Ani's DB Analysis Blogs: Minecraft Steve.


Nobody really knows how this world came to be, or why is it built out of cubes or why there are monsters that come out at night who lived here before he arrived? What other worlds do exist out there? The answers may never be known... One thing is certain however, in this world there exists a man(or woman if you chose the Alex skin) unlike any other, who one day just...kinda came to be, armed with nothing more than its fists and a desire to build, thus starts the story of Steve
(or Alex or the Player). endlessly wandering the world in search of adventure and glory, discovering beautiful landscapes, fighting monsters, befriending villagers, constructing great monoliths and finally, defeating the Ender Dragon. But even then his story doesn’t end there, as he keeps looking around the never-ending world with an undying desire to create something new each day.

Just a few footnotes here

  • This version of the character just encompases all items found on the classic Java and Bedrock editions in an assumed Survival setting, not creative nor schooling version, items that are only obtainable through cheats and Command/Structure blocks are out of limits.
  • Sadly most (like 90%) of the items he possesses are non-battle applicable, but that doesn’t mean they cannot have their uses, I will make sure to say most of what I can in this blog, but not every block will be discussed here, just the note-worthy ones.
  • Also no story-mode shenanigans, they are different timelines and can’t really scale to each other.
  • As of writing this blog, MC is on the “village & pillage” update,  so future updates won't be included.


Weapons & Tools

As a game based on exploration and construction, Steve has gathered a myriad of items and tools to assist him on his expeditions and projects, whether it be to extract the wonders of mother earth or fend of vicious monsters, he always seems to carry a basic set of tools at hand. Generally speaking, tools in Minecraft break after a set period of use, and can be created out of various materials, with the hierarchy of durability being Wood, Gold, Rock, Iron and finally Diamond. If he wields two damaged tools of the same material he can always combine them to make a new one with the combined power of the other two. Here are the most common tools used by Steve:
  • Pickaxes: The most common form of tools on this world, ranging from wood to diamond, pickaxes are commonly used to extract rock and other minerals from within the earth, not all materials can be extracted with the same type of pickaxe however, for example Iron blocks cannot be extracted with wood, but can with rock, and as such diamond cannot be extracted with rock, but instead with Iron, the strongest obtainablematerial in the game, Obsidian, can only be extracted with a diamon pickaxe, and even then it takes a while to get it (10 seconds to be exact). Pickaxes can be outfitted with a series of enchantments, which will be discussed in the enchantment section.
  • Swords: The most basic form of self-defense he possesses, just like Pickaxes, swords can vary in durability depending on material, aside from that, they perform just about anything a sword would do, Steve swings it around to damage enemies and he can wait a bit to charge a bar and deliver a more powerful blow, even use the sword to protect himself and reduce damage by proyectiles.Swords can be outfitted with plenty of enchantments.
  • Axes: Axes in minecraft are mostly used for chopping down wooden materials at nearly double the speed, but they also serve as powerful melee weapons, they sacrifice the ability to defend the user for more power and knockback, sending enemies flying with just one hit. As the other weapons, they can also be outfitted with several enchantments.


  • Bows: Steve’s primary use for a long-ranged weapon, they use arrows as a primary source of ammo, and have an extremely good range but poor accuracy, and they tend to break fairly quickly, however they can be repaired via mixing two bows or on an anvil. 
  • Crossbows: when Steve wants a bit more power behind his shoots, a crossbow isn’t a bad choice, even if it has an extremely long reload time and limited range, the crossbow more than makes up for it on accuracy, power and precision, unlike the bow, if needed, the Crossbow can use rockets instead of arrows for extra damage.

Both items can be outfitted with a plethora of enchantments, the likes will be discussed in the enchantments section.


As previously mentioned, they serve as the primary source of ammo for both the bow and crossbow, they cannot be enchanted, but the arrows Steve shoots he can pick up, however he cannot pick up arrows from enemies (dunno why).

Tipped arrows

By combining arrows with different “lingering” potions, these arrows get imbued with whatever potion they were combined with...They are independent from normal ones and cannot be combined with the “infinity” enchantment, meaning they have limited numbers, when fired, they will inflict a status effects to the mob which has been hit by the arrow, the different tipped arrows are.

  • Arrow of Regeneration: Heals the target over time.
  • Arrow of Swiftness: increases speed by 20%
  • Arrow of Fire Resistance: resistance to fire and fire attacks.
  • Arrow of Healing: automatically restores a good amount of health.
  • Arrow of Night Vision: gives the user the ability to see perfectly at night.
  • Arrow of Strength: increases striking power.
  • Arrow of Leaping: Increases jump power
  • Arrow of Invisibility: causes the affected to become invisible.
  • Arrow of Poison: Inflicts poison for a short period of time.
  • Arrow of Weakness: slows opponents and makes their attacks weaker.
  • Arrow of Slowness: makes opponents slower.
  • Arrow of Harming: inflicts instantaneous damage to whom it hits.
  • Arrow of Water Breathing: gives the ability to be underwater for long periods of time.
  • Arrow of Luck: increases the factor of “luck” by one.
  • Arrow of Decay‌: inflicts the “decay” status effect.
  • Arrow of the Turtle Master: Inflicts a powerful slowness effect, but algo a huge buff in defense.
  • Arrow of Slow Falling: Makes users fall at a much slower rate.
  • Spectral Arrows: Gives the “glow” effect, making those affected have an outline visible through blocks.


 A weapon obtained though beating "drowned" enemies (water zombies), its a powerful melee weapon that can be thrown like a havelin towards enemies, and retrieved once Steve gets close enough to it, it's enchanmnets are among the most unique in the game, making it a versatyle weapon.


Sometimes you need a bit of extra defense to close in the gaps with your enemies, thankfully Steve discovered basic shield technology, the thing is almost as big as his body, and can take severe punishment before it finally breaks, it can take hits from just about any enemy in the game with the exception of the heavy hitters such as the Wither and Ender dragon. However, it can take hits from arrows, Creeper explosion, Endermen, Silverfish and even Ghast’s fireballs.

Fishing Rod

Out of all of Steve’s tools, you would think a fishing rod would be rather unimpressive… But if Legend of Zelda is anything to go by these things can be quite useful, and yea it kind of is, this thing not only works for well, fishing, but it can be a surprisingly decent tool, Steve can use it to drag creatures close to him, even something as large as a Ghast. It can also be imbued with  a myriad of spells.

Miscellaneous items. 

Aside from the items previously mentioned, Steve has plenty of others tools he can use but don’t have that many uses or are limited for combat. For example, he can use a Flint & Steel to set things and enemies on fire, He has a compass and a clock that do exactly what their names imply, buckets where he can store, water, lava, fish and milk. And finally a lead he can use to tie enemies to it and push them around, he can have several on his hand and extend up to ten blocks in length before they finally break, he can even tie the lead to a fence to keep whatever he has trapped still in place. 


If his normal defense can’t cut it and Steve needs a bit of extra protection when it comes to fighting his enemies, he can always wear some nifty armor, generally speaking, all armors have 4 set pieces (helmet, chestplate, leggings and boots) and come in 5 different materials varying in durability, with the weakest durability-wise being leather and the strongest being diamond. The rest being chain-mail, iron and gold. Armors can be given a variety of different enchantments, each with different effects.


Named after the wings of bugs (no seriously for real), the Elytra are a special set of wings that can be obtained in the mysterious world of End, with them Steve gains the power of flight and can soar through the skies with the help of rockets (yes, rockets) however, as nifty as they are they are not unbreakable, and will wear off after a while… Not all is bad though, they can be fixed via ghost membranes and can be given numerous spells to increment their life-span to a near indefinite amount of time.


Through his many adventures, Steve has explored corners of the world through and through, whether it be the depths of the earth , the near-endless land and or the deepness of the ocean itself, he has seen things most of us wouldn't even begin to imagine, admired countless biomes and gathered countless materials from the entire globe (even other worlds all-together). Whether they be from the cold Antarctic, the tempered jungles, or the unexplored, hellish world of Nether, Steve more than likely has accumulated more than enough materials for his constructions, with over a 150 blocks to choose from, he more than likely has a block for any situation.

He usually carries these blocks in his inventory and can place them in every position he desires, even floating in mid-air (with the only exception being those who follow gravity). Most blocks can be “stacked” up to a total of 64 blocks of a determined material. Ranging from several types of processed wood, stone, dirt, sand and gravel with a million other common materials each having hundreds of variants such as fences, walls, stairs, bars, slabs, doors, trapdoors, etc. Going through refined metals and precious gems such as whole blocks or iron, gold, lapis lazuli, emerald and diamond. And otherworldly materials like the Nether’s netherack or the End’s end stone. He has several sources of light he can place both on land and underwater and many, MANY more blocks he can choose from (like seriously, way to many). So...for the sake of length (and my sanity) I will not be putting every single block in here, I will only mention some of the most note-worthy ones here:

  • Obsidian: The strongest obtainable material in the game, so strong that it takes a diamond pickaxe 10 solid seconds to properly break it, it can resist TNT blocks and even attacks from the Ender Dragon. It is used to craft a bunch of items, but, most importantly, when put in a specific pattern and set alight with a flint, it’s possible to create a portal to a completely different world called the Nether.
  • Sponge: A block that can only be obtained in ocean temples, it has the ability to absorb all the water around it when dry, but it has to be burned in a furnace to be used again.
  • Magma block/Soul Sand: both are Nether blocks that have specific abilities, the magma block will make opponents suffer damage over time when they step on it, although the damage is nullified when you crouch… The soul sand on the other hand makes opponents go slower then they step over it… HOWEVER, the special part of these blocks comes when they are placed on bodies of water, as they can actually create water vortexes, the Magma block pulling things down and the Soul Sand pushing things up.
  • Chests: the simplest form of storage, they are stationary and has¿ve 27 slots for inventory space, but if broken all the contents will spill out he can even use another version of these called Ender chests, special chests that have the uncanny ability to store the same stuff across several chests (even across different dimensions).
  • Shulker Boxes: Small containers that in comparison to the normal ones, won’t spill out their contents when broken, instead it will keep them inside the box, making it useful to transport huge amounts of material over large distances while maximising storage space.
  • TNT: Compact blocks of gunpowder and sand that serve as powerful explosives and can be activated either by fire, buttons, levers, pressure plates, etc. They are strong enough to destroy just about any kind of material and one-shot most enemies, they usually take a few seconds to detonate but when it hits… it hits hard.
  • Slime block: a slimy green block that makes everyone that falls into it bounce high into the air, it also stops all fall damage.


Next to blocks there exists items as well ! Although not as many, there are still a few of  them he usually carries at hand, there exist a variety of different items, from food items thatSteve can use to fill is hunger meter such as chicken, beef, dry kelp and the such. To decorative items like paintings and note-blocks. Source of light such as torches and lamps, to some strange and esoteric items like ender eyes… These are some of the most useful and interesting items he has at his disposal.

  • Ender pearl: Obtained by defeating Endermen, these blue pearls when thrown will teleport the user to where they fall, they cause the user some damage but are amazing to teleporte huge distances.
  • Item frame: frames where special items can be placed on, and if the player hits it, the item will come out for Steve to pick up.
  • Enchanted/Golden apple: a special kind of consumable item, there are 2 kinds of golden apples, but both have the same effects. When either its consumed it gives extra live and defense, fire resistance and regeneration for a short amount of time.
  • Spiderweb: Steve can actually obtain spiderwebs from...well...spiders, these can be placed where he pleases and will make enemies and even blocks travel and fall slower, making it perfect for traps.
  • Milk: Just regular old milk, but when consumed it heals Steve of any status effects that he may have.
  • Maps: just your run of the mill maps he can use to see his location.
  • Turtle Shell: it gives the user extra time to breath underwater as well as extra defence.
  • Totem of Undying: A special trophy that when held in his hand or in the inventory. If Steve where to receive fatal damage the totem will revive him and disappear afterwards… Think of it as a portable 1-up.


By making use of a potions stand, Steve can channel his inner alchemist and brew a slew of potions that can help him, it is important to note that there are 3 main types of potions, normal potions which have to be drank, splash potions that can be thrown causing all nearby mobs to suffer the effect, and finally lingering potions, which, when thrown will create a cloud where the effect takes place. All potions can be increased in power or “level”, making their effect stronger or lasting longer... All potion recipes can be found here.
  • Potion of Healing: It restores health instantaneously… 2 normally and about 8 hearts total when upgraded to level 2.
  • Potion of Fire Resistance: Gives immunity to damage from fire, lava, magma blocks, and blazes’ ranged attacks. 
  • Potion of Regeneration: Restores half a heart every 2.5 seconds. When upgraded the time goes down to 1.2 seconds.
  • Potion of Strength: It increases melee power, it can do it even further when upgraded to level 2.
  • Potion of Swiftness: Increases movement speed, sprinting speed, and jumping length by 20% (40% when in level 2).
  • Potion of Night Vision: Makes everything appear to be at the maximum light level, including underwater areas.
  • Potion of Invisibility: Renders the player invisible. Equipped and wielded items are still visible. 
  • Potion of Water Breathing: Prevents the oxygen bar from depleting when underwater. 
  • Potion of Leaping: Increases jump height by 1⁄2 block (1 1⁄4 blocks when at level 2)
  • Potion of Slow Falling: Causes the player to fall at a slower rate and not take any damage when hitting the ground. 
  • Potion of Poison: Depleats health at a fast rate (it depletes it twice as fast when upgraded to level 2)
  • Potion of Weakness: Reduces player's melee attack damage by 4 (12 when upgraded).
  • Potion of Harming: Inflicts 6 hearts of damage instantaneously (12 when upgraded to level 2).
  • Potion of Slowness: Slows the player to 85% speed (up to 40% with level 2).
  • Potion of the Turtle Master: Slows the player to 40% speed and reduces incoming damage to 40% (Slows the player to 10% speed and reduces incoming damage to 20%. When upgraded to level 2)


In the world of Minecraft, there exists a rather strange and unique mineral that emanates from the earth… this strange substance it's called Redstone, and from this peculiar material a whole branch of different construction and blocks come forth, with complicated machinery only the imagination can put a limit too.

You! The reader, have you ever read or heard of electric circuits ? Well… Redstone is the in-world equivalent of such a thing, redstone can be placed on the ground, and works as a current of electricity, activating any machine or contraption Steve decides to build. The specifics as to what can be done is rather iffy, as it depends on each player, however, there exists plenty of Redstone powered machines he can use for a lot of purposes, It is important to note that most Redstone machines can be activated in a lot of ways, pressure plates of various materials, buttons, levers, trap wire, observers(basically movement sensors) and even freaking solar panels...But these are just a few of the note-worthy ones in terms of usefulness.

  • Pistons: Special blocks, that when activated can move blocks away (not all blocks however) there is a varian named sticky pistons which instead of just pushing a block away, it gets sticked to it, it can be used for a lot of things.
  • Droppers: a special blocks that when activated by redstone it will drop an item, it will also automatically place them on a chest if next to it and even through some blocks. Making it an easy way to get items.
  • Dispenser: Similar to the dropper, but instead of dropping an item, this one outright shoots it, think of it as some sort of canon… Inside of it can be placed a lot of things, from arrows (tipped ones too) snowballs, potions, fireworks and fire charges (basically fireballs) to buckets of lava and water, TNT, shulker boxes, boats and minecarts… It enough are used steve can automatically equip his armor, and even cut the wool of sheep ? weird… even then, it's a really useful 

Special blocks. 

Although there is a looooot of normal blocks to go through there exist a few that have a few special abilities, or have special requirements for them to function. These are just a few.

  • Anvil: A block made of iron (like… a bunch of it) this helps to repair damaged tools using experience and materials dependent on the tool being repaired. It is also used to join enchanted books to tools and give custom names to objects and name-tags. The more times the same tool is repaired or the more spells an item has...the more exp will take to repair it. Surprisingly, it’s one of the few items that follows gravity, and will crush anything underneath it, if you want to go the Looney Toons route.
  • Grindstone: a special stone that is used for repairing tools when two of the same kind are placed, however, contrary to the anvil, when an enchanted item is put on the grindstone, this will take it away and in return give exp to Steve relative to the enchantments the tool in question had. Higher leveled enchantments will give him more exp.
  • Conduit: Created by using the strange “Heart of the Sea” with nautilus shells, this little thing comes about, it's a small strange cube that can be placed underwater, for its full power to be usable it needs to be surrounded with a special frame of prismarine blocks (specifically two ring-like structures around it) if this is fulfilled then it will grand him “Conduit power” which translates to a bunch of buffs for underwater exploring, these include night vision, water breathing and haste. It covers a huge area and it's perfect to fight or explore underwater, at full power it can cover an area of a hundred blocks around it.
  • Beacon: after obtaining a nether star the player can combine it with obsidian to create a beacon, a special device that can be placed on a 9x9 pyramid of either Iron,Gold,Diamond or Emerald blocks to obtain a bunch of special effects. When the beacon is set on the top of the pyramid, it can be fed one of the previously said minerals to choose what special effect it will give the player over a determined are around the beacon these effects are:
    • Speed I: increases movement speed.
    • Haste I: Increased mining and attack speed.
    • Resistance I: decreased nearly all incoming damage (2-level pyramid required).
    • Jump Boost I: Increased jumping distance and height (2-level pyramid required).
    • Strength I: Increased melee damage (3-level pyramid required).
    • Regeneration I: Regenerates health (can be increased to level-2)
It is possible to combine two effects at a time.



In a game that is named MineCRAFT you would expect a lot of the latter, most of the items Steve uses have to be constructed in order to be used, this is where the “crafting table” comes into play, usually steve works on a grid of 2x2 when not in one, limiting his crafting potential, but when in one of these tables it becomes a 3x3 and this his options become much higher, making it an important asset of his. On the other hand there exist smelting, since various metals and other substances have to be burned in order to be usable, they need to be put on a furnace first, thankfully he has various types of furnaces for various types of materials, the normal furnace for basic blocks, the Blast Furnace for metallurgy and the Smoker, for quick cooking.


Steve can actually gather “experience” what the fuck is it its never explained anywhere but it disyplays itself as green orbs he collects, as you can guess he can gather the experience in the form of levels, experience is gained from killing enemies and mobs, trading with villagers, breeding animals, mining certain materials, fishing, and even collecting stuff from furnaces. Then, the levels can be used for repairing tools, using enchantments on items and other effects if Steve dies, he will lose a good portion of his experience. The maximum level of experience obtainable is 2,147,483,647 but its fucking imposible without cheating so lmao.


Steve seems to have a knack for befriending wildlife whenever he goes, and he can tame a few animals to act as companions these are the most prominent:

  • Wolves: good boys that you can tame using bones, they will follow you around and attack any hostile mobs you hit.
  • Cats: Mobs that can be tamed with fish, they can bring random items to the player when they sleep, they can spot invisible enemies and also scare away creepers, which is always a good thing.
  • Horses/Donkeys: Equines that can be tamed via hay, by putting a saddle on them, they can be mounted and as expected of a horse, they jump higher and run faster than Steve himself, he can even put different kinds of armor in them. Another equine friend, the donkey, can also be tamed and ridden, the only difference being that it isn't as fast, but it can be equipped with a chest for extra storage space.
  • Llamas: yes, llamas, similar to the donkeys they arent as fast, and cannot be controled, but you can put a chest on them for storage, the particularity of them is that when you pull them with a leash, other alpacas will follow, effectively creating a caravan, not useful for a fight but its pretty fucking cool. (llamas also spit at enemies so that's a thing)


By making use of an Enchanting table Steve can enhance several of his tools by giving them special attributes. He does this by putting an item on the table and trading both EXP and lapis lazuli for a specific enchantment. All basic items can be enchanted alongside armor, but more importantly books can be enchanted as well, this is useful because he can then save these spells and merge them with the item he desires later at hand. It is also important to note that spells can range in power, depending on the spell they can range from level 1 to 5 These are all the spells available per items.

General Enchantments:
All of these spells can be used on all armor pieces, books, axes, shovels, pickaxes, swords, fishing rods, bows, crossbows and tridents.
  • Unbreaking (max lvl.3):  Increases the durability of item
  • Mending (max lvl.1): Uses xp to mend your tools, weapons and armor 
  • Curse of Vanishing (max lvl.1): Cursed item will disappear after player dies
Armor can be given enchantments, some of them are unique to a spécific part of the armor, which will be specified.
All armor pieces:
  • Blast Protection (max lvl.4): Reduces blast and explosion damag
  • Curse of Binding (max lvl.1): Cursed item can not be removed from player
  • Fire Protection (max lvl.4): Reduces damage caused by fire and laval.
  • Projectile Protection (max lvl.4): Reduces projectile damage (arrows, fireballs, fire charges)
  • Protection (max lvl.4): General protection against attacks, fire, lava, and falling
  • Thorns (max lvl.3): Causes damage to attackers.
  • Aqua Affinity (max lvl.1): Speeds up how fast you can mine blocks underwater
  • Respiration (max lvl.3):  Extends underwater breathing (sees better underwater)
  • Depth Strider (max lvl. 3): Speeds up how fast you can move underwater.
  • Feather Falling (max lvl. 4): Reduces fall and teleportation damage
  • Frost Walker(max lvl. 2):  freezes water into ice so that can walk on it, it also leaves a trail of snow were you walk.

  • Bane of  Arthropods (max lvl.5): usable on the sword and axe, increases attack damage against spider-like enemies.
  • Fire Aspect (max lvl.2) Sets target on fire.
  • Knockback (max lvl.2): Increases knockback dealt (enemies repel backwards).
  • Looting (max lvl.3): Increases amount of loot dropped when mob is killed.
  • Sharpness (max lvl.5): usable by the axe and sword Increases attack damage dealt to mobs.
  • Smite (max lvl.5): usable by both the sword and axe Increases attack damage against undead enemies.
  • Sweeping Edge (max lvl.3): Increases damage of sweep attack.
Fishing rod:
  • Luck of the sea (max lvl.3): Increases chances of catching valuable items
  • Lure (max lvl.3): Increases the rate of fish biting your hook
  • Channeling (max lvl.1): Summons a lightning bolt at a targeted mob when enchanted item is thrown (targeted mob must be standing in raining)
  • Impaling (max lvl.5): Increases attack damage against sea creatures
  • Loyalty (max lvl.3): Returns your weapon when it is thrown like a spear
  • Riptide (max lvl.3): Propels the player forward when enchanted item is thrown while in water or rain.
Pickaxe, Axe and Shovel:
  • Efficiency (max lvl.5): Increases how fast you can mine.
  • Fortune (max lvl.3): Increases block drops from mining.
  • Silk Touch (max lvl.1): Mines blocks themselves (fragile items).

  • Flame (max lvl.1): Turns arrows into flaming arrows
  • Infinity (max lvl.1): Shoots an infinite amount of arrows as long as one remains on the inventory
  • Power (max lvl.5): Increases the damage dealt by bow.
  • Punch (max lvl.2): Increases knockback dealt (enemies repel backwards).
  • Multishot (max lvl.1): Shoots 3 arrows at once but only costs 1 arrow (from your inventory)
  • Piercing (max lvl.4): Arrow can pierce through multiple entities.
  • Quick Charge (max lvl.3): Reduces the amount of time to reload a crossbow.


With enough materials on hand, Steve can summon creatures to fight (or not) at his side making it a pretty useful and handy ability for crowd control, these are the creatures he can summon.

  • Snow Golem: by putting two snow blocks and a carved pumpkin head, he can create a snowman, this buddy will throw snowballs at enemies and be a good fren all around, but as this nature implies it  will die if it's hit by a fire attack or stays for too long on a hot biome.
  • Iron Golem: By having 4 iron blocks and a carved pumpkin head, he can summon Iron Golems, these sons of bitches are some of the toughets creatures in the game, sending oponents flying and all arround being fucking stronk… However they suffer from a considerable lack of speed, only balanced by the fact that they are damage sponges.
  • Wither: A fucking demon that comes from placing 3 Wither Skeleton heads and 4 soul sand blocks. Although incredibly hard to summon due to the rareness of the heads, if done, becomes a flying demon-esk skeleton with 3 heads, it shoots explosive rounds that inflict a special effect called “withering”, create huge explosions, is immune to fire, lava and status effects of any kind, can summon wither skeletons to aid him, and when low in health will become invulnerable to proyectiles and receive a defensive buff… So, what's the problem ? The problem is that this guy doesn’t make distinction between friend or foe, and will attack everything regardless of alliance, so its a double edged sword to summon him.

It should be noted that, if given the right circumstances, Steve can actually re-summon the Ender Dragon, but I feel like the requirements are a bit more than the Wither so I'm not putting it here, it is a possibility though. 



  • Can punch down materials such as wood, rock, and if given enough time, even diamond and obsidian.
  • Can lift and carry heavy blocks such as solid brick, stone, iron, and even blocks of solid gold (up to 64 of each in fact).
  • Certain portions and buffs from blocks like the Conduit and Beacon make him mine faster and strike harder.
  • Should be as strong as entities such as the pillager beast and Iron Golem who can send people flying.
  • Strong as silverfish, who can destroy whole blocks of stone and Endermen as well, who can lift it.
  • Can take on characters such as the Enderdragon and Wither and come out alive (the Wither being able to destroy obsidian).


  • Able to dodge arrows and crossbow fire consistently.
  • With the enchanted trident, summon thunder.
  • Can ride a horse, which vastly increments his traveling speed.
  • Can go even faster thanks to swiftness potions and the Beacon’s buffs
  • Conduit and Elytra allows for faster speeds while underwater and flying respectively.


  • Can take point blank explosions from Creepers, Ghasts and even TNT. 
  • Gets shot by arrows virtue of skeletons and pillagers.
  • Can take blows from Zombies, Endermen, Silverfish and Phantoms.
  • Taken hits from the Enderdragon and Wither.
  • Durability increases by virtue of shields, armor and enchantments.
  • Can survive a Llama spit, the deadliest spit known to man.

Training & Experience

  • Has technically lived almost all of its life fighting monsters every night.
  • Although having no formal training he can handle a variety of weapons.
  • A master architect and builder. 
  • Has explored both the world of Nether and End.


  • When not using a crafting table, his ability to create tools is severely limited.
  • If he lacks the materials to make something he’s screwed.
  • Without Shulker boxes, he can only carry so much in his inventory before he runs out.
  • Experience can be quickly used up, and recovering it takes time.
  • He can suffer from hunger and starvation, which means he needs a constant intake of food.
  • Summoning and taming require a lot of resources to pull off.
  • Most of his equipment is designed more for exploration than combat.
  • Anvils can wear down with time and break.
  • Much like the anvil, his tools and armors will also break, and repair them either takes experience or a lot of material.
  • Although versatile he’s just as killable as anyone else, drowning, shooting him, burning him and throwing him of high places will do.
  • Elytra flying is dependent on how much rockets he possesses and how durable the elytra are.



  • Extremely versatile when it comes to his items and tools, has pretty much anything for any situation.
  • A wide range of blocks that allow him to be as creative on the battlefield as he desires.
  • Redstone is an amazing way to create traps and other weird contraptions.
  • Can take the battle through the ground, water and even air.
  • Taming and Summoning means he can always have somebody to help him.
  • Although breakable, Mending enchantment and other special blocks means he can always fix his tools.
  • A huge assortment of spells and potions that can give him unique advantages in battle.
  • If potions don’t make the cut other blocks like Beacons and Conduits give him buffs as well.
  • Ender chests and shulker boxes means his limited inventory can be expanded to a degree.
  • Can use milk to wear off ny ill-status effects.


  • Limited resources means limited ways to repair and create what he needs.
  • Without a crafting table his scrafting options are limited.
  • Experience can quickly run out.
  • Tools and armor have limited durability, and even with spells they will ultimately break.
  • Not really strong when it comes to the stat-trinity.
  • Hunger means that he needs constant food intake.
  • Some summons can work against him.
  • Even with ways to expand his inventory, he still has limited space.


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