Ani's 15 Death Battles he wants too see before he goes to the great beyond.


Just a few things before we start…

Hello Everybody! How is everyone doing? I hope you readers are good and well... As for myself I am tired but not out! Between making analyses and working on a project that is very near completion I decided I wanted to make something a bit different. As you can tell by the way I structure my blogs and such, it is easy to guess that I am a big fan of Death Battle... You know that funny VS internet show (btw go check it out) and, as any good and healthy fan would do, I've thought about what I would like to see in the show.

So! I decided to make this simple little blog, a compilation of 15 episodes I would like to see in the far or near future. The episodes themselves are not ordered by any sort of metric, all of them I like and love equally as much, this is just a simple way for me to share what I want, and hey! Maybe I can get you interested in some of these.

Also, most of these TN's I made myself with my own little tiny hands, but for some of then I requested some help from some very talented and frankly better people than I to lend me some of their own TN's, I've made sure to put their names below the TN's they were kind enough to lend me so you people better be good to them.

With nothing else to add, this is just a funny little blog I wanted to do, and I hope you enjoy it! So let's set sail... shall we?


1. Brook vs Lord Raptor

Ahhh yes... Darkstalkers and One Piece, two of my loves when it comes to fiction. What can I say? I love me some pirates and monsters, and what a better way to mix them both than with this little matchup. At first it does seem a bit weird but, it's one of those matches that the more you think the more it makes sense you know? Both musical, very charming and extravagant undead.

In terms of analysis and potential fight it could be incredibly interesting and cool to see, tho it's probably clear that Brook probably takes it (easy too) but I mean... I personally don't care for such things. They have such a wide range of wacky and weird abilities that surprisingly mesh and work with each other surprisingly well. Brook has everything related to his Devil fruit and soul stuff and Raptor is a DS character, they are weird for the sake of it, and the potential for a great animation is definitely there.

And I mean, its musical skeletons, it's cool as hell, and the music is probably gonna be a baller if they ever do it. Fingers crossed they do... I love them both too much, and their respective series.

2. Martian Manhunter vs Silver Surfer

I will admit, I am not a guy that is super big on Marvel vs DC, not because I hate it or think it's overdone, but because comics aren't really my realm. I don't hate comics in any manner (even if I joke about it a lot), nor do I really hate discussions about "Herald" tier characters as they call them, yes they can get pretty ridiculous and sometimes they make me want to jump off a cliff but for the most part they are interesting and neat.

Despite being thrown back by those things, despite me not loving comics, there is one matchup I do like when it comes to those 2 specific areas and can't seem to get it out of my head. I've always loved the universe, besides art, animals and VS it's one of my great loves, the infinite beyond of the cosmos is something that is wonderful, and when I think of that my brain defaults to these 2.

When it comes to comics, there are a few characters I really do actively read and like, and these 2 fit that bill, it's so strange that they are so similar too. Both being from doomed worlds that somehow ended on earth and became enamored by the place decided to become their protector. It's simple, but it works.

Norrin and J'onn hold a special place in my heart, they are the cosmic wanderers a kid wishes to be, and they have such a wide range of interesting abilities, powers and insane feats that it would be a spectacle to see in full display in a DB, if anybody can make it a reality its them and I would be down to see it.

Though we all know MMH is getting Piccolo.

3. Bill & Lancer vs Marco & Tarma 

Arcade Run 'n Guns? Who doesn't love them (Freaks that's who)? For little Ani, arcade games were the best he could afford as he couldn't get any consoles until a GBA for his birthday. Before that, it was all the world of Arcade titles and playing rent-free with friends in their houses. And during those sacred times of childhood there were 2 particular series I was very much in love with (and still to this day).

On one side you have Contra, with its wacky antics, sick alien designs, heart-pumping sequences and on the other Metal Slug, with its unique sense of humor, glamorous spectacle and insane weapons. What is there not to love as a kid?

Here you have two teams of men that are basically worth a hundred armies on their own, they have taken just about anything, from rogue military armies to god knows how many alien invasions and even time travelers (Because who needs a cohesive plot amirite?) To say that these 2 series are wild is being incredibly generous, they are beyond any realm of logic.

So why not make them fight? A good old fashioned, arcade gun fight, filled with wacky antics, tons of crazy explosions and of course, all that wonderful Contra and Metal Slug craziness we've come to love and expect, it's perfect imo. Since forever it’s been one of those DB's I've always wanted since the show started, and fingers crossed that one day it happens. Pretty plz.

4. King Bradley vs Solidus Snake

TN made by  my good friend Dek go check his Twitter at @DK_DOart

Politics, who doesn't love them, aside from literally everyone avoiding it like the black death except redditors and twitter users ofc. They are important, like it or not, and power is what men attain from it. When the world is filled with weird conspiracies and the desire to change the world, how far are some willing to go to attain it?

I would be lying if I said that this is a Death Battle I want, because this is one I NEED, this is one of THOSE episodes, you know the ones, the ones where as much as you imagine it you will never be able to fully imagine or set on paper.

Leaders of countries, damaged men but diligent in their duties, phenomenal warriors and willing to die for their cause, it's perfect, one of those death battles that given their current state and resources would be nothing short of a work of art.

There is nothing much I can say frankly, this is simply an idea that I wish to see, they both have so many interesting weapons, abilities and just sheer badass factor that its impossible to fuck it up. It's one of those episodes I do truly want to see happen, the hype with this one is strong.


5. Zamasu vs Hades (Saint Seiya) 

Gods am I right? Weird beings they can be at times, very picky about the stuff they want, and sometimes what they want is just to destroy all of humanity and send it into oblivion... So let's make these gods fight each other! Maybe that way we can see who has the greater resolve.

Here we have a very peculiar case, because I admit this idea was born from when Beerus vs Galaxia was announced. Believe it or not I am a huge Saint Seiya fan, its one of those series I grew up with, so I really wanted it to be Hades throwing hands with Beerus, but alas, Galaxia was the right choice (love that episode btw). So little me wondered, what would be a good opponent for Hades now? And well... it came to me after a while, I just had to look back at my love for Dragon Ball again and it came to me.

Gods that are angry towards mortals, that want to see them gone, how could I not have seen it before? Zamasu was there right in front of me and it was perfect! And as such I wasted no time, I loved the idea. Now, as of me writing this Reverse Flash vs Goku Black has come out (SORRYWASTHATIMPORTANT) and even though I think that that kind of drops back the possibility, I think Zamasu is unique enough to guarantee his own episode if need be.

Think about it, he can summon Goku Black on his own, immortality, potara fusion and Infinite Zamasu, and Hades has so much stuff he can use all part of the SS canon that it would be a fantastic match to see animated and discuss. Granted this might be my internal bias speaking for me, but I do truly believe that this fight holds great potential in an animation and discussion, and for that I will forever push it.

Also it's the only way I can get a semi-official crossover between Dragon Ball and Saint Seiya... SO LET THEM FIGHT!

6. Steve vs Terrarian/The Forager


I know I am cheating rn but c'mon, my first analysis blog was Steve, did you think I wasn't shoving Minecraft somewhere in here? Out of all of these matches these are the simplest to explain. These are just simple themed matchups that... work.

Minecraft and Terraria, though not a rivalry to the levels of Marvel vs DC or Dragon Ball vs Literally Anything that Breathes (but for real tho who can even beat Goku?), did exist for the longest while and it would be incredibly cool to see fully realized in an episode of DB. They also have so much stuff that they can use that it would be interesting to see how they apply it in an animation sense.

The Forager is a similar case, probably from a lesser known game (btw go play Forager is super fun) with lots of weapons and such that would be incredibly interesting to see fully displayed in a DB.

In short these are just simple battles, explorers of worlds and such that go around and build simple, but they have so much potential to them, and I am all up for it.

Also expect a Forager analysis blog coming soon.

7. The Magician vs Nemesis

Credit for the Magician Render to Decade1945 on DA

God bless bio-engineered monsters, the ultimate folly of man trying to play god. Creatures born from the human desire to control, and destroy, for me, a videogame nut there are no better representations of that than these 2 fellas, probably some of the most iconic monsters of the Arcade era and Playstation era. This is my equivalent of a Halloween episode, this is the Monster Bash I so desire.

Now, I know... I hear you, "who in the flying FUCK is the guy on the left" and yea I do admit... House of the Dead is not a series that is as new or well know as back in its beginnings, still, a very important and famous series from part of SEGA's golden age in the arcades, they are incredibly fun games to so I recommend them (in fact a remake of the first is being made on switch atm) so for me it would be neat to just see one of my favorite series get an episode in the show.

Both ultimate BOW's created by evil corporations and that have a grudge against specific agencies, they also have so many interesting powers and lend themselves for a potentially sick animation, Nemesis with his bulk, variety of firearms and weird zombie powers while Magician flyes and uses pyrokinesis to his advantage, what is not to like!

For me, as a kid that loved both series, this is the perfect fight for each other, (sorry Pyramid Head).

8. Asura (Asura's Wrath) vs Adam (RoR) 

I ask to you, my dear reader. Does a man need a reason to protect their children from harm? For these two the anwser is no, and for that I fucking love them. 

If you have seen my latest blog, I think its pretty ovious that I love Record of Ragnarok as a series, and Asura's Wrath is probably one of the best, movies , games I've had the experience to play (tho partially since it was rented). So, you might wonder "well there is Kratos and Hulk and Atrocitus" and to that I say... yea... I like Kratos thb I would be down, amd lord help me if Hulk or Atrocitus get Asura cus I do not want that.

There is something about this match tho, something more gutteral and raw in a sense, I guess is that fatherly feeling that both give that makes it so enticing and interesting to me. The strongest of the strongest, defiers of fate and willing to put their lives on the line for the sake of protecting what they love. 

Both have so many interesting abilities at their disposal, and even tho Adam admitedly lacks screen time to make an analysis works, you can def make something with it. Its an interesting mach, with so much raw potential in it that it truly does make me want it. Sometimes all you need is a good old fist fight, just pure fistcuffs and good old brawling, and these 2 can definitely live up to that.

Also whoever wins the ending is going to be heart-wrenching and sometimes you just want that in life. 

9. Kazuya Mishima vs Yujiro Hanma

Speaking of very good dads, it is only fitting that the next one has very shitty dads, absolutely on the other side of the "dad spectrum" if you please. And I think nobody embodies not only the concept of "I AM the fatherless behaviour" but take their passion and desire to fight to an extreme that is so ridiculous it just goes back to being awesome so perfectly than these 2.

It's no secret, I like fighting games and I like Baki, mixing them both was a given, but I was not expecting this matchup to be as fitting as I was expecting it to be. Tho admittedly different in some areas, they are definitely similar enough in their quests to seek strength, their badassery, their embracing of their sides as monsters and such that I cannot help it but to be hyped and excited at the possibilities this matchup brings to the table.

The Devil vs The Ogre, the strongest thing on earth vs the strongest demon on the phase of the planet. They badassery transpases their own names and they are just... hand-throwing machines.

I really don't know what to say, imagine a fight between these too as they get progressively more intense with the way they go about it, Heat Haze Shadow on the background, good shit I tell you, and I love both of these to, much that I do not care who wins in the end. The idea of a fully decked out Devil Gene Kaz fighting a Demon Back Yujiro is too much for my heart to handle.

Make it happen DB you cowards.

Oh... and I guess Wesker is fine as a side-idea... I guess.

10. Ridley vs Vilgax

Look, it's a giant pirate space dragon fighting a cosmic cthulhu warlord, do I even need to go further on why I love this?

Yes? dam... hoping this would be easy, ok so, hear me out. I know that realistically both of these probably have better matches out there, I will not deny that in any sense, and if you do like those better, more power to ya but I just have to be honest with myself here, nothing will ever top this for me.

Here you have 2 of the cruelest sons of guns in their respective worlds, A match fitting of the so called "Cunning God of Death" they both have so many interesting abilities and forms and powers that the potential would be much more than some would give them credit, not to mention the banter between these two would be nothing short of of a horror movie.

This match, I admit, does hold a special place within me as it does involve Metroid, which i very much love as a series, same with Ben 10 ofc, I watched it so much as a kid it became second nature. And seeing these cosmic horrors turned legends would be fitting and fulfilling to me.

Let's see the bloodbath.

11. Zelda (BotW) vs Angela 

You know this is probably the weirdest one in this list if I had to guess, and I do not blame you, this idea wasn't originally mine, this matchup was brought to me by a very close and good friend of mine, his name is The One Munchlax, probably the biggest JRPG guy I know.

So one day he comes to me proposing this idea, of princesses that have too much on their shoulders, that want to prove themselves, and that wield the power beyond the realm of men. Needless to say I have been enamored by the idea since then.

Both have so much going for them in terms of interesting abilities, banter, and personality that is almost absurd the potential is there, I personally love it, the idea of these two just using all of these insane and crazy magic spells as they try to one up each other in the craziest of ways is just... inexplicably cool to me.

Maybe its the fantasy nerd in me that thinks of this match and thinks "dam that's awesome" or something else entirely, but I would be lying if I said that I haven't come to love it. This one is almost guaranteed to never happen in an actual episode, but who cares? A man can dream.

And just like these two I will never stop dreaming myself.

12. Homura vs I-No

TN made by my good bud and fren Joshski






13. Ness vs Frisk

TN made by my good friend RadioactiveCaffeine.

This fight is something, I admit that I like both games a lot. I could make a joke about the "Quirky indie RPG inspired by Earthbound '' here, but that wouldn't really do justice to either game in any way.

I admit that both aren't experiences fit for everyone, and that's fine, but they are definitely games made with care and love... Which is why I want the protagonists of each game to beat the ever-living snot out of each other!

This might sound actually crazy, but this fight is not only decently thematic to a degree, with the whole chosen ones and kind kids in a weird world deal, but it's surprisingly interesting to discuss and think about, the potential is huge and the fun-factor is off the roof with this one, it is definitely a weird fight to think about, ofc with Frisk not being much of a fighter. But there are workarounds for it... Maybe we would need to wait till Deltarun gives us more info.

For what we know this fight is fun, it has a lot of factors that go into it when it comes to stats and counters and abilities. Seeing them in full display with the team of DB leading the match, it could be one of their best imo.

Also Earthbound and Undertale music are just great ngl fams.

14. Haohmaru vs Mitsurugi

Listen I know, you are probably tired of seeing Fighting Games in this list... And I do not blame you, but first: these are samurai warriors so it's automatically cool, and second: it's my list I'll do what I want so sit down I will educate you.

Samsho is a great series, Soul Calibur is a great series as well, both have very distinguishable samurais that roam around the world fighting people and wanting to destroy evil, it's simple, but it works.

As a fight it could be interesting depending on the approach they take, the analysis could be interesting and fun, and though simple, it just... works. I know that of all the fights in this list this is probably the weakest for many, but the love I hold for both series doesn't allow me to dislike it, it's just a super fun fight to think about and imagine, and I would be down to see it.

15. Sailor Moon vs Card Captor Sakura

TN was also made by my good friend RadioactiveCaffeine

And finally, for the final one... this particular match, you may think it's weird but I mean, it isn't? When it comes to both of them, they are perfect for one another, the premiere Magical Girls if you will, the most recognizable and the most famous of the classical era of these types of manga and shows.

They kind of overgrown their own names and became synonymous with the media they represent, no weird "deconstructions" no strange matchups just simple magical girls doing magical girl stuff. For me it is the perfect match for these too (sorry not sorry Madoka and Seiya) But this is definitely the way to go.

I really don't know what else to say, for me it is the ultimate Magical Girl fight, the potential is huge, the animation could be amazing, and they are both very fun (albeith dated) characters that could lend themselves to a very fun episode in my humble opinion.

Make it happen DB, I know you can.

Just before we go...

If you reached this point... I have no other thing to say than just... Thank you. Thank you so much for reading all the way through this and you cannot ever hope to imagine how much it means to me that you do so.

I would like to thank my friends ofc, all of them that are always there for me, without their support I wouldn't be doing blogs at all so... it's the least I can do.

Let me know in the comments if you would like to see more content like this, or some side stuff that could be interesting. 

With nothing else to add, I need to get working on those other blogs and projects so, see you soon hopefully! Have a wonderful day and see you next time. 


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