Ani's DEATH BATTLE!'s Season 9 Victory lap! Hooray

Just a few things before we start…

Hey there! Just another silly little blog, this time with more in line with DB shenanigans, its a show I rather like so I feel I would do something, with the year coming to a close and all that...

As of today, December 21st of 2022, (when I'm writting this and when this comes out it will probably be december 2024 lol) the 9th season of the show has finally come to an end with a very explosive finale! And every year, in private in some servers I did always like to do what I call a "Victory lap" by this I simply mean that I watch all the episodes back to back and give a small short opinion on them.

Nedless to say, these are just personal opinions, this ain't the official DB anything so like, my words are just like any others, migth like some things some others don't and vice versa yatta yatta. This is just for fun so lets have some! 

All of the videos are property of the DB team, and their characters of their respective mediums as well, I will provide links to the episodes themselves and the tracks that were used, becuase they deserve the recognition, the TN's are the official thumbnails used on the episodes too. 

1: Harley Quinn vs Jinx

[YOUR HONOR! League of Legends!...]
Episode Here.

(Mad Laugh Riot; by Brandon Yates) 

Not going to lie, I forgot just how good this episode was until I started to do this re-watching shenanigans, cus goddam they set the bar so goddam high with this episode (imo at least), I remember when the teaser for the season came and for like, 0.000001 nanoeconds you could see a Jinx clip from the Get Jinxed music video I was hyped for this episode to come out, I thought it would of been later in the season so it definitely was a surprise when it was revealed to be the season premiere and ya know what? It fucking rocks. 

The analysis are fun and really do service to both character, they flow nicely and I they got a chuckle otta me, i fucking love the editing in these, specially in terms of comics and the sort (something that is just gonna get better if memory serves me right) and overall idk its just very fun. The inclussion of Ringmaster is funny, this is a thing that is gonna happen the entire season, putting the rest of the cast in the show and the sort, Its neat and I like it.

The fight is a monster of its own, it's funny, its energetic, it's dynamic, it's Funny. Both VA's kill it with their parts, the setting being on an abandoned theme park leads to some incredible use of the set pieces and its just so goddam creative, it never gets me bored and gets the blood pumping so hard idk how to explain it, its just GOOD. The scene where the camera zooms out on the caroussel like its a Looney Tunes bit and always gets a laugh out of me, the final part on the mirror maze is just absolute art and i don't really know what else to say, its just great, its a very good episode go watch it idc. 

I give "Watch The Harley Queen Show" vs "Watch Arcane" a:  "Seductive HonkingOut of 10

2: Scarlet Witch vs Zatanna

[Surprisingly enough very little Comics this season]
Episode Here.

(Spellaholics Synonumous; by Brandon Yates) 

Having a Marvel vs DC fight as second or third episode is just some sort of tradition at this rate isn't it?  Either way this is a fun matchup so I don't mind, nothing really beats a cool fight between magicians with funky reality-changing powers so I'm down. Granted and I do admit, after a rewatch the episode is def better than I remember but at the same time it is about what I remember as well, does that make sense? Prolly not. 

The analysis are fun, not much to really say lmao, the editing is very, very fucking good. and hey I don't recall anything that made me roll my eyes but nothing that specially made me went "hell yea less go" the two of them are about right, and I think handle both character good enough Jocelyn comes in to explain stuff, that is p'cool. 

the fight is one of fun, more fun than I remember at least, comic fights tend to be sometimes on a slower tempo and thats cool, its cool that most of the damage isn't entirely direct (as in they simply don't go full MvC-mode and do combos) most of it is just how the magic spells affect the other which is very cool. I specially love the big with the cards, summoning DC and Marvel heroes to throw hands, it is very cool I admit. 

Tbh there are many bits in the animation that I still remember, Zatanna reaching out of the screen (very epic) Wanda just blowing everything and ofc the final "no more witches" line is very cool, the track is neat. In the end its just cool, its a neat fight with a neat analysis and animation, nothing really that deviates from that... thats about what I can say sorry lol. Sometimes things are just about right and thats that, and this one is p'cool, me like it. 

I give Elizabeth Olsen vs Zatanna a:  "Look at her go." Out of 10

3: Tanjiro vs Jonathan Joestar.

[Jojo if it was an actually good anime]
Episode Here.

(Breathless Blades; by Therewolf Media) 

Do you like fun facts of breathing? Cus this episode has that lmao. I won't lie, I haven't seen Demon Slayer (yet) so Tanjiro is a bit out of my element, but I have seen Part 1 Jojo and its p'fun tho can't say much about later parts (2 is goated tho) not that I hate them or anything, just not my thing sadly. This episode tho its cool, its a short but fun ride which makes me realize I can't really say much about it lmao.

The Jonathan part is def pretty neat, I like how they handled, tho not everything lands. Still however it is pretty fun and its clear they like both characters ofc they kinda have to go into spoilers for Tamagochi's story. I think however the real highlight here is the fight. 

It is a fun fight, will say tho the idea of Jonathan going all the way to Japan just to kill demons its both cool and funny. The VA's absolutely kill it in this fight, both do a great job specially Jonathan who manages to get through the funny and the cool parts of the character, Tangiho's VA also does a pretty good job. The fight itself is fun, has a cool pace and idk, I admit it might not be the best of the season perhaps, but I can't help but be a bit biased towards it. Its definitely pretty fun. 

A huge chunk of that I feel comes from the music strangely enough. The track in this episode goes specially well, and it picks up nicely by the end which gives it this very strong sensation of intensity, I really like how Tampico realizes that Jonathan's breathing is similar and tries to counter it and the bit where the former dodges the final attack by just a few inches is just legitimely great. And ofc that ending, prolly the one thing everyone remembers, needless to say, tho jonathan crying is unintentionally funny its still a powerful end to the fight... something that will become very common on these Death Battles from now on. More character and story driven and I think thats pretty cool.

I give Tangerine vs Jonny test a:  "Does he know????????!" Out of 10

4: Thor vs Vegeta.

Episode Here.

(Princes of Pride; by Brandon Yates) 

This ones a banger ngl Wiz. Like, jokes aside most of my issues are probably minor and don't really matter? Most of them come from the analysis portion but overall idk, the two of them are very very good.

so, the analysis is good, its fun dandy and I like it! I like how it tackles Thor's arc of becoming more than just a warrior and a monarc and Vegeta's quest to become a better person its neat and I like it, but c'mon its not what we remember about this episode, its the punchy punchy part that most remember and goddam does it deliver.

first of all the Voice Actors don't do just great, they do fucking incredible, Scott as Thor with the ye ol' english and ofc course Lanipator from TFS fame doing Vegeta for probably the most raw deliveries this series has seen cus goddam both of these by the end must of obliterated their vocal cords. The fight is fast paced, its a nice blend of DBZ-styled throwing hands and more classical sprite based animation and its just so fucking good, many memorable moments in here that its hard to really bring them all up. Vegeta holding the hammer only to be pushed back. Thor's war cry at the end as the thunder cracks, Vegeta just prepping that wicked Final Flash, its so good lmao. 

yea this episode is p'gud, I like it a lot, at least the fight alone is worth it I feel cus like, that fight goes hard as fuck, I would go on about it but it would be redundant, I just really like this one and its prolly one of my favorite DBZ fights in the show... tho my favorite is prolly later down the list. 

I give Pay your CGI animators vs John Saiyan a:  "Look Vegeta doing Fortnite DancesOut of 10

5: Omni-Man vs Homelander.

[Mark vs Gohan amirite fams]
Episode Here.

(Diavolical Invincible Me; by Brandon Yates) 

I don't really know what I can say about this cus I haven't really seen or read any of the home series, I wanna get to it one day but for now I only have social symbiosis to go in terms of these 2 lmao. 

uuuh I mean, its fun! You can clearly tell they were doing their best to not spoil neither show which is pretty funny, the editing is pretty cool and well, yea what can I say the fight is pretty cool too, Its fun to see Homelander just get his shit pushed in constantly. don't really have much else to say, apologies if you were expecting more ^^;

I give MK1 DLC character vs MK1 DLC Character a:  "Bardock is not that big of a deal guys the accident was 10 years ago let it go" Out of 10 

6: Magneto vs Tetsuo.

Episode Here.

(Ego death; by Therewolf Media) 

Man, it’s hard to really nail down what I want to say about this episode, because it has not only become one of my favorite of the season but of the show in general. It helps that it has Akira on it, and I absolutely love Akira in both the manga and the movie, it’s just such a wonderfully constructed piece of media and I love it. And yea I won’t lie the analysis for Tetsuo is pretty peak, I love it quite a bit specially the end bits it just hits right.

Mags is awesome too however and he’s not far behind, I’m glad that they go out of their way to explain electromagnetism and idk, despite being a bit all over the place I feel it does its flow rather nicely, I like Magneto he pretty epic I think.

That fight however, goddam that ANIMATION, it’s probably some of the best the show has ever done, even if a lot of it can be boiled down too “they throw shit at each other for a while” it sometimes isn’t what it is but how it’s done, and it’s done in such a wonderful and creative way here cus they fully take advantage of just how stupid the 2 can get, I love how Tetsuo is more flingy and aggressive and Mags is more controlled and smart with it. Tetsuo’s transformation into its ego death is also pretty dam good and that music is just so good, god people always make a big deal about vocal tracks (and don’t take me wrong I love them) but there is a beauty to the non-vocal ones. Therewolf fucking nailed it with this one, its so good I love it.

I suppose its impossible to speak about this animation without mentioning the ending. Aside from an incredibly fun and creative use of the “Welcome to die” meme it also kick started what I would like to call the “emotional kill” it may not have been the first, but perhaps alongside Jonathan vs Mandarina really nailed it down. I love that Magneto stops holding back not because of anger or frustration but because he legitimally wants to help this poor suffering kid, and gives it a quick, painless end, its very Akira and on par with some of the best X-Men stories I’ve read.

Needless to say, I quite love this episode, it might of slowly become one of my favorites of the entire series, everything about it I just enjoy and love, can’t help it, go give it a watch, its worth the while I feel. 

I give MAHVEL BABY vs Forehead a:  "Go read BartkiraOut of 10

7: Hercules vs Sun Wukong.

[Go play Okami that game is fucking goated]
Episode Here.

(Hero's Journey; by Therewolf Media) 

A disclaimer, as I feel this episode deserves and needs it: I love mythology and culture, but out of a respect for the people that still practice these religions I would not like to extend greatly upon what it is said or what the episode could entail, I would simply like to give out my opinion on the episode on its own basis, I love cultures and history and above all I just love to learn, so I would like to keep my opinion on this simple and minimal.

its good, its fun and creative, I like seeing mythology in this show, hope it happens at some other point, but if it does I hope it is done with the respect it deserves, that goes not only to DB as a show but the community at large, that they threat these figures with the respect they deserve, please and thanks. 

all in all, it was neat, I like.

I give The Rock vs Eddie Peng a:  "I sure do hope they do Goku vs Superman 3 in the year of our lord 2023 and it ends up being peak fiction" Out of 10

8: Boba Fett vs Predator.

[The legend of John Yautja beings...]
Episode Here.

(If it Bleeds; by Therewolf Media) 

It’s fun... yea that’s about it idk what else to say I’m sorry please don't kill me, it’s fun, I enjoy it, even if the bits with the predator are pretty strange considering myself getting a bit deep into predator lore cus like, it’s such a strange composite but I mean I don't mind too much.

I love how they can apparently summon weapons out of thin air due to explosions, also unrelated but it’s very weird to hear a SW character say “motherfucker”, it’s not like, super weird cus its Boba saying it but it still catches me off-guard.

It’s also very funny how in the post-fight they say “Beskar can survive bolts of electricity” as the clip in the back shows 2 mandalorians getting fucking evaporated into dust, it is unintentionally funny.

The fight is surprisingly better than I remember, it is very cool and I like it a fair bit, so overall? A fun time tbh, I liked it, I’m glad we’re getting more movie characters its always hype. 

I give Not-Mando vs "Insert that weird noise the Predators make" a:  "Captain Rex would be cool in an episode tbh" Out of 10

9: Excalibur vs Raiden.

Episode Here.

(The Metal Lotus; by Therewolf Media) 

I will say, was not expecting a bonus episode this year but hey I thank John Warframe for giving us this, cus its honestly pretty neat all things considered, im always happy to get extra stuff and this one delivers I feel, it is definitely different than other episodes but I feel in the right ways. 

the analysis are pretty fun, I like the set-up, its unqiue and kind of appreciate the more laid back style of it, its less professional and more akin to just 2 buds discussing in their free time, its a nice vive that I hope they can bring again at some point, its fun and interesting and pretty neat. 

The fight is actually better than I remember, its fast paced and cool and it has some very neat shit in it, Wiz and Boomstick dropping in-mid way is a bit weird but overall it wasn't bad, I really liked it, it was super fun and Im glad we got a Raiden runback, he my goat. 

I give Looter Shooter vs Raiden (Record of Ragnarok) a:  "isn't is weird the only Kojima game I legitimely enjoy is the one that didn't have Kojima involved in any meaningful way? Werid... also yea obligatory MGR meme hereOut of 10

10: James Bond vs John Wick.

[Bro the part where Wick went "This truly is The Death Battle Season 9" was so dope]
Episode Here.

(Secret Service; by Therewolf Media) 

Oh hey more movie characters (UuUuUuHmmmm AchTually Bond is from a book something something), that’s always cool. Honestly the most disappointing part of this episode is that it doesn’t end in sex, they even say how good Bond is at romance so honestly this automatically makes it bad.

Jokes aside, did anybody went into this episode expecting Wick to win it? Aside from just preferring Wick as a character. Never been huge on the Bond movies sadly, but I love the John Wick ones, so this episode was a 20 minute ride knowing that he was about to be reunited with his wife.

Aside from that, it is actually pretty good, I like the analyses, the fight is very fun, bit janky at points but I like fights that are a bit more grounded, Bond definitely carries a fair but cus he’s the one with all of the weird gadgets and cool thingamajigs.

In the end, idk maybe I would of preferred Wick in another fight, but this one was definitely fun so I don’t mind, it’s neat, me like, it’s cool, it had many pew pew guns and many punchy punches, so that’s automatically a thumbs up.  

I give Austin Powers (but good) vs That guy from Cyberpunk 2077 a:  "fr tho go watch the John Wick movies they are peak fiction I love em so muchOut of 10

11: Black Adam vs Apocalypse.

[this Gif has done irreparable damage to the VS community]
Episode Here.

(Fallen Gods; by Brandon Yates, Omeha Sparx & SWATS) 

Egypt, it is most definitely a place that exists, so its fitting they put the Marvel and DC Egyptian fellas to throw hands I suppose.

Jokes aside the episode is alright, it’s a fun time, I admit to not know much about it so my reasoning is basically “they punch the best” and that’s about it, its silly fun all around with some very unintentionally funny scenes such as the moon exploding and the funny tiger.

I will say this, I love the VA’s for this, they went hard as fuck specially Apocalypse and I like the whole starting setup of making it look like a crossover comic of sorts, its surprisingly fun.

Idk what to say, it’s just neat, it’s cool and fun and y’know sometimes you need that, we don’t need every fight to be this cosmic shit-bricking punch-fest sometimes we just need 2 evil people head-butting each other and doing silly comic stuff cus that’s cool and badass, and this episode delivers on that.

 So is it amazing? Nah, but I say is worth a watch at the very least, even if for the silly bits. Also there is something incredibly fucking funny about the Black Adam movie sponsoring this episode considering how it ends.

also the track bangs idc what anyone says.  

I give The Rock again what??? vs No seriously the fucking Rock again?! a:  "did you know that camels are edible?" Out of 10

12: Xeno Trunks vs Archie Silver.

Episode Here.

(Hedge of Tomorrow; by Brandon Yates) 

I was surprised to know that like 10 minutes of this episode are entirely dedicated to explaining Xenoverse and Archie cosmology and idk how to feel about that... its very weird.

Aside from that, it’s fun I suppose, it’s a fun time, the highlight here is the animation I will admit, it is very cool and its filled with a lot of very cool scenes and it’s pretty awesome I admit.  

The scene with trunks bringing in GT Goku and Pan for the triple Kamehameha alongside the SSG transformation its cool as fuck, idk it’s just neat, the part where time begins to glitch is actually pretty awesome, and the time labyrinth is very neat too, as a whole is nothing amazing but its surprisingly fun and those small things add up to something enjoyable, the VA’s did good as always and idk, it’s just a fun episode, nothing much nothing less, and that’s fine, I find myself re-watching it from time to time to kill some time or as background noise, it’s just something I enjoy.  

Idk, it’s pretty neat I think and that’s good enough for meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Oh and the track is a banger btw. 

I give -Wow first Vegeta and now his kid thats kinda fucked up DB- vs furry Kyle Reese a:  "how many times have they destroyed the moon in this show lol" Out of 10

13: Spongebob vs SuperFriends Aquaman.

[ Creature From the Krusty Krab had a banger OST like fr fr ]
Episode Here.

(Ocean Men; by Therewolf media) 

I will keep it short, this perhaps comes out as a bit of a hot-take but man, this waiting period was not fun at all. Not because I hate Spongebob, I fucking love spongebob its great. But this episode, idk, never clicked with me, but again thats mostly just a me thing, not my cup of coffee I suppose, I am happy for all the people that love this episode and found it fun, for them I will try to be as neutral as I can.

All things considered, it is extremely fun, the animation is legitimely kind of incredible and the VA's killed it, its fun and ends on a bittersweet note and yea its pretty cool, the analysis are fun... to a degree. 

They kinda overdo it with the whole "god-sponge" thing and it gets pretty tedious after a while lol. 

but yea the animation is actually pretty fun, the end is legitimely amazing and neat the animation is legitimely incredible and the ending is so incredibly hype that its amazing its from this episode. 

I just wish to heavens above I could care more lol, but I don't hate it, far from it, I respect it. It just isn't my cup of coffee, but I would rather have a 100 episodes like these than for the show to be serious 100% of the time, weirdness is what gives spice to life after all. 

I give SpongeGod our one true saviour (the episode not me) vs Literal trash joke (the episode not me) a:  "Kirby lore videos have done irreparable damage to fiction as a whole" Out of 10

14: Jason Voorhees vs Michael Myers.

[ Shoutouts to this fan video cus its peak]
Episode Here.

(T.G.I.H (thank God It's Halloween); by Therewolf Media) 

It’s very weird when an episode has better analyses than it does an animation, which is odd but definitely describes this episode for me nicely. Not that I hate the fight, I think it’s neat and like the angle they went for, its unique despite perhaps not being all there in delivery, but I do enjoy it and hope that this only improves.

But for me the real highlight of this episode are the analyses, they are like, super-duper amazing for some reason? Specially Michael’s it is creepy and odd and it really leans into the character and I can’t really explain it to well but the two are surprisingly awesome, they are set and told like this mix of the usual schlock and fireplace tales and it’s a very good combo. I like it, I really do.

All in all? It’s alright, it’s a cool Halloween episode and I enjoy it greatly, but it’s not one I rematch a lot or at all, but still, its ok. Granted because I have a bias towards Halloween as a franchise (3 is underrated graaaaaaaa), it’s very cool.

Idk, cannot think of much else to say, great pre-fight, alright fight, not much else. 

I give New Jersey vs Illinois a:  "Did you know that The Nightmare Before Christmas is not directed by Tim Burton yet everyone gives him the credit? Kinda fucked up if you ask me." Out of 10

15: Sauron vs Lich King.

[ I'm so glad Death Battle gave us niche LotR fans an episode ]
Episode Here.

(One King to Rule them All; by Therewolf Media) 

This is the best episode of the season for me on a personal level, I cannot even begin to explain why and even if I did I would not be sure that any word in Spanish, English or Sindarin would be enough to fully describe what I feel for this episode.

I still remember when the mid-season teaser got shown, and everyone was so excited for literally everyone, but me, ohohoh me, I saw SAURON there, I was losing my fucking shit over it, I love Tolkien-lore I’ve read most of it (I still lack a few books and the sort) but I adore LotR, the movies, I’ve seen the adaptations read the Silmarillion goddam I was just so happy to see Lord of the Rings in a death battle and its goddam Sauron its so good. WoW is a game I know and definitely respect, but I haven’t touched so I sadly didn’t know a lot, but I knew people like Arthas and where hyped to see him so I was happy, I love my homies.

Anyway, this episode is just peak, it makes me happy to see LotR get talked about in the show, I absolutely adore Sauron’s analysis, I love the animation.

God the animation, I sometimes hate using this word but the only way I can describe it its RAW. The VA’S are RAW, the animation is RAW the dialogue is RAW, its high-fantasy combat between warlocks at its absolute finest and I adore every single second of it.  I love that they used Sauron’s shapeshifting and Arthas’s ice magic, I love the way Sauron ditches his mortal body to just become his spirit self-it’s just so fucking good I love this episode.

I believe with full confidence it has become one of my favorites ever in the show’s history, easily top 3 perhaps, It’s just… so good and I love it. 

I give Who???? vs Who???? a:  "READOut of 10

16: Deku vs Asta

[ I honestly have no funny joke to make here ]
Episode Here.

(Strongest Alive; by Brandon Yates) 

I know Jack-shit about these 2, I wanna read Black Clover at some point but thats about it so uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh... the fuck is on my script lemme check... 





ok so my notes say and I quote: "they punch cool i think I am very hungry please help" 

hm... I suppose that is 'aight, the VA's are very good, love Asta specially when he goes "cus Im never going down" that was raw as fuck, the animation is very fucking cool I admit, it has so much weight and power behind it, the sprites are very cool and idk, its very cool, it was a very fun time I liked it, just wish I could provide more, perhaps one day once I dive into MHA and Black Clover my feelings change, I would def like to see more of both at some point, they seem like very cool characters that lend themselves to be in future episodes. 

I give Not-Miles Morales vs Thank God it isn't 7 Deadly Sins a:  "Sorry I only read PEAK fiction" Out of 10

17: Gogeta vs Vegito. 

[Can they beat Goku tho? (No lol)]
Episode Here.

(Dragon Dance; by Brandon Yates) 

Death battle is a funny show sometimes, because they announce episodes like this and you think “wow this sounds boring as fuck” and then they release it and ends up being the most well-thought out, wonderfully constructed love letter ever conceived my mortal hands and it really makes you feel like a bit of an asshole for doubting them.

This episode for me feels like filling that quota, not that I thought it was going to be bad, far from it, I always believe the team does their best and was excited to see the final product, but I simply couldn’t have been ready for this one in particular. If there is one word to describe this episode is “love-letter” (I used a hyphen so its technically, kind-of-not-really one word so bite me).

The analyses are fun and filled with cool and neat references sprinkled in through, the animation oh god the animation the MUSIC, the fight is probably some of the best the show has done, it has so much energy and power and speed behind it, the music blares as things go by and idk, it’s just so much better than one would of expected it to be and it’s just… so fucking good what else can I say?

It’s an unexpected but greatly welcome surprise of a finale, its done with love and care, its intense and fast-paced, its everything you wish out of what’s essentially DBZ fanfiction what is there not to love?

In short, yea, this is pretty fucking good lol go watch it idc amma shill it. 

I give Goku with extra steps vs Goku with a fashion sense a:  "Rip Bozo FighterZ is never getting RollbackOut of 10

Before we go...

Nothing much today other than sorry for taking so long to post this lol, but hey better late than ever! (even if by the time this is posted season 10 might be over) but I just wanted to post something silly and fun, I still wanna make character blogs and Im doing my best to get them going, but work and life make it difficult to be consistent, but I haven’t forgotten about this blogger thing, would love to continue.

Aside from it the usual, I would like to thank all my friends that support me, without them I am nothing, I would like to thank those that trust and believe in me and finally, as always, thank you, the reader for taking time out of your day to read this, without you I would not have motivation to continue.

I wish everyone a wonderful day, a wonderful year, and remember to drink water, see ya later!


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