s supposed to be pedantic by design but goddam bro just keeps YAPPIN’) anyway I love Tintin, I love the professor Layton games, I like the idea of the world-trotting peps that just like investigating stuff, solving mysteries and finding ancient stuff along the way, its interesting and fun and both have a surprising lot of material to sort through. Idk, I just feel it is a surprisingly fun match. Also the TN was super duper fun to do. 

King Kong (Monsterverse) vs  George (Rapmage)/ King Kong (RKO Radio) vs T-Rex (Jurassic Park)

(I bet ya never thought I would do 2 in a day.)

God I wanna see King Kong in a DB lol, it would be awesome, but I never really settle on what match. Which is why I did 2! Especially for like, different versions of the character that would be fun, a more general composite that I’ve dubbed “classic” Kong and the Monsterverse one specifically. Both I feel are cool enough to guarantee their own blogs/episodes. 

Now you may be wondering about their opponents, admittedly I don’t know if anyone even remembers the Rampage arcade games (they were way before the movie) but I hope so, they are fun games, a friend brought up the idea of Monsterverse Kong vs Rampage George and despite it not having a super deep theme it still sounded awesome so, I decided to do it. Rampage has a lot of material to go through and it would be cool to see it, more fun too is the idea of just a composite T-Rex from Jurassic Park, someone I’ve affectionately called “Johanna Rex” because think about it, of all the things from Jurassic Park the most iconic is the T-Rex, and they know it too! This fella has appeared in basically everything regarding the series lol, it sounded fun from an analysis and blog perspective, in the end they were just silly ideas I had, and I like ‘em a bit. 

24-Pac-Man vs Felix the Cat

Ok, before anyone says anything, I need to admit… I don’t vibe hard with Pac vs Luigi, now I don’t hate it, I just don’t think its that fun. 

But I also admit that I would love to see the Pac make it into an episode, many ideas have been thrown around (I like Kool-Aid Man also) but this one, hoh, this one is just good. Now you wouldn’t be wrong to think that the whole theme is just “the first” which is true! They were the pioneers, the ones to kinda pave the way for the rest to come, but I also feel that just the general vibe and tone of both characters is surprisingly samey. Let me explain. 

Pac-Man and Felix are just these silly little guys in these fantasy worlds that, quite literally, are just used to do whatever. One second they are just having some silly tomfoolery and the next they are on a magical adventure trying to kill a demon or wizard only for 3 seconds later being in space fighting aliens. These are characters that are a “blank canvas” of sorts, with so much history to them that their lore and world have become very similar imo. I think the 2 characters would make for a fun crossover. 

As far as the match goes, it goes all in on the “video game logic” vs “cartoon logic” and I feel that is just something that cannot be understated, the sheer insanity that would be on display is worth it alone I feel. It sounds like a very fun match, and also I just really like both characters, I grew up with both, it makes me happy to see Felix the Cat get some love, bro’s great. 

25-Ramen vs Spaghetti

This TN is special to me because well…. It is my birthday lol. And well, it sounds weird but this match has a bit of a personal significance to me (corny I know). 

This match specifically came to me when like, I felt down in life in general, I was tired, I remember it being very late, I wanted to make something silly and cool, the idea came to mind and I did a TN for it, an well, despite it being a gigantic shitpost I really liked the idea. I like history, I love food, if not just from a VS perspective it was a way to indulge in hobbies I like and love. And I remember clearly when the DB Discord did a live ballot banter, I didn’t knew what to post and posted that TN, little did I know that the team would look at it and get a laugh from it, and that's when like, it hit me, why do I do the things I do: 

Because its fun, If I can make things that make people happy and smile and laugh, thing that they can ponder about and giggle after having a long and rough day, and for me there is no greater honor than to do so, we all need a smile, and to know that its also ok to not always feel ok. You’re stronger than you know.

I feel there is no better way to represent the simple joys of life than to experience a hearty meal of noodles, of the variety you prefer. Because in the end we are not separate from every other thing, smile, you deserve it, things will get better.

26-Wheeljack (Transformers) vs Donatello (TMNT)

After my Bday came another one, this one from my good bud Josh, I asked what match he wanted and he said this and I said “k” and so I did it, sounds honestly fun, the big techy guys of their respective teams. Lots of material and versions to pull from and it just sounds like a good ‘ol nerd fight, and nerd fights are always fun. Idk who wins, I assume it is surprisingly even depending on what versions u use, but from an overall stand-point it just sounds hype as hell. Super fun. 

27-Korra (The Legend of Korra) vs Delsin Rowe (Infamous: Second Son)

3 Bday’s in a row, crazy I know, this TN was made for Medd my goat, this is prolly one of his favorite matches, I can’t say I know much cus I haven’t seen Korra but I’ve read his script and many blogs on this and it sounds really fun honestly. The successor riddles with responsibility and self-doubt, it is a strong theme.  It's simple, it's fun, that's all I need. 

28-Unikitty (LEGO) vs Pinkie Pie (MLP)

You may have noticed a lack of MLP in these daily tn’s, now, I don’t hate MLP, from what I’ve watched and the comics I’ve read I actually really like it. And this show has a very big group in VS, but I do have to be honest, even if for a bit, I can’t say I vibe much with lots of the matches the show has, now this is entirely personal Ik, but I can’t say I like many matches, this one tho it's probably an exception, in the sense that even tho it sadly has to end in an L I would just love it if it somehow ended in a tie or “friendship” it just deserves it, both are fun characters. I wanted to get wacky and pretty with it, perhaps I overdid it (I did 100%) but hey, I wanted to go extra, and this was a fun way to go that extra bit. It's fun, it's neat, I like both characters, make it happen lol. 

29-Illidan (WoW) vs Darth Maul (Star Wars)

Maul is awesome, top 5 favorite SW characters probably, I would love to see him in an episode, he has had many options over the years the hobby has existed, some better than others, this one is recent and I rather like it, the demonic fellas with ancient power, and they have an arc thats similar enough and still deviates enough to make a decent comparison, things like redemption and the sort, it's interesting. Also WoW and SW magic systems just clash nicely I think, sounds fun, I like it and this TN was a lot of fun to make many pretty colors. 

30-Steve (Minecraft) vs The Terrarian (Terraria)

Minecraft is probably one of, if not my, favorite video game ever, there is something about it that always draws me back, that makes me feel happy and comfortable, perhaps it is the monotony or the limitless potential that drives me in it, the idea that regardless of what world I make I can always make something new or find something new. I can safely say that the game changed my life for the better, I owe it.

I say this ofc, not leaving Terraria behind, I got late into it, but I love it all the same, it has such a vibrant and powerful energy to it that truly cannot be replicated, it's so unique and special, that words cannot really begin to fathom what I feel towards it. It also makes sense these 2 games have a sort of a rivalry, the “this is your world, craft in it” vibe is strong, it's a classic, perhaps it will happen in the future, perhaps not, I think regardless it would be a spectacle, a fun fight all around and would be more than happy to just gush about both games forever and ever. 

More so, always remember, enjoy the long dream of life. Remember that the universe loves you, that the universe is kind. 

Because the universe said “I love you” because you are made of love. Never forget that. 

Before we go

What can I even say? Part 3, only 3 months to go, here’s hoping I can keep going. I would like to thank everyone, friends family and everyone that reads and takes the time to go through this, it means so much to me. There are not enough words that let me describe how much it truly means to me. 

I hope to keep going, and I hope this was a fun read, Im sending all my energy, stay strong and remember:

Be good

Be kind

Drink water.

See you later! For the last part of this.


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