Ani's DB Anlysis: Subject Delta, the automaton of Rapture

Just a few things before we start…

Hello! I’m back! And this time with a very special Blog, one that I wanted to really do because it tackles one of my favorite series ever and my favorite game of the franchise to begin with. If you haven’t guessed by the logo on the front, it's Bioshock! Hooray.

It's probably one of my favorite video game series out there, and for so long I wanted to try to make a blog on one of the characters. I wanted to try Booker or Jack, but I feel those 2 usually get the most recognition, so I decided to do one that most people tend to shove aside, but that I feel is my favorite of the 3, Bioshock’s 2 very own Delta.

My sources are simple, I’ve taken the games, official trailers and the official novel “Bioshock: Rapture” clips and gifs and where I’ve taken them will be sourced below ofc.

So, without much further do, let’s dive in, shall we? (pun intended)


The year is 1951, location: The North Atlantic. Unbeknownst to the world at large and hidden beneath the icy cold waters laid upon the creation of a man named Andrew Ryan. A place where the small wouldn’t have to fear the strong, nor the strange would be shunned by the pity normality of life, where everyone was free to be themselves. This city was called Rapture, a technological marvel and architectural wonder where only those who sought to escape from the world above could enter.

Long story short, Utopias can’t last forever, so soon people were abusing the system the city had provided them, pushing the limits to their own capabilities in the trade of business, art, genetics, etc. amidst this turmoil and rising conflict (that would inevitably lead to a civil war) came an outsider, a diver from the surface world who had been investigating the disappearances of ships in said part of the ocean.

Taken kindly by the populace to this so called “Johnny Topside” he became a bit of a celebrity in the city of Rapture, he was well loved and seemed like a humble man too all of course, except Andrew, who saw the foreign as a spy, a threat to the stability of his creation. It wasn’t long before he made him “disappear”. Having him kidnapped and used as a test subject for what would eventually become the monstrous Big Daddies.

You see there has rising tensions in Rapture, girls called “Little Sisters” were proclaiming a special substance named ADAM, one thing leads to another and one guy called Fonta- you know. It's a long story… so to summarize:
  • - A technological arms race is sprung between Andrew and Fontain.
  • - The city is probably gonna go to shit soon.
  • - They need methods to safeguard Little Sisters from getting their ADAM stolen.
  • - They decide to create the Big Daddies to protect them.

Johnny, having been used as a subject, was the first to be successfully “bonded” to a Little Sister, a kid by the name of Eleanor Lamb. For years they lived together as protector and protectee until Sophia (Eleanor’s mother and batshit crazy psychologist) decided she had had enough, taking the girl away from him and attempting to kill him in the process so she could raise her child to be the new savior of Rapture.

It wasn’t long before Delta mysteriously awoke from its slumber, Eleanor communicating with him through their bond in the hopes to reunite with him and escape the now decayed city. And now the giant automaton wanders the city, for the sake of saving her daughter and stopping Sophia’s newly founded cult along the way, and nothing, and I do truly mean NOTHING will stand in his way.


Diving Suit

Subject Delta is part of a series of Big Daddies denominated as “Alpha” , one of the first units that were ever produced in rapture. But don’t let that make you think that our fellow here is weak or outdated. Even tho he realistically is when compared to other models, he has proven worthy enough to compete, defeat and compare to many of these supposedly superior units.

Being a Big Daddy, and having his body modified means he has various attributes that are unique to him, since he was made with the idea of protecting and communicating with Little Sisters, most big daddies are operated to have a specific voice-box that soothe the Little Sisters, as well as emanating a specific smell that attracts them and keeps them close.

But above it all there is his suit; it is designed to work on land as it does on water, allowing him to dive into the depths of the ocean of Rapture without having to worry about oceanic pressure (which are around the 18-20 fathom range) without much issue, so it's no surprise then that this armor is tough enough to withstand anything from CQC to bullets to missiles no less, while also increasing his physical strength to superhuman degrees. It also comes equipped with a pair of IV tubes that directly connect to Delta’s body, allowing for a constant supply of medicine and EVE in the case he runs low on either of them, effectively keeping him always at peak condition (as long as he has said stuff). 

And, to top it all off, it comes equipped with a flashlight to explore dark areas, a built-in camera that records everything he does, and a radio communicator so he can talk with other people.

First-Aid Kits

As the name says, these are regular med-kits, and Delta carries them around in case he gets damaged, he can carry up to 5 at any given moment (6 with specific tonics equipped) and they are directly injected into him via IV tubes whenever he sees fit.

EVE Hypof

Eve is an injectable substance that allows Delta to utilize Plasmids (which will be discussed later in this blog) for now you only need to know that EVE is a byproduct of a substance named ADAM and Bioshock’s equivalent of “mana” from RPG’s, is the juice that allows spellcasting. It is usually shown to be hypodermic needles that need to be injected into the body for the EVE to refill, and while Delta can definitely do that if he needs to (tho never shows it in gameplay), his suit is capable of directly injecting the substance into its body so he never runs out of juice. Delta can carry up to five (6 with specific tonics equipped).

It should be noted as well that, despite the EVE Hypofs being the best method of recovering EVE, they are not the only ones, by consuming specific foods EVE can be restored in lower quantities tho some will lower it.


Along the way in Delta’s crusade across the decaying city of Rapture, the latter has picked up a variety of devastating high-power artillery and unique but useful devices to make sure no splicer nor machine will stand between him and reuniting with his daughter. This is a list of the tools Delta has access to during his quest:


The drill is the Big Daddies bread and butter for up-close combat. And Delta carries a portable fuel-powered unit that he can switch in and out if he needs to. Strong enough to piece through rock and concrete (and of course people) this little wonder is the perfect example of “if it ain't broken, why fix it?.”

Delta can use this drill to smash enemies down to size if they ever get to close with a simple wack. And, by using up fuel he can make the drill...well...drill, tearing enemies into minced meat with ease, and finally, by making use of his immense strength, Delta can perform a “Drill Dash” which, as the name says its a quick and powerful dash where Delta lunges himself forward to stab an opponent followed by a powerful slam, powerful enough to one-shot most lesser Splicers.

Aside from the already powerful might of the Drill, this one can be upgraded in the “Power to the People” stations across rapture, in general the Drill has 3 upgrades which are:

  • Side Auger: Which increases the damage output of the Drill.
  • Lubrication Nozzle: Decreases the fuel consumption by one third.
  • Reflector Place: It's a special upgrade that makes it so projectiles can be deflected back to the aggressor when spinning the drill.

Rivet Gun

The Rivet Gun is a gigantic working tool specifically designed for the “Rosie” Big Daddy units, and one of the most iconic weapons in Delta’s arsenal. Too heavy to be normally carried by a normal person and strong enough to punch into metal, this behemoth of a semi-automatic excels when it comes to fast, accurate and powerful shots with minimal recoil, making it a well balanced weapon for either close or long range combat.

Usually, the Rivet gun uses common rivets (duh) as its main ammunition. However, it can be equipped with 2 more types of unique ammo that Delta can change whenever he needs, and these are:

  • Heavy Rivet: Think of them like armor-piercing ammunition, these are powerful units that will pierce through armor and deal massive damage.
  • Trap River: As the name implies, these are rivets that will embed themselves to walls and objects when shot, so when an enemy enters its radius will be shot out to cause damage, Delta can actually pick up un-activated trap rivets to reuse them later.

By utilizing several upgrade stations across Rapture, the Rivet Gun can gain 3 upgrades, which are:

  • Increased Clip Size: as the name says, an increased magazine that increases the amount of rounds Delta can carry.
  • Damage Increase: An increase in the damage output of the weapon.
  • Heated Rivets: By putting a heating mechanism in the chamber, it heats up the rivets before being fired, giving each rivet the chance to ignite an enemy on impact, causing damage over-time.

Machine gun

Now we’re getting into the big boys here, this little friend is a gatling gun that Delta can one hand using his immense strength, as you would imagine this weapon is made to mow down large groups of enemies at a time, tho at the cost of very considerable recoil and poor accuracy from afar, still, what's wrong with making bullets rain down a little?

When it comes to ammunition, the Machine Gun’s base ammo uses .50 caliber rounds which are strong and cause moderate piercing damage, other types of ammo include:

  • Anti-Personnel Rounds: like its name implies, they are made to tear through people, they deal high amounts of piercing damage, especially against Splicers.
  • Armor-Piercing Rounds: Rounds that are best used against machine-like enemies, as they are designed to destroy Security Drones and Devices (such as cameras and turrets). Not to mention they deal extra damage against Big Daddies and Big Sisters as well.

When Upgraded, the Machine Gun gains these characteristics:

  • Increased Damage: A reinforced barrel that increases the damage of the ammo fired.
  • Recoil Reduction: A suppression vent added to the Machine Gun that counteracts some of the recoil.
  • Ricochet Enhancement: Caused by an electric field, this makes the bullets not break upon initial impact, allowing them to ricochet off any solid surface they hit.


It's a shotgun, does it need further explanation? A powerful double barreled boomstick designed to absolutely demolish opponents from up-close, and one of Delta’s more destructive weapons.

The shotgun usually uses 00 Buck as standard ammunition, and works just as you would expect, the other types of ammo include:

  • Phosphorus Buck: Tho they deal low piercing damage, they make it up in their ability to deal stupid high fire damage, not to mention they will ignite enemies a few seconds later for extra damage.
  • Solid Slug: Very powerful, single, solid-round, ammo that is designed to pierce through multiple individuals in one shot. It's so powerful in fact that it can even knock down Brutes (hulked out splicers) in one go.

By upgrading, the Shotgun gets these following attributes:

  • Increased Clip Size: Upgrade to the clip size up to six shots before having to reload.
  • Damage Increase: What the name says, just a damage increase.
  • Electrified Shells: By installing several dynamos into the machinations of the shotgun, it gives each shell shot a small change of electrifying the target.

Spear Gun

You’ve heard of spears, you’ve heard of guns, so what happens if we mix them? We get this wonderful contraption. This proto-crossbow is basically a mini harpoon cannon carrying the wallop of a ballista. Using a series of glass plates as scope and zoom, this is Delta’s equivalent of a sniper rifle, fit for long-distance combat.

As the name might suggest, the main ammo for this weapons are steel-tipped spears that can be shot, they are strong enough to pin people to the wall, and can be recovered after use to be shot again (hmm recycling my favorite) aside from normal spears, other types of ammo include:

  • Rocket Spear: Spears that will ignite all nearby enemies dealing big piercing damage. When a splicer is hit by one the poor victim will be dragged across the place with the spear still attached as they ignite enemies in the vicinity before blowing up. These spears are one use of it.
  • Trap Spear: Similar to trap bolts in the OG Bioshock, when hitting an enemy, they will deal piercing damage and deal electric damage. However these are unique in the sense that they can be placed on walls and other surfaces, deploying electrified trip-wire that will shock enemies that come in contact with it.

With different upgrades the Spear Gun gains these buffs:
  • Zoom Increase: Provides an additional scope, for improved accuracy over long distances.
  • Damage Increase: An upgrade to the spear’s damage output.
  • Faster Mechanics: This increases the velocity at which the spears are shot and the time it takes to load them substantially.


The final fire-arm in Delta’s huge arsenal, so it makes sense that it's the most… explody of the bunch. As the name says it, this is a professionally built grenade launcher designed for the Alpha Series of Big Daddies that throw high-end explosives perfect to fuck up large groups of Splicers in one large kaboom.

Its main method of dishing out the pain are Frag Grenades, which cover a large radius while dealing piercing damage, other types of explosives are:

  • Proximity Mine: as the name says, they can be deployed to be stuck on objects and walls, which then will explode when an enemy comes near its blast radius.
  • Heat-Seeking Rocket: very rare ammunition that, as the name says, will home in on targets closest to when it's fired, they deal dummy huge damage and are probably some of the better explosives in the game, as they also deal fire damage over a huge radius when it blows up.

You know it by now, like all weapons it can be upgraded, and these include:

  • Extended Clip Size: It does what it says in there, an upgrade for a larger ammo box.
  • Splash Damage Immunity: By installing a deflector, the player becomes immune to splash damage caused by their own explosives.
  • Cluster Bomb Upgrade: By adding additional munitions to all types of explosives, these become cluster bombs, meaning that when the initial explosion happens, smaller bombs are released which will explode shortly after detonation. Perfect for crowd-control.

Hack Tool

Built by some of the best technological minds in the city of Rapture, the Hack Tool was originally designed as a legal way for electric workers and engineers to make their daily lives and work much less difficult around the city when fixing various things like cameras and the such.

Obtained later by Delta, this tool became especially useful in his adventure across the city, though it can be used for Melee (poorly however) this little’s machine's main purpose is to hack various devices and machines across the city which vary from simple vending machines to mechanized turrets. Hacking it's usually a quick and simple process (unlike the first game thank god) though it leaves him vulnerable if an enemy is close by.

What makes the Hack Tool so unique is that it can actually perform the deed from afar (even tho Delta can hack manually if he needs to), using special “load darts” and a specific 88.5 MHz signal built on the machine itself, the user is capable of encrypting and decrypting various codes for the sole purpose of well… hacking them.

Usually, when Delta unleashes the inner 4Chan and does a particularly “good” hack, several small boosts are given to whatever it was done on, which range from better prices in vending machines to increased damage and durability in things like Turrets and Drones.

For the most part, the normal ammunition unit for the Hack Tool is a “Remote Hack Dart” of which he can carry up to 9 in any given moment to shoot from afar. But he can carry other 2 forms of darts which are:

  • Automatic Hack Dart: Delta can carry up to 6 of these specific darts, and they are incredibly useful since they will automatically hack the machine shot without the need of manual decrypting. However, because of this it will not give Delta any bonuses for a manual one.
  • Miniature Turret: very rare ammunition, as the name says they are Mini-Turrets that when deployed will automatically fire at enemies in the vicinity. However they will only last a set amount of time before self-destructing. Delta can carry up to 4 at any given time.

Research Camera

A miracle of film and technicolor! What wondrous thing is technology, don't you think? Regardless, you might be thinking “what good does a camera bring to the battlefield?” well, I wouldn’t blame you for thinking about it, but this is a very special camera you see. It doesn’t need film to roll, and it works more closely to a video recorder, when activated, Delta will have a period of time where he can record and beat enemies while recording to gain “research points”, and by getting these points he gains information about his enemies and their DNA, allowing him to learn more and granting him several boosts in power and abilities to help him kill them even better.

It is hard to tell if this would work in enemies that aren’t Splicers however, but the Camera also seems to analyze and give boosts about enemies that aren’t organic in nature either, such as Security Devices, and Sinclair mentions its ability to actually see and learn about the subject’s genetic code, so it's reasonable to believe that it COULD work on other entities, or at least entities that have heavily modified their own genetic structure, like Splicers or Big Daddies.


Research Buffs

As stated before, the camera and its recordings grant Delta a variety of unique boosts and abilities that help him defeat enemies much easier. In here I will write down that are most useful in combat, as not all of them are very combat applicable, the ones that are most useful in this regard are:

  • 50% increase melee damage overall against all enemies.
  • Easier to spot houdini splicers when teleporting (which could translate to better tracing capabilities).
  • Slowed down security responses (as in, it's harder for cameras to spot him).
  • Increased movement speed overall.
  • Increase Ammo carrying capacity to all weapons.
  • Increased Maximum EVE capacity.
  • The ability to heal after gathering ADAM.
  • Increased damage against Security-specific enemies (like turrets, cameras and drones).
  • And the ability to loot more ammo from destroyed Security-specific enemies.  



Ever since Rapture was a thing, people were dedicated to break the boundaries of science, to create something greater than man, and gods. It wouldn’t take long before a brilliant German scientist by the name of Bridgit Tenenbaum discovered a substance that was created from Sea Slugs native to the area they lived. These slugs would excrete a strange, green, viscous substance that when refined became ADAM.

You see ADAM is basically a genetic engineer’s wet dream, as it basically works by creating potent stem cells that have the ability to become any kind of cell, and even modify and “edit” genetic code in a way.

So what does this mean for Delta? Well, since he is a Big Daddy, it means he can harvest ADAM from either the sea slug itself, or from the help of Little Sisters (which will we discuss later) this substance is what allows Delta to utilize Plasmids, Tonics, and even better, heal from wounds if he needs too. Although he hasn’t directly injected ADAM on himself before for these purposes, he should be well aware of its function and capabilities and could probably use it for this if needed be.

For example, an injection of ADAM from a Little Sister was able to cure a dying Big Daddy into near-full condition with a simple injection of the substance. In the Novel and voice-recordings they even mention how Little Sisters can regrow small limbs easily as well, even bend bone to the point where it's near-impossible to operate. In the most amazing of cases a consciousness can even be put in ADAM and transplanted into another being, like how Eleanor did twice with Delta into a little-sister and where it's implied on one of the endings. So Delta shouldn’t be much different in the case he needs it or requires its functions.

However, ADAM is terribly addictive, and constant usage will turn people into mutants addicted to the material, hence Splicers.


Vita chambers are one of the many wonders that Rapture’s greatest scientists have created, developed around 1959 by the mind of Sinclair. These specialized chambers work as a combination of Plasmid reconstruction and quantum field entanglement to quite literally bring people back from death. By utilizing a specific “Genetic Key” in the bowels of the city, the Vita-Chambers (which are spread all across Rapture btw) are able to revive an individual from death in a matter of seconds.

At first this only worked with the genetic code of Andrew Ryan aka. Evil Walt Disney, but as he, (spoilers), would get Joel’d with a gold club at his own request the vita chambers would be left to be useless until Elenaor ordered a little sister to change Ryan’s genetic key with Delta’s, which is what revived him from his untimely death in the first place.

By Eleanor’s action, this means that Delta can now utilize all of the Vita-Chambers of the city of Rapture at his leisure, normally these chambers have normal restoration abilities (as shown by how it was used by the regular populace) but as mentioned this means that if Delta were to fall in battle via blunt force such as a punch, bullet or burns, he will immediately be revived on a vita-chamber, ready to go back into the fray, however, the key word here is “BLUNT” force, he will revive from a battle alright, but things like normal sicknesses, age and poisons won’t do much to revive him, he will die for good on those instances (In fact this is how Lamb managed to subdue Delta in one ocation by forcing cardiac failure). Same if the Genetic Key were to be removed from the system, as the vita-chambers wouldn’t be able to reconstruct him.


If ADAM is the “paint” of genetic manipulation, then Plasmids are the “Canvas” of such process. Plasmids are refined forms of ADAM that have been made and constructed for the sole purpose of giving the citizens of Rapture superpowers, yes, superpowers, these range from simple telekinesis to shooting Bees for some reason.

Due to Delta’s peculiar status as an Alpha-Series Big Daddy he has the special ability to wield and use plasmids himself, something unique amongst his fellow Machine-Men, and tho in-game he is limited by Plasmid slots as to how many he can use at a given time, he realistically should be able to wield them all at the same time and have access to them all. Here below is a list of the Plasmids he can use in Bioshock 2 and their function. (I will provide a video for each plasmid that describes it by the very talented Youtuber Iced Coffee Gaming, go check him out). 

Electro Bolt

Wish to shock your enemies dead? Well look no more my friend, with this classic from the Bioshock franchise you’re sure to do so. With the help of this plasmid Delta gains the power of thunder itself and is able to shoot powerful electric charges from the palm of his hand to shock, paralize and fry enemies, when shot at water, it will electrify it causing anyone who steps on it some nasty burns. When combined with a melee attack, this Plasmid will deal higher damage. (Tutorial Video)

Like all Plasmids in this game, Electro Bolt comes in various upgrades which improve its power and properties, for this one in particular are:

  • Electro Bolt 1: As said before, this plasmid will shock anything that tags, it's even powerful enough to stagger other Big Daddies.
  • Electro Bolt 2: This upgrade allows for the lighting to jump from person to persons nearby, shocking multiple people.
  • Electro Bolt 3: By charging and focusing the plasmid power, Delta can unleash a powerful beam of electricity at the cost of wasting EVE.


Set your enemies ablaze with this Plasmid with the snap of a finger. A Plasmid imbued with the ferocity of fire itself, like said above, with the simple flick of a finger, Delta can set enemies and objects on fire through a wide radius, perfect for barbecues! But be careful... fire spreads, don’t worry tho, a big splash of water should help. (Tutorial Video)

As many other Plasmids it comes in different levels with different effects:

  • Incinerate 1: Sets a single enemy ablaze with the snap of a finger.
  • Incinerate 2: Tier 2 will give Delta access to the “Fireball” ability, giving him the power to set off a massive explosion from a distance that covers a good area.
  • Incinerate 3: Tier 3 of this ability will do something interesting, it will set the default attack to the previously mentioned Fireball ability, and in return it will turn the charged version of the attack a flamethrower-like torrent of fire.


Winter Blast

Want to tell your fellow man to chill out? Worry not, this plasmid is sure to have them frozen solid. With Winter Blast Delta can unleash a powerful burst of cold that will Freeze people solid for a set amount of time, making them unable to move, if hit during this state they will be dealt extra damage. However if the enemy is weak enough a good wack will break them into a million pieces. It's the perfect self defense plasmid! (Tutorial Video

As before, it comes in 3 flavors, which are:

  • Winter Blast 1: It will shoot a stream of cold energy that will freeze any enemy it touches however when destroyed they won’t give loot.
  • Winter Blast 2: Works as the past plasmid with a main key difference, this one will not only give Delta the loot but if you charge it it will fully encase enemies in a prison of ice.
  • Winter Blast 3: It will do the same as before, but now it will automatically encase enemies in ice, making it harder for them to thaw over time and suffer more damage when struck.


Don’t have the mental power to deal with other people’s bullshit? Well, you can now use that mental power to have them shut up yourself with Telekinesis! With this plasmid you can activate 110% of your mental capabilities, allowing you to move and throw objects with the power of your brain and brain alone. (Tutorial Video)

You know it by now... it comes in 3 levels of power.

  • Telekinesis 1: The most basic form of the ability will allow Delta to pick up small objects that are from far away to either pick them up for himself, or to launch them at extremely high speeds towards enemies, causing damage.
  • Telekinesis 2: Tier two increases the damage dealt from launching objects at enemies. It also becomes powerful enough to lift defeated foes and throw them around.
  • Telekinesis 3: Damage not only increases, but now the force applied is so big that even alive enemies will be overpowered by Telekinesis, allowing Delta to ragdoll them across the battlefield and damage other enemies with their own buddies or use them as meat-shields. It also becomes strong enough to lift and throw defeated Big Daddies corpses around.

Cyclone Trap

Need to defend yourself? Want to set up a mean trap for people to step on? Well you’re in luck, this one is just what you need. With this Plasmid, Delta is capable of setting up a static trap made of wind that when stepped on, will send enemies flying through the air as they suffer damage, he can keep up to 10 of these traps active at a time. This is one of the most unique Plasmids in his arsenal, for a specific effect that we will mention soon.

Im starting to notice a pattern here... tho, however, these are actually quite unique compared to other plasmids. (Tutorial Video)

  • Cyclone Trap 1: As said before, it allows Delta to set up a simple wind trap that will hurle enemies once they step on it.
  • Cyclone Trap 2: It allows Delta to infuse these traps with the power of another plasmid, creating “Plasmid Traps” as the name implies these will change depending on the plasmid that was infused with, fire, ice, electricity, even weirder abilities like Hypnosis and bees, it's truly a versatile trap. (To see all the effects Delta can imbue his traps with, here’s a link to the official Wiki explaining them in detail).
  • Cyclone Trap 3: It allows for all the previously mentioned, but with the added perk of being able to set up said traps in walls and ceilings as well.  


Tired of enemies surprising you? Ambushing you? Getting the drop on you even? Well, why not make them second guess themselves. By activating Decoy, Delta manifests an illusion of himself on the battlefield which enemies will confuse for the real deal preceding to attacking it, from normal splicers to machines will be confused by the apparition and as such it's a good way to deviate the attention from Delta himself, however he can only have one Decoy active at a time. (Tutorial Video)

if I see the number 3 one more time I swear to go-, the levels of this plasmid are as follows:

  • Decoy 1: Makes a simple decoy that will fool enemies into attacking it, it can even fool machinery.
  • Decoy 2: Not only will it fool enemies around it, but the damage that the decoy has received will be completely redirected and deflected to the attacking party, an effective and fancy way of the classic “stop hitting yourself.”
  • Decoy 3: It will do all of the above, but with all the damage the Decoy has received will instead heal Delta, it's a perfect way to escape while also recovering some health.

Insect Swarm

Unleash the inner queen bee and command god’s creatures to do your bidding. When Delta utilizes Insect Swarm, he summons forth a cloud of smart and highly aggressive wasps that will chase, look for and attack any enemy that dares to be in their line of sight. Because as we all know, hornets are the spawn of Satan himself. Regardless, it is a very good Plasmid for keeping enemies occupied while you get in for the kill. (Tutorial Video)

something something, this one also comes in 3 levels of power:

  • Insect Swarm 1: Summons a simple swarm of bugs that will chase an enemy and attack them, dealing damage over time and distracting them.
  • Insect Swarm 2: It will allow the swarm to split and attack multiple enemies at once.
  • Insect Swarm 3: When an enemy dies under the effects of Insect Swarm, the enemy will then become a trap which will explode once an enemy comes close, unleashing yet another swarm.


Want to see the poetic justice of your enemies killing each other in front of you? Well say no more, with Hypnosis, Delta is capable of hypnotizing one enemy so that they become his ally and attacks enemies for him. With upgrades it can even go as far as hypnotizing Brute Splicers and Big Daddies without much issue! (Tutorial Video)

Yep, you guessed it, it has 3 levels of power as well.

  • Hypnotise 1: This will cause something similar to the effect “enrage” in the first game, confusing an enemy so that it attacks others for Delta, though if there’s nobody to attack it will attack him instead.
  • Hypnotise 2: When charged and thrown at an enemy it will befriend them for a while so they will completely follow and help Delta.
  • Hypnotise 3: The befriending will not only last longer, the hypnosis will become strong enough to even hypnotise fellow Big Daddies to do Delta’s bidding.


Worried about what lies ahead in that creepy corridor? Afraid of that room you think has a trap in it? Sad about your future? Well.. Can’t help you with the latter but definitely with the former two. With Scout, Delta can make an astral projection of himself that will advance forward for him to look what's up ahead, it is totally invisible to enemies so don’t worry about getting caught. However, it will only allow you to go ahead so much before the projection will be forced back into Delta’s body. (Tutorial Video)

Unlike most Plasmids in here, this one only has two versions (alleluya):

  • Scout 1: Lets Delta to scout ahead for a set distance, and will force him back once his real body is damaged or goes too far. It allows the astral projection to cast plasmids while in its ethereal form, however, it will only allow Delta to use up to 3 plasmids before being forced back to his body.
  • Scout 2: Not only will allow Delta to use plasmids, but to physically hack objects too as well, making it super useful for setting traps and the such.

Security Command

Technology is amazing, but also so glitchy aint it? Having a drone following your steps? Make it someone else's problem! When Deltra uses this plasmid he will throw a blue ball of… flesh-ish material. And whatever is tagged by this fluid will be immediately chased and attacked by nearby machinery until the target is gone from this world, is it especially useful in the heat of battle when surrounded by many machines at once. (Tutorial Video)

Lalilulelo, lalilulelo... this also has 3 levels with different attributes which are:

  • Security Command 1: Security command works as any hostile cameras, bots and turrets will attack enemies that are within their line of sight, if applied to an enemy the latter will become targeted by these said machines.
  • Security Command 2: By charging the plasmid, Delta is able to summon a total of 2 two bots to fight by his side.
  • Security Command 3: These will upgrade the summoned bots from regular old ones to Elite ones, much faster, stronger and more resilient.

Summon Eleanor

The last plasmid Delta gets in his adventure, and a bit of a spoiler so… be warned.

With this plasmid, Delta will summon to his side his daughter, Eleanor, now turned into a Big Sister, a powerful Big Daddy-like warrior powered by ADAM and Plasmids, while we will tackle more about Eleanor herself ahead in this blog, what is is important to know is that Plasmid is probably one of his best, but it will waste all of Delta’s current EVE regardless of quantity at the moment of usage.

When used, Eleanor will go to aid his dad, and will attack all enemies in the vicinity for a period of time before peacing out to leave Delta to his devices, unlike the previous plasmids, this one doesn’t have upgrades but like… does it need to? (Seriously this Plasmid is dummy strong in-game).

Gene Tonics

Much like Plasmids, Tonics are a series of genetic-modifiers created from ADAM, but unlike Plasmids which grant the user supernatural superpowers like elemental attacks, telekinesis and all of this wild stuff, Tonics can be changed and exchanged as they simply modify genetic code of the subject at that given time for lesser effects. Think of them like… “Passive buffs” becoming slightly stronger, slightly smarter, etc, etc. While in Bioshock 2 the amount of Tonics Delta can have on his person at any given time are limited, he should have access to all of them, here below is a listing of all the tonics he can obtain and equip in the game:

  • Armored Shell/Armored Shell 2: Reduce the damage received by physical attacks substantially.
  • Arms Race: It gives Delta the ability to unleash his inner trash-panda and thus find more ammo for his weapons when looting bodies or nearby objects.
  • Boozed Hound: It gives Delta such crippling alcoholism that it allows him to restore EVE when drinking booze.
  • Careful Hacker/Careful Hacker 2: Makes hacking objects much easier for Delta.
  • Cure All: Makes it so Health Stations around Rapture refill Delta’s EVE alongside healing him.
  • Damage Research: Increases the damage bonuses when engaging in research with the Camera.
  • Deadly Machines: It increases the damage dealt by friendly Turrets and Security Bots.
  • Demanding Father: Usually used to make Little Sisters harvest bodies much faster.
  • Drill Lurker: It makes Delta (this almost 2m behemoth of a man) near 100% quiet when walking, it will also deal huge damage unto enemies that are caught off-guard by him.
  • Drill Power/Drill Power 2: They increase the power/damage dealt by the Drill substantially.
  • Drill Specialist: It lowers the cost of EVE for Plasmids in a significant manner, but it forces Delta to stick with the Drill as his main weapon alongside the Hack Tool and Research Camera.
  • Drill Vampire: When Delta strikes a true blow on an enemy it will allow him to use his newfound vampiric abilities to recharge his Health and EVE.
  • Electric Flesh: It grants Delta immunity over electricity and electric-based attacks while also increasing the damage of his own electric attacks.
  • Electrical Storm: When damaged by a melee attack, Delta will emit a powerful burst of electricity that will paralyze enemies around him.
  • Elemental Sponge: Delta will recover EVE when struck by an elemental attack.
  • Elemental Storm: Causes Delta to emit a burst of either fire, electricity or ice at random when he’s struck with a physical attack.
  • Elemental Vampire: When Delta unleashes a fully-charged level 3 elemental Plasmid, it will recuperate a bit of Delta’s health.
  • EVE Expert: Increases the EVE Hypo capacity by one to a maximum of 6.
  • EVE Link: When a First-Aid Kit is used it also gives a small amount of EVE.
  • EVE Saver/EVE Saver 2: They reduce EVE consumption across all Plasmids.
  • Extended Reel: Increases research time for the camera.
  • Extra Nutrition: Increases the amount of health gained from consumable items (like food and Alcohol) slightly.
  • EZ-Hack: Makes hacking easier by making the “hacking zones” larger. (It just makes hacking easier)
  • Fire Storm: Causes Delta, when struck by a melee attack, to emit a powerful burst of fire around him as defense.
  • Fountain of Youth: Allows Delta to slowly regenerate Health and EVE when in contact with a body of water.
  • Freezing Drill: It allows the Drill weapon a chance of freezing enemies solid upon impact, also increasing the duration for which times stay frozen.
  • Hacker’s Delight/Hacker’s Delight 2: After a successful hack, Delta gains back a little bit of Health and EVE.
  • Handyman: It allows Delta to repair damaged Security Bots and Turrets (as long as they aren’t completely destroyed).
  • Hardy Machines: It gives Turrets and Security Bots more health.
  • Headhunter: Increases the damage dealt by headshots.
  • Hurried Hacker: Landing in the blue zones of a hack (basically the equivalent of a “super good hack”) completes the hacking instantly.
  • Ice Storm: You know the drill (hahageddit?) By now, when struck by a melee attack, Delta will emanate a burst of ice-cold energy, which will freeze all enemies in the vicninty.
  • Keen Observer/Keen Observer 2: Further increase the research score by damaging enemies.
  • Machine Buster: Deals increased damage against mechanical enemies, such as cameras, turrets and security bots.
  • Medical Expert: Increases First-Aid Kit capacity by one (for a total of 6).
  • Natural Camouflage: When standing completely still for a bit, Delta will become invisible.
  • Proud Parent: Little Sisters will hand out 20 extra points of ADAM when gathering.
  • Quik-Hack: Hacking becomes easier by virtue of making it shorter.
  • Scrounger: It makes Delta channel the inner looter and allows him to search for bodies 2 times to find different loot.
  • Security Evasion: Security Cameras and Turrets take longer (specifically two seconds) to start tracking the player.
  • Short Circuit/Short Circuit 2: It disables security systems for longer when struck by electricity.
  • Shorten Alarms/Shorten Alarms 2: It reduces the length of hostile security alarms by 20 and 40 seconds respectively.
  • Sports Boost: Increases movement speed significantly.
  • Thrifty Hacker: Hacked vending machine prices become pretty much bargains.
  • Vending Expert/Vending Expert 2: Reduces the prices of objects in vending machines.
  • Walking Infierno: Boost Delta’s effectiveness with fire-based attacks while also providing a substantial resistance to damage caused by fire itself.


Thankfully, Delta is not entirely alone in his path through Rapture, being a Big Daddy and through the course of the story he manages to make a few allies along the way, there are the ones Delta has found and could theoretically call out to help.

Little Sisters

We discussed ADAM before, and how this substance is harvested from the sea slugs. Well, with that came another discovery, you see when put into a person (as in, quite literally inside them) the substance is produced in very high quantities, however not all people work the same or survive through the ordeal. Tenenbaum discovered that specifically little girls work better for this process, the how as to why this happens is unknown, but it seemed to be consistent enough for them to start the process of kidnapping children (no, really) and implanting them with the slugs. Effectively turning them into “collectors” of ADAM, and armed with long needle-like guns they became the Little Sisters.

Though they do not possess any real fighting capabilities and depend on their mechanized Frankenstein’s for protection the girls are a valuable asset, not only can they recollect and implant ADAM into Big Daddies to heal them, they are quite indestructible themselves, capable of healing bone in seconds, regrowing small limbs as well.

But in some cases (specifically Delta’s) they are quite literally their life-line. You see, Delta was a first model, and as such the process of unifying them meant that they had to do it by force, if either stayed far away from the other for a long time, they would inevitably die due to malfunction. In his quest however, he was able to find several of the girls and have them help him in the quest to find Eleanor and due to Tenenboum’s request, use various plasmids to either heal the Little Sisters or well… harvest them, ultimately killing them. Either of these will give him ADAM regardless.


This blog is already long as it is so I’ll try to keep it short, Eleanor is a super baby little sister that was successfully bonded with Delta, she also happened to be the daughter of a crazy psychopath, so after some indoctrination, rebellious phases and a whole lot of other stuff, Delta manages to set Eleanor free (literally and metaphorically), to which she now helps her dad escape Rapture.

Eleanor is a grown up little sister, colloquially known as “Big Sisters” (Ik hard) usually these Big Sisters tend to be more violent and aggressive, however Eleanor has managed to supreme a bit of those emotions. She has been outfitted with a specialized diving suit equipped with giant needles that allows for defense and agility alongside use of plasmid and drawing out ADAM.

Eleanor is agile, using plasmids such as teleportation, telekinesis and fire to defeat enemies and the such whats even more interesting, her conection with Delta means she can communicate with him via telepathy helping him along the way. Delta can summon her using the “Summon Eleanor” plasmid, however this cannot last forever, not to mention it uses up a lot of EVE. In short she’s pretty cool ok?






So, how do I scale this, Bioshock is weird, and it works on basic Multiverse theory, its implied many of the characters are part of the same cycle of "a man, a lighthouse, a city" Now, this by itself wouldn't be basis enough for the scaling.

But considering Delta has fought several of the same enemies Jack and Booker have fough (more specifically bouncer daddies) Plasmids and Vigors are stated to be the same in inner workings thanks to Suchong and Fink and the fact that all protagonsits across the Bioshock series have performed similar feats, I feel its safe to assume they can scale reasonably to one another. 


Delta’s protege and assigned Little Sister, now turned Big Sister in the hopes to liberate her sisters from the city alongside his papá.


The protagonist of Bioshock 1, the test-tube superhuman and Fontaine’s Headache. Would you kindly sit down and read this pretty please?

amma be real, aside from breaking some concrete my man don't have much, he does have a few interesting things tho.


The protagonist of the “Minerva’s Den” DLC of Bioshock 2, a troubled soul looking for answers in the bowels of a supercomputer named The Thinker. An Alpha series unit like Delta himself, they should be pretty comparable.


The Man, the Myth, The Legend, the quantum constant and false shepherd. Seeking to break his debt if he brings “them” the girl.

Overall Enemies:




Despite all of his powers and strength, Delta has pretty clear cut weaknesses, his EVE is not infinite, his stamina either, he needs constant supply of health and EVE  to keep going and running out of either can put him down, same for his weapons, as they requiere constant ammo flow to properly work.

tho the vita-chambers are good for blunt damage, sickness, poisons and natural causes will put him down, not to say that just... beating him to death could work as well.  

and despite his armor, there is still a fleshy man inside, a well placed bullet will put him down just as well as other, so Delta has to play a careful game.


Before we go...

Before we close this off I would like to say, thanks to you, the reader, for giving me the passion to keep doing these, this is probably the longest blog I've done so far, but I like to think I did a good job on it, I would like to give credit where credit's due.

these reddit respect threads helped me a lot to narrow down some feats and get gifs

So credit where credit is due, I would also like to thank Purple, who read this before publication and gave me the thumbs up to procced, he is a great person and guy.
And also I would like Phantom, she helped me start to calc some of these feats, and she is a very patient and smart person and I couldn't be more thankfull.

I would like to thank other friends whom I cannot piut all here, there are so many, but you know who you are, you've made this possible.

I extend the credit to VSBW and Youtube for clips and some calcs.

and finally I thank you, the reader for taking time out of your schedule to read this, hopefully it was fun! And see you soon, hopefully. 


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