
Mostrando las entradas de octubre, 2024

Ani's Year of TN's: The Third Part

  Just a few things before we start… Hello there! I hope that you, the fine reader is good in this blessed day, i never would of thought in all of my years in this hobby that I would get this far in such a project, it is… insane to say the least and I cannot really even begin to thank everyone that has helped me emotionally or with ideas or support to keep going, we are almost at the end, the final 3 months before the final stretch which is rather crazy to say. I don’t know if I can even say much aside from all the things I have said, I just need to keep going, the path is before me and I must embrace it, the final push! Let's go! As always, all TN’s here are free to use and share if you want to, grab some snacks and a soda, enjoy yourself for this is part 3 of Ani’s Daily TN. Without much further ado, let's go into the meat and potatoes.  July This month was weird, it was the month were we finally got news of Death Battle... surprise, they were back, and with a Kickstarter! sa